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Accountability System Ratings Indicators HB2804 Domain 5

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1 Accountability System Ratings Indicators HB2804 Domain 5

2 House Bill 2804 Facts During the 84th legislative session (2015) HB 2804 was passed. HB 2804: Modifies the accountability specifications Identifies criteria in 5 domains

3 House Bill 2804 Facts Accountability ratings specified in HB 2804 become effective in August 2018. New data will need to be collected in the and school years to calculate Accountability ratings as prescribed by HB 2804.

4 House Bill 2804 Facts Data for the first, second, and third domains pertain to assessments. This data already exists or can be calculated from data that already exists, therefore no new information needs to be obtained.

5 Domain 5

6 Community and Student Engagement Indicators - Background
Per HB 2804 TEA must collect from all schools their choice of 3 out of the 8 CASE Indicators and ratings criteria that the schools will rate themselves on for accountability. The categories are: Fine Arts Wellness and Physical Education Community and Parental Involvement 21st Century Workforce Development Program Second Language Acquisition Program Digital Learning Environment Dropout Prevention Strategies Education Programs for Gifted and Talented

7 First, Second, and Third CASE choices will collected in Submission 3.
JJAEPs, DAEPs, and Juvenile Detention Center campuses are exempt from this reporting. CASE Ratings Criteria Link Per (a)(1)(B) and (a)(1)(C), criteria must be submitted to TEA indicating how the district will evaluate performance and assign ratings. It also states that the information will be made available on the district/campus internet site.

8 In order to address this requirement, new elements and a code table have been added for the 2016 – 2017 school year and will be reported in Submission 3: FIRST-CASE-CHOICE-CODE SECOND-CASE-CHOICE-CODE THIRD-CASE-CHOICE-CODE CASE-RATINGS-CRITERIA-LINK

9 Local Education Agency Extension

10 C205

11 Case Ratings Criteria link

12 TxEIS > TSDS > Maintenance > Organization

13 Skyward PS\WS\ES\CF\EY > CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR > Texas entity options > Edit

14 Community and Student Engagement Indicators
The CASE Indicators selected in the 2016 – 2017 school year, during Submission 3, will be reported to TEA prior to the end of the 2017 – 2018 school year. These ratings will NOT be reported in Submission 3 due to timing. They will be reported through the main TSDS Collection. DEADLINE – MAY 3, 2018 See TEDS Appendix K for additional guidance.

15 flowchart

16 Important facts Important:
The 3 Case Indicators CANNOT be changed after PEIMS Summer Re-Submission 3 has been completed.

17 Accountability Ratings
How the 5 Domains contribute to the accountability ratings: Domains 1, 2, and 3 contribute a max of 55% of the score. Domain 4 contributes a max of 35% of the score. Domain 5 contributes a max of 10% of the score.

18 Questions?

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