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The mysterious case of the missing pit pony

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1 The mysterious case of the missing pit pony
English Recounts Non-chronological reports Information texts Stories from other cultures Maths Place value Reading and writing numbers. Number bonds Addition and subtraction Doubling and halving 2D and 3D shapes Science Harvest Planting Growing food Looking after animals Farm to fork Wigan Life workshop. Children will learn about coal, canals and cotton. Music Singing Local songs and music Geography Landmarks of Wigan Maps and map reading Wonderful Wigan Year 1 Autumn 2017 Values/PHSE Our Christian value for this half term is Responsibility. Settling in and routines History What was life in Wigan like in the past? Interviewing the people who have lived in Hindley and Wigan for a long time Using old photos to discuss changes in our local area Sequencing events The mysterious case of the missing pit pony Computing Logging in Keyboard skills E-Safety RE God and creation Harvest Non Christian faith week Multicultural week PE/Dance Local clog and folk dancing Invasion games Art/DT Local area photography Textiles and sewing Build a mini tram

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