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Session 3 – Group-based learning, games as experiential learning, clickers Teachable moments by design: Translating teaching into learning workshop series.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3 – Group-based learning, games as experiential learning, clickers Teachable moments by design: Translating teaching into learning workshop series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3 – Group-based learning, games as experiential learning, clickers
Teachable moments by design: Translating teaching into learning workshop series TD Take ppt clicker Print 3 Rs and definitions on white board Take: Angelo CATs book Set up Ferris Bueller clip: , Copies  40 Presentation notes  40 formative assessment  40 Facilitating Classroom Discussions  Designed break #1 – 20 copies of each page: Print 2 pages activity higher order discussion…. On different colors of paper  40 Designed break #2 – What’s your problem  40 Teaching and learning strategies report  40 Classroom observation report  40 Course outcomes plan and report – Step 2 – example Fri. April 25, 2014 Tresha Dutton, Ph.D., Outcomes Assessment Coordinator Anne Marie Karlberg, Ph.D., Director of Assessment and Institutional Research

2 Session 3 learning outcomes
After today’s session, faculty will be able to… explain how rigor, relevance, and relationships are represented in their teaching and learning strategies and assessments. map their teaching and learning strategies and assessments to their course outcomes. implement diverse teaching and learning strategies based on course outcomes. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

3 Today’s topics Group-based learning Games as experiential learning
Clickers TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

4 1. Group-based learning TD

5 Group-based learning …is a teaching and learning strategy in which a defined number of students (3+) work interdependently over a prolonged period of time to complete a complex class assignment, project, or task. What’s NOT group-based learning? Asking students to talk to their neighbors for a few minutes when breaking up a lecture. Asking a group of 5 students to discuss a question or set of questions. Asking a group of students to role-play. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

6 Group-based learning: When to select…
Help students see how their attitudes, beliefs, values, etc.. are different / similar to others. Help students develop inquiry skills and view themselves and peers as sources of knowledge. Foster active problem solving, discovery, and contribution (higher order thinking). Develop higher stakes for class preparedness by creating group expectations and responsibilities. Develop interpersonal relationships and belonging in the class. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

7 Group-based learning: How to implement
Create a defined, stable group membership. Create group-based learning assignment. Create individual and group accountability. Require regular meetings for collaboration. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

8 Designed break – Group-based learning
Each person in the group who brought a group-based learning activity should share his/her assignment. Use the “group-based learning checklist” to determine the extent to which the activity integrates the design elements. The recorder should make notations on his/her checklist capturing a couple of creative ways the assignment addresses design elements on the checklist items. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

9 Group-based learning checklist
Design elements Yes No Created a defined, stable membership Does the instructor assign groups of 3+ for this assignment? Does the assignment require a prolonged period of group work (e.g., 5-6 weeks)? Does the assignment have an ice-breaker component? Created a group- based learning assignment Does the assignment explain why the students are engaged in a group–based learning assignment? Does the assignment description appear to engage the students in genuine learning accomplished by a group (e.g., not doable by 1-2, can’t be divided and patched together etc.)? Created individual and group accountability Does the assignment address how group members are planning their collaborative work (i.e. demonstrating interdependence)? Does it address how individual and group accountability will be assessed? Required regular meetings for collaboration Does the assignment address group meetings (e.g., where, when, how often)? Are there any requirements for documentation of meetings and progress? TD Recorder: Identify 1-2 elements of the group-based learning activity that uniquely address a design element above. Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

10 2. Games as experiential learning

11 Experiential learning
…is learning created through the transformation of experience (Kolb, 1984). Examples…service-learning, internships, role-play, labs, case studies, games Not all experiences lead to learning! TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

12 Experiential learning: When to select
Develop observational abilities and reflective thought. Test new ideas that emerge from practice. Apply previous learning to new settings. Develop adaptability by identify problems and opportunities in unfamiliar settings. Move students from viewing the instructor and text as the sole authority to seeing self, peers, and community as important sources of knowledge. Spacing needed TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

13 Games as experiential learning: How to implement
Explain the learning outcome(s). Integrate aspects of reality into the game. Explain roles and rules. Embed reflection. Include a final summary/wrap-up discussion. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

14 Designed break – Games Each person in the group who brought a game should share his/her assignment. Use the “Games as experiential learning checklist” to determine the extent to which the game integrates the design elements. The recorder should make notations on his/her checklist capturing a couple of creative ways the game addresses design elements on the checklist. TD Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

