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Differentiating in Action

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiating in Action"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiating in Action

2 Differentiating Content, Process, & Product
Tape-recorded text material Multiple Texts Small group direct instruction Compacting the curriculum Multilevel computer programs Supplementary materials Interest-based learning centers _______________ Tiered activities Student Choice of work arrangement (alone, with a partner, sit on the floor, sit at a desk, etc.) Literature Circles Activity choice boards Varied journal prompts Similar readiness groups Similar learning styles Tic-Tac-Toe Tiered products Independent study Varied timelines or check-in points Mentorships Learning contracts (student choice of mode of demonstrating learning) ________________

3 Low Preparation Strategies for Differentiating Instruction
Choice on classroom activities, homework, tests KWL Mapping/Graphic Organizers Learning Styles Vocabulary Strategies Cubing/Think Dots Three facts and a fib Think Alouds Journaling/Learning Logs Exit Cards Group by Interest Projects Prime the Brain for Learning New Content Brain Breaks Interactive Notetaking

4 Strategies That Support Differentiated Processing
CUBING/THINK DOTS Strategies That Support Differentiated Processing This slide should be shown as participants enter the room.

5 KNOW Participant will use key principles of effective differentiation as related to cubing and ThinkDots. Introduce the concept of KUD.

6 UNDERSTAND The practical applications and skills of cubing and ThinkDots as related strategies that support differentiated processing. Continue with the concept of KUD.

7 DO Effectively create and implement cubing and ThinkDots activities.
Continue with concept of KUD.

8 LET’S TRY IT With your table group, brainstorm the different uses for a cube. A recorder will write the top three responses on the poster paper at the front of the room. You’ll have 5 minutes to complete this task. Introduce the HOOK activity. Poster paper should be in place at the front of the room. Allow 5 minutes for brainstorming session.

9 DEBRIEF How did your group identify the uses for the cube?
Did experiences from your past and present help you identify the many uses of the cube? Have a whole group discussion regarding the group responses. Make connections between prior knowledge that students will need to know to complete a cubing/think dots activity.

10 CUBING STATEMENTS Describe it: Look at the subject closely (perhaps with your physical senses as well as your mind). Compare it: What is it similar to? What is it different from? Associate it; What does it make you think of? What comes to your mind when you think of it? Perhaps people? Places? Things? Feelings? Let your mind go and see what feelings you have for the subject. Analyze it: Tell how it is made. What are it is traits and attributes? Apply it: Tell what you can do with it. How can it be used? Argue for or against: Take a stand. Use any kind of reasoning you want-logical, silly, anywhere in between. Trainer should place table vocabulary cards on each subject area table group. Trainer will introduce the vocabulary and how it relates to Bloom’s and Cubing/Think Dots activities. After the whole group discussion of cubing statements slide #7, participants will be given Bloom’s Taxonomy (Handout B) to use with the Active Learning activity.

To engage your students in idea and information processing activities. To match your students learning profiles and current needs. To engage your students forward on many learning continuums. To identify the students readiness levels, interests, learning styles. To use an on-going assessment process. Trainer will lead a discussion on the various reasons of why Cubing/Think Dots is an effective strategy for differentiated instruction.

After a unit has been presented and students are familiar with the elements of the unit and conceptual skills, Cubing/ThinkDots is an activity to help students to Think about and make sense of the unit and concepts they are studying. The teacher first defines readiness levels, interests and learning styles in the class, using on-going assessment. Decide what you want your students to know, do, and understand. Trainer will lead a discussion on when Cubing/Think Dots could be used in the classroom.

13 DIRECTIONS FOR CUBING Third Step: Places to get questions
First Step: (use on of the cubes) Write 6 questions that ask for information on the selected unit. Use your 6 levels of Bloom intelligence levels or any of the cubing statements to design questions. Make questions that use these levels that probe the specifics of your unit. Keep one question opinion based---no right or wrong. Second Step: (use other cubes) Use the first cube as you average cube, create 2 more using one as a lower level and one as a higher level. Remember all cubes need to cover the same type of questions, just geared to the level and one as a higher level. Label your cubes so you know which level of readiness you are addressing. Third Step: Always remember to have an easy problem on each cube and a hard one regardless the levels. Color code the cubes for easy identification, also if students change cubes for questions, for learning style groups. Decide on the rules. Will the students be asked to do all 6 sides? Roll and do any 4 sides? Do any two questions on each of the cubes? Places to get questions Old quizzes, worksheets, textbook-study problems, student generated, etc. Trainer will discuss the directions for cubing using slide 10 as a guide. Participants will have a paper copy to refer to throughout the discussion.

