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DAT Tips UCSB Pre-Dental Organization

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1 DAT Tips UCSB Pre-Dental Organization
Advice Brought you you by: Marisa Pontrelli, Austin Bauldry, alex Rauchle, and leila Hakim. If you have any questions you can Facebook message one of us or Marisa at

2 What is the DAT? Section Time Number of Questions Tutorial 15 minutes
Natural Sciences 90 minutes 100 questions PAT 60 minutes 90 questions Break Reading Comprehension 50 questions Quantitative Reasoning 45 minutes 40 questions Survey

3 Natural Sciences Section Number of Questions What materials to use to study Biology 40 Feralis Notes, Cliff AP bio notes, DATBootcamp, DAT Destroyer, Craig Savage YouTube videos General Chemistry 30 Chads Videos, DAT Destroyer, DATBootcamp Organic Chemistry Chads Videos, DAT Destroyer, Ochem Odyssey, DATBootcamp Biology: Memorize! There is an endless amount of material to know for this section, and its nearly impossible to know everything. The more exposure you have, the better. In my opinion, this section took the longest to study for. *Side note: I hear that the updated DAT is less memorization and more conceptual so you may want to look into that (Student doctor network) General Chemistry: Practice! Practice! Practice! There are only so many types of questions for this section that they can ask on the DAT and once you understand how to do them all, it’s not that bad. Organic Chemistry: Memorize all the main reactions (can be found in Chads videos and DAT Destroyer). Make notecards of all the reactions. You should know what each reaction does, and be able to predict the product of a series of reactions, but you don’t really need to all the mechanisms!

4 Biology Study Materials
Feralis Notes: /10 These are amazing! DAT bootcamp recommends Cliff notes, but Feralis notes are way more in depth and include everything from Cliffs. On my DAT I got a very obscure question that was straight out of Feralis notes. Memorize it to death. The notes are 85 pages, so only go over a few a day, but do so consistently. The plants section is probably way more in depth than what you will see on the DAT so you may want to go over that less intensely. You should also memorize the taxonomy sheets, also found on the link above. Cliff’s AP Bio: /10 I would only use this if you have time. Like I said, most of the information is in Feralis Notes, however it includes some nice pictures in it that are helpful. DAT Destroyer: This is a book you can either buy used on the PDO page or new here: /10 The bio section on the DAT destroyer is pretty random, but it is good exposure. Do all the problems at least once and then go over the only ones you missed. Craig Savage Videos: /10 Craig is the homie with these videos. They are by no means comprehensive but they do cover some of the most important topics on the DAT with great detail and have nice little animations if you are a visual learner. I watched these instead of Chad’s Biology Videos (6/10) DAT Bootcamp: / I will comment more on this material on a later slide.

5 General Chemistry Study Materials
Chads Videos: /10 Keep a binder with dividers for each section. Print the overview day sheets found on the coursesaver website and put them in the binder. Go slowly through the videos and take very detailed notes. I would take the quizzes 3 days after you watch the video, not directly after, that way you can see what you retained. A picture of my binder is on the next slide! DAT Destroyer: This is a book you can either buy used on the PDO page or new here: /10 A must have for studying the Gen Chem section. The formatting of the questions for is definitely harder than on the actual DAT so don’t get discouraged when you only get 50% right your first time through. I would start these as soon as you finish Chad’s videos and go through the whole book 3 times. The 1st time go slowly and learn why each answer is right and why the wrong answers are wrong, do problems at a time and then review. The 2nd time go through all of them, timing yourself. Keep a list of all the ones you missed. The 3rd time only go over the ones you missed. I recommend keeping a 5-star notebook for all your answers so that they’re all in one place. Bozeman Science Videos: /10 Good for reviewing concepts you don’t really understand. He also makes bio videos which are pretty helpful as well. YouTube in general is a great resource for looking up concepts that you’re rusty on. Other: Look up problems of concepts you don’t understand! Here are some websites that helped me… Acid/Base Problems: Oxidation Numbers: Empirical Formula of a Hydrate: Redox Reactions: Calculate pH (given only M and V):

6 Here is my binder: After finishing your notes, review them before starting the DAT Destroyer! Make sure you understand all the concepts on the printouts. As you can see, I like purple.

