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OMEP – Education for Sustainable Development – CCNGO/EFA

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1 OMEP – Education for Sustainable Development – CCNGO/EFA
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson Early Childhood Education and Sustainable Development Chair, UNESCO

2 Sustanable Devlopment Goals 17

3 Education for all - EFA World Education Forum; World declaration (Collective commitments) 1990 Jomtien, Thailand 2000 Dakar, Senegal Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood, care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult, circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality 2015, Seoul, South Korea

4 Equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030.
By 2015 ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education” Transforming lives through education

5 CCNOG, what is this? Consultative Consultation for NGOs on EFA
Seven organisations represents more than 300 organisations OMEP; Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education; Teacher Creativity Center, Palestine; African Network Campaign on Education for All; Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education; Global Campaign for Education; Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education. NGOs are so many in the world, dealing with all kinds of questions THE CIVEL SOCIETY’S VOICE

6 Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” SDG target 4.2; “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.”

7 Global indicators Proportion of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on truck in health, learning and psychological well-being, by sex Participation rate in organising learning (one year before the official primary age), by sex

8 OMEP’s message to CCNGO
Proposal to create an international Decade for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)  The World Organisation for Early Childhood (OMEP), at its World Assembly in  2015, adopted the recommendation to  propose an  UN international Decade for Early Childhood Care and Education. The Croatian government sent this  proposal to UNESCO in July 2015 The assistant director general for Education, M. Qian  TANG, supports this proposal, stating  in his letter to OMEP that "UNESCO Share OMEP' s vision of Early Childhood Care and Education as a right and the  Foundation for lifelong learning  and sustainable and peaceful societies“. The CCNGO that met May 23-24, 2016, as its First Education 2030 meeting support this recommendation and should alerte the Education 2030 steering Committee about this proposal. The official UN procedure is that this proposal  must be  submitted to the UN General Assembly in  September 2016.

9 Latest news Education and Academia Stakeholder Group that is taking off, is to submit to the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) a document focusing on the overarching theme of its  meeting in July: leaving no one behind. The High Level Political Forum is the central UN platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

10 UNESCO’ DECADE for ESD GAP Ended at a conference in Nagoya, Japan 2014
Scaling up ESD – Network 3 – teacher education GAP

11 UNESCO’s flagship project
OMEP is part of this but not financial supported. We have promised to develop good examples of ESD in preschool teacher education and ECEC – the base is OMEP’s Rating Scale for Environment Education (Book will be published by Springer later this year) 9 case studies We will run a work-shop her ein Seoul

12 OMEP’s ESD Award – a motivation for participation
One project from each region; Greece, Kenya, Thailand, United States, Uruguay Will present their projects at a symposia at Thursday And will be recognised at the opening ceremony

13 An ESD working group Glynne Mackey, Selma Simonstein, Eunhye Park, Ingrid Engdahl, Judith Wagner and Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson We have had a lot of work via and Skype, but met three days in April in Sweden to develop strategies for our ESD work. We began to implement the plan for selecting, categorizing and uploading material from OMEP to the UNESCO Resource Bank, including examples for the OMEP ESD Rating Scale. We also determined how to further integrate the OMEP’s ESD work with the new OMEP WASH collaboration with UNICEF. Ingrid Engdahl is participating in the Network 3 meeting in Paris right now.

14 Future goals include Arranging a workshop on ESD for annual conferences, including a workshop on the OMEP’s ESD Rating Scale in 2016  Encouraging more people to be engaged in sustainability work with young children and to contribute material from different cultural contexts for the UNESCO Resource Bank Helping to complete the new WASH publication in collaboration with UNICEF  Launch the competition for the 2017 ESD Travel Award  Strategically promote a Decade for Early Childhood Education Create a separate webpage for the OMEP’s ESD contribution to the UNESCO GAP Resource page to be linked with the World OMEP Website  Encourage Vice Presidents and National Committee Presidents to include ESD workshops in all regional conferences Seek financial support for future ESD meetings, one a year in addition to the conference

15 SDSN thematic group  Re-launching the Education Thematic Group as a new global thematic network with a new name-  the Education, Quality and Learning for All Network (EQUAL) Shifting the governance of the EQUAL network from the SDSN Secretariat to the two host institutions that we represent (NYU and Pratham). Opening up membership of EQUAL to the member universities of the SDSN (currently numbering over 450) to bring in academicians, researchers and practitioners from all over the world. Creating bottom-up global conversations on innovations in education.

16 The rating scale and case studies

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