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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics
“One picture is better than a thousand words” Vision is the most important sense of humans A significant portion of a human brain processes visual information Our vision is by far better than most of other animals’

2 Overview Applications Output devices: CRT, LCD
Interactive input devices: keyboard, mouse, tablet/stylus, joysticks, Touch-screen monitors Computer graphics systems Introduction to OpenGL

3 Applications Showing photos, pictures

4 Presenting information
Bar charts Pie charts

5 Curves Surfaces

6 Weather charts

7 2-d images from volume data
Ordinary X-ray image Cross section X-ray image (tomography)

8 Magnetic resonance tomography images
Ultrasound images

9 Graphical user interface
icons, frames, labels, fields, text-area, buttons, pop-up manuals,...

10 Synthesizing images

11 Virtual idol (Reiko Arisugawa)

12 Ray tracing images



15 Animation films

16 Games

17 Flight simulators

18 Virtual reality provides true 3-d scenes and interactions
Head-mounted display (HMD) A system for tracking the position of HMD Data glove

19 Computer-Aided-Design
interactively design and modify objects

20 Computer Art

21 Cathode-ray tube display (CRT)

22 The focus, position and movement of the beam are controlled by the electric fields generated by the deflection plates When the beam hits the phosphor on the screen, the phosphor lights up but its intensity decays very fast. Nonetheless, the image retains in the retinas of our eyes for about 1/20 sec. The beam moves regularly in the trails shown on the left.

23 The picture seen on the screen is controlled by the changes of intensity and color along the movement of the beam The entire screen is refreshed 30 to 60 times per second so that we can see a steady picture

24 Dimensions of the screen
The screen of a computer monitor consists of lines numbered 0, 1, 2, … starting from the top Each lines consists of picture elements (pixels) numbered from left to right Dimensions of the screen SVGA(800 lines  600 pixels) XVGA(1024768) XVGA(12801024) Each pixel composes of red, green and blue components. Each color component is represented by 1 byte (8 bits). The number of different colors that can be displayed is millions 2 1 . . . .

25 Color CRT (3 guns: Red, Green and Blue)
1 pixel

26 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
The basic unit is a small device that twist the polarization of light 90o. But the twisting can be turned off when a voltage is applied. By adding two polarized planes with orthogonal orientations in both ends, this device can serve as a switch that controls whether light can pass through or not. Light passes through Light is blocked Polarizers References:

27 Architecture of a simple display system
Frame Buffer (Raster) Video Controller Monitor cpu Display card Frame buffer size For XVGA, altogether 31024768  2.4 Mbytes Since there are other buffers and overhead, a typical display card may contains 4 to 32 Mbytes RAM. Video controller cycles through the frame buffer to refresh the screen times per seconds.

28 A graphics system with a display processor
Monitor A graphics system with a display processor (Section 4.3 of Foley, van Dam) Video Controller Frame buffer CPU Display processor System bus System memory Peripheral devices

29 Printers Laser printers Ink-Jet printers
use laser beam to create a charge distribution on a drum coated with a photoelectric material. Toner is applied to the drum and then transferred to paper. To produce a color copy, the process is repeated three times for red, green and blue colors. Ink-Jet printers spray electrically charged ink on paper ink stream is deflected by electric field multiple jets of different color ink can shot simultaneously for producing color drawings

30 Interactive Input Devices
Keyboard Mouse Tablet/stylus consist of a flat drawing board and a pen electromagnetic high resolution Joystick the rate of cursor movement depends on the displacement of the stick

31 Touch-screen monitors
Scanners Touch-screen monitors electronic/optical allow screen positions to be selected low resolution

32 3D handheld laser scanning digitizer
Long Range Laser Scanning

33 Motion Tracking sensors

34 OpenGL programming OpenGL ( gl ) is a common graphics library which provides functions for drawings and interactive input. OpenGL is accessible via C++ programs The Visual C++ platform is used for program development in this course A function that draws a green triangle Green Triangle (0.7,-0.7) (-0.7,-0.7) (0,0.7) Reading Assignment Interactive Com. Gra. Chapters 1 and 2 OpenGL: A Primer Chapters 1 and 2

35 void display() { glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear the frame buffer glColor3f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Set current color to green glBegin( GL_POLYGON); // Draw the triangle glVertex2f( -0.7, -0.7); glVertex2f( 0.7, -0.7); glVertex2f( 0, 0.7); glEnd(); glFlush(); // Force to display the new drawings immediately }

36 In Window environment, display() is invoked when the output window is created, or is re-drew after moving or maximizing. Usually, we need another function, init(), that specifies permanent features of the drawings. This function is invoked only once in the beginning. void init() { glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Set the clear color to black // Specify the boundaries of the viewing window glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0); // The para are: (left, right, bottom, top) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }

37 Interaction with the Window System
Our graphics C++ programs are executed on PC and interact with the window OS using functions provided in the library glut The layout of a simple program OpenGL Utility Toolkit library for window operations #include <GL/glut.h> // glut.h includes gl.h and glu.h void display() { } void init() { int main( int argc, char **argv) { An OpenGL utility library built on top of gl

38 int main( int argc, char **argv) {
glutInit( &argc, argv); // Initialize GLUT function callings // Set window size (width, height) in number of pixels glutInitWindowSize( 400, 400); // Set window position, from the left and top of the screen, glutInitWindowPosition( 200, 100); // in numbers of pixels // Specify a window creation event glutCreateWindow( "Green Triangle"); // Specify the drawing function that is called when the window glutDisplayFunc( display); // is created or re-drew init(); // Invoke this function for initialization glutMainLoop(); // Enter the event processing loop return 0; // Indicate normal termination // (Required by ANSI C) }

39 Event Processing glutMainLoop() is the function that drives the major operations in all our graphics programs. The function iterates indefinitely. In each iteration, it check whether there are any events in the queue. If yes, it removes and processes the first event. It terminates the execution of the program when a <stop> event is processed. Extract an event Event Queue Process the event Event insertion: Window creation, moving, maximizing, closing, etc.

40 Execution sequence At first, glutMainLoop() picks up a <window creation> event from the queue, creates the window, and calls display(). When the  button of the window is clicked, a <stop> event is inserted in the queue. When this event is processed, the execution terminates Clicking  button glutInit(); Event Queue Functions that specify a new window start main() init(); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutMainLoop() stop display()

41 Green Triangle

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