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It’s more than an exam… It’s an experience

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1 It’s more than an exam… It’s an experience
Advanced Placement It’s more than an exam… It’s an experience Barren County High School

2 BCHS Advanced Placement Growth
Number of AP Classes offered 6 11 Seats (enrollment) 62 425 Percentage of AP Qualifying Scores 3 or higher 28% 34%

3 Why Advanced Placement?

4 According to the US Department of Education the strongest predicator of college graduation is participation in rigorous college level courses while in high school Advanced Placement courses Source: US Department of Education, 1999

5 AP and College Success™
Students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. Source: Camara, Wayne (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board. Students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. Source: Camara, Wayne. (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board.

6 Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education reports that in 2008, 38
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education reports that in 2008, 38.2% of Kentucky high school graduates were not “college ready” in one or more subjects Source: Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, 2010

7 ACT reports that many students are lacking skills to succeed in credit-bearing first-year college courses and in workforce training programs Source: ACT College and Career Readiness Report

8 Factors influencing admissions decisions
6.4% Work/Extracurricular 8.2% Community Service 10.8% Interview 16.3% Teacher Rec 17.4% Counselor Rec 20.3% Essays 30.5% Class Rank 44.8% GPA 51.7% Test Scores 80.4% AP courses/rigor of schedule NACAC Admission Trends Survey, 2001 Source: NACAC Admissions Trends Survey, 2001

9 Changing our Expectations
Educating our students, parents, educators, and community

10 Students Created a college going culture – earning college credits while in high school Paid for all of our students to take the AP exams T-shirts, pictures, newspaper ads, review sessions, practice tests, motivational speakers Stressed “experience” more than the exam – considered a score of 2 a “win” Offered more classes from their suggestions Changed the name of honors courses to “Pre-AP” Individual consultation – college credit/Advanced placement Placement into math and English classes Support, support, support

11 Parents Parent orientation meetings, special invitations, free give a-ways Provided data supporting the need to take accelerated classes Individual consultation Saving money – college credit for free, KEES supplements, Advanced Kentucky rewards, increased scholarship potential Stressed the “experience” Study skills, time management, adversity, college level exams, college level research, college level writing

12 Educators College Board training – strategies, content, syllabi, networking, trickle down effect, Pre-AP teachers Support from District level administrators Advance Kentucky Member Professional Development Review sessions, materials, food Monetary rewards for students and teachers

13 Community Involvement
AP Night Middle College Night Celebrating successes Newspaper articles Recognition of students Educating about the benefits

14 Support Systems

15 English/Reading Specialist Math Specialist Experienced AP students
AP Teachers Guidance Counselors English/Reading Specialist Math Specialist Experienced AP students s, newsletters, articles Maximizing the schedule Elective time, class selection, alternative schedules

16 Our Results

17 Students gaining college experience, credit, confidence
Students taking ownership of their course requests/seeking more AP courses AP courses offered to freshmen Non-AP students receiving AP-like instruction AP philosophy reaching middle school and elementary students Increased recognition for our school and students Creation of Barren County Early College Magnet High School

18 Discussion Questions

19 1. Describe some barriers to your current Advanced Placement program What information presented today is helpful in addressing those barriers? 3. Identify current individuals and resources who can provide a system of support for students, parents, and teachers.


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