14 Social Studies Level 1 Trainer will discuss the example and make reference to the use of levels of questioning.

15 Social Studies Level 2 Continue with example.

16 Social Studies Level 3 Continue with example.

17 Reading Level 1 Trainer will now discuss the reading example.

18 Reading Level 2 Continue with example.

19 Reading Level 3 Continue with example.

First Steps: -For each readiness level, write six activities on the pre-printed ThinkDots template should be created. - Use your 6 levels of Bloom intelligence levels or any of the ThinkDots statements to write a activity for each card. - Make the questions that use these levels that probe the specifics of your unit. - Keep one question opinion based—no right or wrong. Second Steps: - Then cut each page into the six sections. - On the back of each card, dots corresponding to the dots on the faces of a die should be drawn on each of the six sections of the page. - Use the hole punch to make holes in one corner or in the top of each activity card. - Use a 1” metal ring to hold each set of six cards together. - Teacher may create an Activity Sheet to correspond to the lesson for easy recording and management. Presenter will explain the directions for Think Dots. Participants will have a paper copy at their tables to refer to throughout the discussion. A created example of the product would be helpful to show as the presenter discusses the directions.

21 a, b, c and d each represent a different value.
If a = 2, find b, c, and d. a + b = c a - c = d a + b = 5 Explain the mathematical reasoning involved in solving card 1. Explain in words what the equation 2x + 4 = 10 means. Solve the problem. Create an interesting word problem that is modeled by 8x – 2 = 7x. Diagram how to solve 2x = 8. Explain what changing the “ 3 “ in 3x = 9 to a “2” does to the value of x. Why is this true? Presenter will discuss the example of a Think Dots template completed for a Math level 1. Think Dots Title: Algebra level 1

22 a, b, c and d each represent a different value.
If a = 1, find b, c, and d. a + b = c b - b = d c + a = -a Explain the mathematical reasoning involved in solving card 1. Explain how a variable is used to solve word problem. Create an interesting word problem that is modeled by 2x + 4 = 4x - 10. Solve the problem. Diagram how to solve 3x + 1 = 10. Explain why x=4 in 2x = 8, but x=16 in ½ x = 8. Why does this make sense? Continue with example. Think Dots Title: Algebra level 2

23 a, b, c and d each represent a different value.
If a = 4, find b, c, and d. a + c = b b - a = c cd = -d d + d = a Explain the mathematical reasoning involved in solving card 1. Explain how a variable in mathematics. Give examples. Create an interesting word problem that is modeled by . Solve the problem. Diagram how to solve 3x + 4 = x + 12. Given ax = 15, explain how x is changes if a is large or a is small in value. Continue with example. Think Dots Title: Algebra level 3

Cubing Students begin cubing by sitting with other students using cubes of the same color. Students take turns rolling their cube. If the first roll is an activity that the student does not want to do a second roll is allowed. Teachers can create an Activity Sheet to correspond to the lesson for easy recording and management. Think Dots Students begin Think Dots by sitting with other student using activity cards of the same color. Students roll the die and complete the activity on the card that corresponds to the dots thrown on the die. Presenter will discuss some different uses for Cubing/Think Dots and how these activities can be changed to fit a teacher’s needs.

25 CUBING/THINK DOTS Suggestions
Use colored paper to indicate different readiness levels, interests or learning styles. Have students work in small groups. Let students choose which activities- for example: choose any three or have students choose just one to work on over a number of days. After students have worked on activities individually, have them come together in groups by levels, interest or learning style to synthesize. Presenter will continue with some other ideas and suggestions.

26 LET’S TRY IT Choose your unit from your conceptual skill that you would like to apply to your choice. Choose Cubing or Think Dots…which one grabs you? Follow the instructions on the handout. Participants will use the direction handouts (Handouts C & D) for Cubing/Think Dots, the template handouts ( Handout F & G). Participants will begin using the supplies in their resource baskets to create their own Cube or Think Dot activities. Presenter will move throughout the room to assist and answer questions.

27 Let’s Assess Assessing provides direction for the teacher to adjust to needs in order to ensure growth and success. Assessing using a rubric is a key to understanding and attending to student interest and learning profile needs. Trainer will discuss the reasoning behind the use of assessment.