7 Organic Chemistry Study Materials
Chads Videos: /10 Keep a binder with dividers for each section. Print the overview day sheets found on the coursesaver website and put them in the binder. Go slowly through the videos and take very detailed notes. I would take the quizzes 3-4 days after you watch the video, not directly after, that way you can see what you retained. Make notecards of all the key reactions! *For a 15% DISCOUNT click here: DAT Destroyer: This is a book you can either buy used on the PDO page or new here: /10 SUPER helpful for this section. Make notecards on the questions you miss. I would start these as soon as you finish Chad’s videos and go through the whole book 3 times. The 1st time go slowly and learn why each answer is right and why the wrong answers are wrong, do problems at a time and then review. The 2nd time go through all of them, timing yourself. Keep a list of all the ones you missed. The 3rd time only go over the ones you missed. I recommend keeping a 5-star notebook for all your answers so that they’re all in one place. DAT Bootcamp: / I will comment more on this material on a later slide. Organic Chemistry Odyssey: This is a book you can either buy used on the PDO page or new here: /10 I only used this material a few times but I wish I had used it more. It is great if you are weak at Ochem and need more explanation on each type of reaction. If you are decent at Ochem, I would just stick to the destroyer.

8 PAT Category Number of Questions Example Keyholes 15 Top Front End
Angle Ranking Hole Punch Cube Counting Pattern Folding

9 PAT Materials This section takes time, so start practicing early. After practicing for some time your brain WILL start to adapt to the PAT mind-set. Trust. DAT Bootcamp: / There are PAT generators that you can use (free). Practice at least 15 minutes a day! The practice tests are pretty close to the actual DAT, but a little bit harder. The website also comes with strategies on how to tackle each category: THIS IS ESSENTIAL- learn these. The free version only allows for 1 free practice test, it is definitely worth it to upgrade to the full version for all of the practice tests. Crack DAT PAT: /10 I personally did not use this resource and I still did pretty well on the PAT section. I may be biased on this one, other people say it is necessary.

10 Reading Comprehension
This section is hard to study for. DAT Bootcamp recommends you read science articles everyday: Do not underestimate this section! I recommend trying different strategies to see what works best for you. The key for this one is timing. There many different types of strategies for this section: 1. Go paragraph by paragraph and write down a few words summary for each (what I did) 2. Search and destroy: don’t read the passage, go straight to the questions and search for key words from the questions in the passage. 3. Read the whole passage and then answer questions 4. More here:

11 Quantitative Reasoning Materials
The key to this section is speed. From the destroyer you will practice every type of question they will ask on the DAT, it just comes down to how fast you can answer it. Do not underestimate this section, it takes a lot of practice. Calculator is provided. Chads Videos: /10 Keep a binder with dividers for each section. Print the overview day sheets found on the coursesaver website and put them in the binder. Go slowly through the videos and take very detailed notes. I would take the quizzes 3-4 days after you watch the video, not directly after, that way you can see what you retained. Make notecards of all the key reactions! Math Destroyer: /10 Although the DAT destroyer includes a QR section, I would use this instead. It is much closer to the types of problems you will see on the DAT. I would start these as soon as you finish Chad’s videos and go through all the questions 3 times. The 1st time go slowly and learn why each answer is right and why the wrong answers are wrong, do problems at a time and then review. The 2nd time go through all of them, timing yourself. Keep a list of all the ones you missed. The 3rd time only go over the ones you missed. I recommend keeping a 5-star notebook for all your answers so that they’re all in one place. At first you may miss a lot of questions, but by the end you will be getting most of them right, do not get discouraged! DAT Bootcamp: /10 Pretty darn close to the actual test. Try to do all 10 practice tests.

