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Ch. 25.1 Radiation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 25.1 Radiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch Radiation

2 Brain storm With your elbow partner come up with any 5 facts, information or events that come to mind when you hear the term “Radioactivity”

3 What is Radiation? What is radioactivitity 3 min

4 Radioisotopes Elements larger than AN 83
Examples: Uranium, Plutonium…. Have unstable nuclei that breaks apart releasing radiation

5 What is Radiation? High rays of energy that can go through solid objects and cause damage

6 Alpha Beta 2 Classes of Radiation 1.Particle Rad. Gamma
2. Electromagnetic Waves 1.Particle Rad. High speed element fragments Alpha Beta Rays of energy Gamma

7 Evaluating the danger….
1. What blocks/protects you from the radiation? 2. Rate the penetrating power?

8 Which radiation is most dangerous?
look for yourself....

9 Discuss this with your elbow partner
Why do most materials block alpha, beta but not gamma radiation?

10 Warm-up Go to your Cornell Notes (11). Look at the 3 questions you wrote in the Cornell space 1. Person a) asks the first Cornell question and Person b) answers it 2. Reverse roles: Person b) asks the question- don’t worry if you have the same question- answer them again! Do 3 times until done

11 Alpha (α) Particle Radiation
Helium nucleus: 42He Rutherford’s gold foil experiment

12 Writing α Decay Rx MN: 272 → 268 + 4 = 272 √ AN: 92 → 90 + 2 = 92 √
92272U _?_ He 92272U Th He Law of Conservation of Mass! MN: → = 272 √ AN: → = 92 √

13 Practice α decay…. Neptunium-195 MN: 195 → 191 + 4 = 195 √
93195Np → Pa He MN: → = 195 √ AN: → = 93 √

14 Beta (β) Particle Radiation
A beta particle is a fast-moving electron Beta particle: o-1e

15 92270U β _?_ + o-1e 92270U β 27093 Np + o-1e Writing β Decay Rx
Law of Conservation of Mass! MN: → = 270 √ AN: → = 92 √

16 93195Np → 19594 Pu + o-1e Practice beta decay Neptunium-195
MN: → = 195 √ AN: → = 93 √

17 HW Alpha and beta decay for Th-230 Pa-258 Plutonium-243

18 Gamma Radiation Gamma rays are high energy electromagnetic photons (similar to light rays, X-ray, UV) Have not mass, no Rx writing! Radioactive decay often produces alpha, beta and gamma radiation simultaneously!!!

19 Electromagnetic Spectrum

20 Reflection With a highlighter underline all new keywords
Write 4 questions in the Cornel Space Make a Venn Diagram for alpha/beta and gamma radiation Write alpha and beta decay for Uranium-255

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