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Presentation on theme: "PRSSA AT LSU BUSINESS MEETING"— Presentation transcript:

Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014

2 What is PRSSA? PRSSA is a pre-professional organization dedicated to giving students the chance to gain insight from leading professionals around the Louisiana area in an effort to prepare its members for the real world. The purpose of PRSSA is to expose students to the inner workings of public relations and further acclimate them with good practices. Largest student or gin Manship; 7th largest Chpater out of 300 nationwide Host biweekly meetings featuring profs from around La. Two service events per month, prof development opportunities, etc.

3 $75 $65 365 DUES INFORMATION How much is the membership fee?
for new and returning members for May graduates How long does the payment last? Note: If you paid in Spring 2013, you need to renew your dues. If you paid in Fall 2013, you do not need to turn in dues. 365 days

4 DUES INFORMATION, CONT. How do I pay and where?
Checks can be made out to “PRSSA at LSU.” Cash should be the exact amount. Dues can be turned in at business meetings with your completed membership application in a sealed envelope with your name on it. Online at Note: $10 processing fee for online payments. Due date if paying online: Feb. 13. SPRING 2014 MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE BY THURSDAY, FEB. 20. Please contact Treasurer De’Andra Roberts with any questions.

5 2013-2014 PRSSA at LSU Executive Board
Jensen Copple-Moore Faculty Adviser Paige Weber Chapter President Emily Beck Vice President Anna Long Secretary De’Andra Roberts Treasurer Rowan Knight Digital media director Erin Kenna Public relations director Alli Bixler Historian Malena Moreau Service director Megan Gibbs ImPRint Co-director Cyone Batiste ImPRint Co-director

Committees Professional Development — Emily Membership Outreach — Anna Communications — Rowan & Erin Social — Alli Diversity — De’Andra Service, fundraising and social media policy — ImPRint

7 POINTS SYSTEM Every activity is worth 1 point:
Attending a business meeting; Participating in a service project; Involvement in student-run firm, ImPRint Communications; Involvement in a committee formed by the executive board; Assistance in fundraising for PRSSA; Attending a PRSSA workshop or special event; Writing an article for PRSSA at LSU’s or PRSSA National’s newsletter and/or blog; Attending PRSSA National Events, including National Conference, Regional Conference or National Assembly.

8 ACTIVE MEMBER STATUS Are able to receive awards given at the end of the semester; Can run for office; Have access to PRSSA National Conference funds; Access to in-state & out-of- state agency tours.

9 2 community service events
AWARDS Active Member 5 points from any event Star Member 2 community service events 2 fundraising events 1 blog post All business meetings Pro Member 2 community service events 1 fundraising event Half of the business meetings

The professional development committee will hear from Blake Winchell from the LSU Olinde Career Center on Monday, March 17 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the importance of LinkedIn. Location TBA. Open invitation to all PRSSA members. Emily Beck at for more information. The next PRAL meeting is at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at Juban’s Restaurant. Students pay $10 early-bird or $15 at the door. Visit Submissions for The PRogress Report are due Wednesday, Feb. 26. Diversity committee video: 17 Explain why we have a diversity initiative and what the committee’s goal is.

11 SERVICE UPDATE Together, we created more than 90 cards for the OLOL Children’s Hospital. #geauxPRSSA “Active” service event for Feb: Diversity Day (nextslide)

12 DIVERSITY UPDATE I am… Upcoming event: Diversity Day: Who I Am
What: Students will pass through Free Speech Alley and color shirts that read, “I am..,” on the front and an open space on the back. Participants are encourage to fill in the space with what makes them different. Participants and other students will then attend a diversity panel in the Holliday Forum with student leaders from different communities. When: Tuesday, Feb. 18 Where: Free Speech Alley (11 a.m.-4 p.m.); Holliday Forum (6-8 p.m.) Who: Open to the public Needed: PRSSA and ImPRint members to sign up for shifts in Free Speech Alley I am… Panel members: Deaf and hard of hearing, the girl gang, spectrum, african american culture center, muslim student association

13 Pinterest board of the week
MEDIA UPDATE Pinterest board of the week On the blog The Progress Report Easy way to get points — write for newsletter or blog, but must be turned in by Feb. 24. On the blog — 5 things we can learn from Bill Murray about using Reddit for PR, Why Beyonce’s Secret Album was the best PR move ever (under her circumstances), Find your fit: Conduct an informational interview PRogress Report — Michelle Clement, assoc vp of comms & pr at Louisiana heart hospital; tips on what the “real world” is like and provides tips on leaving college, benefits of informational interviews, leading women in louisiana, aerie says so long to photoshop, “Simple stewardship”  how to write a thank you card, benefits of internships

14 ImPRint Communications
ImPRint Communications, our student-run firm, is now accepting applications for spring members. Applications are available after the meeting and are due by 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb Apps can be turned in to Elizabeth Cadarette on the second floor of the Journalism Building. For questions, Ask Megan and Cyone to come up and give brief description of clients and positions members can hold. Ask to stay for next slide (headshots) @ImPRintCommLSU ImPRint Communications

Sign up at February 24 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Feliciana Room LSU Student Union February 25 4:30-6:30 p.m. Holliday Forum Journalism Building

16 PRSSA 2014 Region 5 Conference Hollywood Under the oaks
@UndertheOaksLSU #undertheoaks Hollywood Under the Oaks Please encourage all friends to come National Assembly slide is up next — warn about live tweeting REGISTER TODAY

17 PRSSA 2014 National Assembly
Each Chapter can send a delegate to make decision about the future of the Society, elect the new national committee and review Bylaws.

When: March 6, 2014 Where: Coates 143 What you need: A completed e-board application, résumé and cover letter turned in to Jensen’s mailbox on the second floor of the Journalism Building. Deadline to apply: Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 If you’re not applying: Vote! We must meet quorum to elect the executive board, meaning we need as many members in attendance to be present. Extra: All e-board applicants should notify a current e-board member to receive invitation to the “retreat.” Recommended that you contact the current position holder. Both lower classmen and upper classmen are encouraged. Can run down for a position!! E-board retreat is at 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 23 in the International Room in the bookstore.. Samira Salman will speak on professional development, we’ll answer any Q’s and have fun!

The Bateman Case Study Competition is PRSSA’s premier national case study competition for public relations students, and gives you an opportunity to apply your classroom education and internship experiences to create and implement a full public relations campaign.

20 Join the conversation using #geauxPRSSA.
JESSICA STEVERSON Marketing director for the World Trade Center in New Orleans Twitter Originally from Gretna, La. Graduated from University of Louisiana Lafayette A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) in Orleans Parish and regular volunteer for multiple civic organizations. Join the conversation using #geauxPRSSA.

21 NEXT MEETING When: Thursday, Feb. 20 at 6 p.m.
Where: Holliday Forum of Journalism Building Theme: How to fundraise Speakers: Chrissy Dupuy, development coordinator, and Connie Boudreaux, marketing coordinator of Cancer Society of Greater Baton Rouge Bring: dues, e-board applications and regional conference registration forms. PRSSA at LSU @prssalsu PRSSA at LSU PRSSA at LSU @prssalsu


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