28 Cubing/Think Dots Rubric
3 2 1 -Evidence of alignment with Bloom’s Taxonomy -Evidence that activities are designed for readiness, interest, or learning styles -Evidence of what students are to Know, Understand, and Do -Some evidence of alignment -Some evidence of design for readiness, interest, or learning styles -Some evidence of what students are to Know, Understand, and Do -No evidence of alignment -No evidence of readiness, interest, or learning styles -No evidence of what students are to Know, Understand, and Do Participants will use the Cubing/Think Dots Rubric to assess the Cube or Think Dots example that they created. Trainer might use the option of a peer evaluation if time permits.

29 Reflection Explain your understanding of the skills involved in creating cubing/ThinkDots activities. How did the activities lead you into a deeper need for exploration of the cubing/think dots? Trainer will discuss the importance of reflection and instruct the participants to answer the reflective questions on slide 26 on index cards. Presenter will collect index cards to use for feedback.

30 What is your next step in terms of Cubing/ThinkDots?
Next Steps What is your next step in terms of Cubing/ThinkDots? Presenter will discuss the importance of a action plan in implementation of the Cubing/Think Dots strategy.

31 Cubing/Think Dots Action Plan Worksheet Goal: What do you need to do?
After attending training such as this, you are more likely to implement the ideas you have learned if you make specific plans for follow-up. Prepare an action plan to implement Cubing/Think Dots. Goal: Implement Cubing/Think Dots as a strategy to support differentiation What do you need to do? Who’s Responsible Completion Time Comment Participants will complete their individual action plan to use as a continuation of their implementation of the Cubing/Think Dots strategy.

32 Think Dots Directions: At your table group, take turns rolling the dice and complete the learning task from the corresponding dot. If the first roll is something you don’t want to do, you can roll a second time. It is alright if more than one person rolls the same number as each person’s response will be individual.

33 Vocabulary Teaching Tips
Vocabulary Mapping Concept Maps Picture Words Rewrite for younger audience Play Vocabulary Bingo Act out Vocabulary Learning Stations

34 Vocabulary Mapping Categories (Choose 3-7 categories for student mapping of vocabulary words)
Guess the meaning (prefixes,suffixes, rootwords) What is it/Describe the word Antonyms/Opposite Words Synonyms/Related Words Analogies/Similies/Metaphors (This is like…) Diagrams Pictures/Drawings

35 More Vocabulary Mapping Categories
Examples from texts (numbers problems, experiments, etc.) Real Life Examples TV/Movie examples Use words in sentence Past and/or Future Connections to related concepts

36 Vocabulary Lessons For each vocabulary unit you will need to describe each word in your own words. Please number your words, and focus on quality work. (Capitals and periods, please!) You will also need to complete a portion of the weekly vocabulary choices. The total number of points to get an A is 30 pts. The points are listed after each choice. Your assignment heading for the choices should state the number or numbers you are choosing. [Vocab. # 5, Choices 3 & 10] Select the Choices that best meet your learning needs. ENJOY

37 *** Describe each word each week(15 pts.) 30 pts = A 25 pts = B
Weekly Vocabulary Choices Make a set of flash cards for studying your words (10 pts.) Practice reviewing the words and their meanings with a family member or friend. (5 pts.) Create a song or rhyme for each vocabulary word. (15 pts.) Draw a picture that shows your understanding of each word. (15 pts.) Write sentences that show you understand the meaning of each word. Underline the word. (10 pts) Use a tape recorder to practice words. State each word, definition, then spell it. 10 pts. Create a word game (BINGO, word search, crossword, charades, or make fill-ins). (15 pts.) Make a word wall bulletin board with descriptions of each word. (15 pts.)

38 More weekly vocabulary choices
Classify the words according to parts of speech (grammar books are available). (10 pts.) Write a story using all the words (correct paragraph format). Underline the vocabulary words. 15 pts. Write a synonym and antonym for each word. (15 pts.) Use the words in poetry. Underline the words. (15 pts.) Create a word map for each word. Use at least for categories. (If you include a description of word, then you can count that as your 15 points for describing the word. See list of map ideas. (15-30 pts.) Create your own activity. (15 pts.) [Based on approval from teacher.] Created by Vickie Hawkes, Highland Middle School

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