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Leadership Tools for Building Effective Teams

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2 Leadership Tools for Building Effective Teams
Presenters: Bob Garcia (UAW) and April Washington (GM)

3 Leadership Tools for Building Effective Teams
Facilitation for Teams Purpose - Clarify roles and responsibilities as a facilitator and identify the necessary skills required to effectively facilitate teams Effective Meetings Purpose - Prepare leaders for the challenges of conducting effective meetings and provide training in the technical components of meetings. Conflict Resolution Purpose – Present views of the motivators of conflict and identify preferences for conflict resolution Leadership and Influence Purpose – Learn how influence play a critical part in leadership

4 Facilitation for Teams
Purpose - Clarify roles and responsibilities as a facilitator and identify the necessary skills required to effectively facilitate teams Experiential Learning Cycle Understanding How Adults Learn Activity: Knowing What You See

5 Interpreting Activity
Study the picture you are about to see Individually write what you see What do you see?

6 Facilitation for Teams
Purpose - Clarify roles and responsibilities as a facilitator and identify the necessary skills required to effectively facilitate teams Experiential Learning Cycle Understanding How Adults Learn Activity: Knowing What You See Stages of Team Development How People Interact with Each Other Identifying Your Current Stage What Can A Leader Do?

7 Stages of Team Development
Stage 1: Forming Stage 2: Storming Stage 3: Norming Stage 4: Performing Stage 5: Ending Say: As a Facilitator these are the times you would step out in your group or team. jl:opeiu459aflcio Facilitation for Teams 7

8 Facilitation for Teams
Purpose - Clarify roles and responsibilities as a facilitator and identify the necessary skills required to effectively facilitate teams Experiential Learning Cycle Understanding How Adults Learn Activity: Knowing What You See Stages of Team Development How People Interact with Each Other Identifying Your Current Stage What Can A Leader Do? Facilitation Tools Brain Storming – Mind Mapping – Consensus – Visual Aids 4 Main Tools… Why Are They Important When a Leader is Faced with Multiple Ideas or Cannot Reach a Group Decision

9 If meetings aren’t run correctly =
Effective Meetings Purpose - Prepare leaders for the challenges of conducting effective meetings and provide training in the technical components of meetings. Activity: Why Meetings Fail Consequences of Not Using Tools Success Factors for Meeting If meetings aren’t run correctly = Conflict

10 Conflict Resolution Purpose – Present views of the motivators of conflict and identify preferences for conflict resolution Explain why we use activities… Perception – Mind Activities Belief Model – Word & Event

11 Beliefs Model Page 16 Word / Event Foreclosure Divorce Bailout
Belief / Value Emotion Behavior

12 Conflict Resolution Purpose – Present views of the motivators of conflict and identify preferences for conflict resolution Explain why we use activities… Perception – Mind Activities Belief Model – Word & Event Rokeach Values Survey (Terminal and Instrumental Values)

13 Conflict Resolution Purpose – Present views of the motivators of conflict and identify preferences for conflict resolution Explain why we use activities… Perception – Mind Activities Belief Model – Word & Event Rokeach Values Survey (Terminal and Instrumental Values) Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument – What is your conflict mode

14 Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
What is your conflict mode?

15 Conflict Resolution (20 Minutes)
Purpose – Present views of the motivators of conflict and identify preferences for conflict resolution Explain why we use activities… Perception – Mind Activities Belief Model – Word & Event Rokeach Values Survey (Terminal and Instrumental Values) Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument – What is your conflict mode Activity: Identify Generations within Your Facility: 1900 to 1945 1945 to 1965 1965 to 1980 1980 to present

16 Leadership and Influence
Purpose – Learn how influence play a critical part in leadership Evolution of Leadership Situational Leadership Theory


18 Leadership and Influence
Purpose – Learn how influence play a critical part in leadership Evolution of Leadership Situational Leadership Theory Leadership Challenge: Five practices of exemplary leadership


20 Leadership and Influence
Purpose – Learn how influence play a critical part in leadership Evolution of Leadership Situational Leadership Theory Leadership Challenge: Five practices of exemplary leadership Six principles of Influence (Dr. Robert Cialdini)

21 Cialdini’s Six Principles of Influence
1. Reciprocation We feel compelled to help those who have helped us. 2. Scarcity We want more of those things we can have less of 3. Authority We want to follow legitimate leaders 4. Consistency We prefer to be consistent to our existing commitments 5. Consensus 6. Liking We prefer to say yes to those people who we like

22 Summary What are your needs?

23 Thank you!

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