12 DAT Bootcamp This is a gift from God. It has so many helpful resources within it, including a great 10-week schedule, PAT generators, questions of the day, and practice tests galore. Schedule: This schedule is TOUGH, but stick with it. Most of us stuck with it for the first month and then followed a self-made schedule after that. It’s great for getting into the habit of studying for several hours a day until you can force yourself to work on your own. PAT generators: I was in love with these. Use them every day! One thing I will say is that some of the generators (TFE) did not ask the harder questions that show up on the DAT, look to the PAT Bootcamp practice tests or Crack DAT Pat for these. Question of the Day: Subscribe to this here: Practice Tests: These tests are very close to the real thing. Do all of them, and review all of your answers (even the ones you got right) carefully. Take the tests multiple times if possible. They do vary in difficulty, but so does the actual DAT to some degree. My biggest advice to you is to start practicing as early as you can!! I cannot stress this enough. *IF you have time there are other resources with full-length practice tests: Topscore, Qvault, DAT Achiever, The Gold Standard, and more! (look up reviews for these)

13 Free Stuff: Free Diagnostic Test:
1 Free Full Practice test: 1 Free Full Practice Test: 1 Free Biology Test: Practice questions for all sections: Practice-Tests.aspx **2007 ADA DAT: This is an actual test (highly recommended) ms.ashx **2009 ADA DAT: Free Trial for helpful videos: (helpful for human physiology) 1 Free Full Practice Test: I do not recommend this Endless Free Notecards: Discount to many DAT materials (including Chad’s Videos):

14 Study Buddy Try to find a partner to tackle the DAT with you; someone who you can discuss difficult concepts with and ask questions to. Having another person going through the same struggle is stress relieving, motivating, and can help you study more effectively. You can post on the PDO Facebook page, attend meetings, or join global dental brigades to meet people who may also be studying for the DAT.

15 A word of advice… “Work 6 days a week. Make sure the 7th day is a day of fun and relaxation. Study for a month really hard before picking a date to take the test.” – Austin Bauldry “Focus on the practice tests. Go at your own pace. Don’t go on SDN. Use Ari’s Bootcamp, and Destroyers.” –Alex Rauchle ”You can do this. Its just a Dumb Ass Test (DAT) that will eventually allow you to become a dentist one day.”-Marisa Pontrelli “1) Stick with it. I got depressed and tired and stressed throughout. Its really an emotional roller-coaster ride. Try not to get caught up in emotions. Granted, that's easier to say now that I'm on the other side of the fence. 2) Motivation --> Preparation --> Confidence Confidence is your biggest aid. I can't stress that enough. My mentality going in was "Every answer is there, just pick the right one" and "You know every damn concept by now, just think clearly and you'll be fine" and my favorite that my friend and I kept repeating nonstop up until we walked in "STRAIGHT 30's YO!" 3) BE ALERT! Sounds obvious, but I didn't think about it till my friend said it and it stuck. Its been a conscious thought ever since and really helped. Ask yourself, "Why are they asking this question? What are they trying to emphasize?" Example: Sometimes an Organic reaction is so straight forward, ask yourself, "What do they want me to see here? Oh! The carbocation rearrangement!" The concept is easy, but also easy to overlook if you aren't ALERT. Example: In E2 reactions the leaving group and the H it leaves with need to be Anti-Periplanar and in the axial positions. Sometimes the double bond won't form Zaitsev even if there is a H there b/c the H isn't anti-periplanar so it must for Hoffman. Its things like that you know but need to be ALERT to not overlook it.  4) In the end, just Work Hard, Play Hard. Put in the time and effort and sacrifice the trips to Vegas, San Diego, LA and SF that your friends are going on. Trust me, its worth it. If you don't think so, you don't belong in dental school.”- letsgetit2124

16 How to sign up for the test:
1. Register for a Dentpin: 2. Apply to take the DAT (takes a few days to process)- you need a Dentpin for this step This is when you pay the $ test fee. You CANNOT REGISTER for a test date at this time. When your application is processed, an eligibility containing scheduling instructions will be sent to the account listed on your application. 3. Select a date and schools you would like to send your scores to (I would select all just in case) Tests are administered year-round at Prometric Test Centers, so you may take the test almost any day of the year.

17 Good Luck Future Dentists!

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