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Instructor: Kate Chen Presenter: Wen-Lin Wang

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1 Instructor: Kate Chen Presenter: Wen-Lin Wang
A Study of Relationships Among Compulsive Buying, Impulsive Buying and online store Instructor: Kate Chen Presenter: Wen-Lin Wang

2 Content Introduction Literature Review Methodology

3 Chapter one: Introduction

4 Introduction In recently years, due to the popularity of internet, there are more and more online stores in the market; therefore, there are more and more people shopping on the online shopping platform. When people go shopping, owing to some internal factors and external factors, it is much easily to have the impulsive buying behavior, even the compulsive buying behavior.

5 Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to investigating the relationship among impulsive buying behavior, compulsive buying behavior and online store. From the conclusion, it is not only benefit for the shop owners, but also for the customers.

6 Statement of Problems Nowadays, due to the popularity of internet, there are more and more online stores in the market, such as yahoo, pchome or ebay. The advantages of online store are fast, convenient, no time limit and lower rental. Most of people all have the experience of impulsive buying, even the compulsive buying; however, most of us don’t find the truth.

7 From the majority of previous studies, they are all aimed at the individual purchasing behavior; there are lacks of research that combined these two purchasing behavior together. Therefore, it is a need to investigating the relationship among impulsive buying behavior, compulsive buying behavior and online store.

8 Purpose of Study The main purpose of this study is to investigating the relationship among impulsive buying, compulsive buying and online store, and to understand the customers’ satisfaction of these two purchasing behavior on online store.

9 This research not only benefit for the shop owners but also the customers. For the shop owners, they can design some strategies to increase the opportunity of purchasing in customers; for the customers, they can also decrease the opportunity of impulsive buying behavior and compulsive buying behavior.

10 Research Question Impulsive purchasing behavior has negative relationship to customers’ satisfaction on online store. Compulsive purchasing behavior has negative relationship to customers’ satisfaction on online store.

11 Definition of Terms Impulsive Buying Behavior: it is a kind of unplanned, spontaneously and immediately purchasing behavior; most of us are all have this behavior. Compulsive Buying Behavior: it is a kind of mood disorder; these people may force themselves to purchasing every day.

12 Chapter two: literature review

13 Chapter 2 Compulsive Buying Impulsive Buying Psychological Physical Internal External Psychological Physical

14 Compulsive Buying Compulsive buying is a kind of mood disorder. (Lejoyeux & Ades, 1993) Compulsive buyers believe that shopping is the most important way to response the negative feeling and events in their daily life. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1992)

15 The characteristics of the compulsive buyers are chronic, repetitive purchasing. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989) This behavior is very difficult to stop, if the patient didn’t find the truth, it will result in a very serious consequence. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989)

16 The most common problem is the financial problem, (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989) due to the popularity of credit card, people will have more and more debt in the future. (Lea, Webley, 1995 Lunt, Livingstone, O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989)

17 Psychological Aspect Mood Depression Anxiety Low Self-Esteem Fantasy
Materialistic Value Time Preference Money Attitude

18 Mood Some people in the negative feeling or have negative events in their daily life, they think shopping can help them to overcome these problems and lead them to a better mood and ideal level. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989)

19 Low Self-Esteem It is more likely that people in the low self-esteem have compulsive buying behavior. Due to the low self-esteem themselves, their interpersonal relationship are also not very well. For them, shopping not only can help them to increase their self-esteem, but also can have the positive affect in their interpersonal relationship. (O’ Guinn and Faber, Scherhorn et al, 1990)

20 Anxiety These kinds of people are always in a nervous situation, therefore; they may use shopping to help them to achieve an ideal level. (O’ Guinn and Faber, Scherhorn et al, 1990)

21 Money Attitude It is more likely that people who think money as a symbol of power have compulsive buying behavior then the normal people. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1992)

22 Physical aspect Gender Age

23 Gender It is more likely that women have the compulsive buying behavior than men. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989, Dittmar 2005, Dittmar, Long, Meek 2004, Norum 2008, Lejoyeux, Ades 1993) There are more feminine magazines than masculine magazines in the market, and women are much easily to be affected by the TV, internet and magazine (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989)

24 Therefore; every time when they find a new product in the market, female buyers are more likely to purchase it. Moreover; women see shopping as a leisure activity. (Dittmar, 2005)

25 Age Many researchers indicated that it is more likely that younger people have compulsive buying behavior than older people. For example, the purchasing behavior of university students are always be affected by their classmates. (O’ Guinn and Faber, 1989, Dittmar 2005, Lea, Webley, Lunt, Livingstone, 1992 Lejoyeux, Ades 1993 Richin, Nancy, Monika, Kent, 2006)

26 Impulsive Buying Impulsive buying behavior is unplanned, (Stern, 1962) spontaneously, unreflectively, immediately and kinetically activity. (Rook fisher, 1995) This purchasing behavior is a kind of psychological disequilibrium. (Rook fisher, 1995)

27 Psychological disequilibrium means when the impulsive buyers go shopping, their mentality may stimulate them to deciding a purchasing in a short time. (Rook fisher, 1995) Impulsive buyers are more love shopping than the normal people, and the characteristic of this shopping behavior is a kind of suddenly desire to purchasing. (Rook, 1985)

28 Internal Aspect Psychological Aspect Physical Aspect

29 Psychological Aspect Positive attitude can increase the opportunity of impulsive buying. (Park 2005), due to the purchasing, people can response the negative events or feeling in their daily life, (Rook, 1987) and lead them to an ideal level.

30 Physical Aspect Gender Age

31 It is more likely that women have the impulsive buying than men.
Many researchers indicated that it is more likely that younger people have impulsive buying behavior than older people. (Rook and Hock1985) It is more likely that women have the impulsive buying than men.

32 External Aspect Low Price Marginal Need for Item Mass Distribution
Self-Service Mass Advertising Prominent Store Display Short Product Life Small Size or Light Weight Ease of Storage Environment

33 Low Price This is the most direct and affected factor that will cause the impulsive buying. (Stern, 1962)

34 Mass Advertising Mass advertising can help impulsive buyers to remember these products, therefore; when the people go shopping, it will increase the opportunities of purchasing. (Stern, 1962)

35 Environment Good environment not only can stimulate customer’s desire of purchasing, but also can increase the purchasing opportunities. (Park,Kim and Forney, 2005)

36 Chapter three: Methodology

37 Research Hypotheses HI: Impulsive Buying Behavior has negative relationship to customers’ satisfaction on online store. H2: Compulsive Buying Behavior has negative relationship to customers’ satisfaction on online store.

38 Participants Students at Chaoyang University of Technology in Wufeng Township, in Taichung County, Taiwan.

39 Instrument Questionnaire (300) 1. Compulsive Buying Behavior Scale
(Faber, 1992) 2. Impulsive Buying Behavior Scale (Rook, 1995)

40 Data Analysis Reliability Analysis: Using Cronbach’α to examine the consistence of each questions in the questionnaire. Validity Analysis: Using validity analysis to examine the level of usage of instrument. SPSS version17.0

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