15 Games checklist Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember;
Design element Yes No Explain the learning outcome(s). Is the goal to be accomplished via playing the game clearly described (not just how one “wins” the game)? Does the game match the intended learning outcome(s)? Integrate aspects of reality into the game. Are aspects of the game modified to emphasize the desired skills? Is an explanation provided about how skills practiced in the game may be transferrable? Explain roles and rules. Is the role each student will assume during game specified? Is an explanation provided identifying how the rules “simulate” aspects of reality? Is there an explanation as to how the game has been modified? Embed reflection. Is it clearly explained how students should keep track of their learning? (e.g., fill out chart) Is a template provided for recording experiences? Include a final summary/wrap- up discussion. Does the instructor debrief at the end of the game, connecting learning back to the learning outcomes? (e.g., Does the instructor ask students for specific examples from their experience playing the game? Does the instructor use a formative assessment [e.g., CAT]?) TD Recorder: Identify 1-2 elements of the game that uniquely address a design element above. Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

16 3. Clickers AM

17 Clicker options (free) AM – many online clicker options available (listed on last page of purple handout). Good for…Gathering information from students during class AND Sharing the results live with participants; also Internet systems use text-messaging or browsers to replace physical devices. Socrative ( – a system that uses smart phones and or laptops (use on all web-enabled devices) for gathering feedback from students. More features than Soap Box, and easy to use; unlimited usage; free while they are developing the product. Can be run from a browser or from an app. Soap Box ( – a new service that enables teachers to gather instant feedback from students through their cell phones, tablets, or laptops. Maximum 30 responses per poll (for 6 months); basic functions and simple to use. Poll Everywhere ( – a service that allows you to collect responses from an audience via text messaging. Maximum 40 responses per poll; possibly more difficult to set up. Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

18 Socrative – students’ instructions
Go to Enter the room number: tresha Click on “Join room”. You should see the message, “Please wait for teacher to start next activity”…wait patiently. AM – let’s dive right in. does everyone have their own device? follow these instructions. Turn on before break! AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

19 Quiz-based activities
Assignment quiz Space race AM – Assignment quiz: do quiz individually Space race: not a timed race; winners have the most correct answers; teams of 4-5 answer using one device that they pass around the table; others use their own devices/laptops to find the information on the assessment website; again all resources for the TM workshop series are posted on the A website. • A good change of pace for occasional use. • Any quiz with several questions in it can be used. Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

20 Teacher’s perspective – instructions
Go to Enter address and password. Click on “login”. You will be at the main screen where you can... Pose single spontaneous questions. Conduct a quiz, exit ticket, or space race. Create, edit, delete quizzes and races. AM – to demonstrate other features, I’ll show you socrative from the teacher’s perspective. To do that… Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

21 Which of these is a benefit of using clickers?
Clickers can help instructors provide prompt feedback to student questions. Clickers can help assess student understanding of material. Clickers can actively engage students. Clickers can promote discussion. All of the above. AM – Questions can be asked orally, projected on the screen, or written on the board. use for single question activity (multiple choice); consult with group Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

22 True or false? Clickers can efficiently deliver and grade in-class quizzes, to hold students accountable for readings and lecture material and assess basic factual knowledge. AM – use for single question activity (true/false) Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

23 Short answer What lingering question do you have about using clickers?
AM – Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

24 Exit ticket – canned Name
How well did you understand today’s material? (multiple choice) What did you learn today? Please solve the problem on the board. AM – Canned exit ticket: name, how well did you understand today’s material, what did you learn today? Please solve the problem on the board. Exit tickets - Students can respond serially if they are sharing devices. I’ve created a personalized exit ticket; Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

25 Review single question activities
Multiple choice True/false Short answer Assignment quiz Exit ticket Space race AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

26 Series assignments (required for full-time faculty)
Course outcomes plan and report – Step 1  Teaching and learning strategies report (1-2) Classroom observation report (1-2) Course outcomes plan and report – Step 2 Assignments 2-4 are due electronically to Tresha on or before June 30, 2014. 3 total AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

27 Homework Continue working on series assignments 2-4.
Readings…will be ed to you (and posted on the assessment website) International students (Kelly Kester): International students in the classroom, Awareness points for interacting with international students Access and disability support services (Keri Holferty) First year experience (Tawny Townsend) AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

28 Next session: Fri. May 9, 1:30 pm, in BKR 101
Support for our students: Kelly Kester: International students Kerri Holferty: Access and disability support Tawny Townsend: First year experience AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

29 The end

30 Group-based learning TD

31 Group-based learning: How to implement
Create a defined, stable group membership. Create group-based learning assignment. Create individual and group accountability Require regular meetings for collaboration. AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

32 1. Create a defined, stable group membership
Strategies Faculty assign groups. Groups work for a prolonged period of time (e.g., 4+ weeks) Groups have at least 3 members, no more than 5-6. Ice-breaker group formation assignment (e.g., class introduction, group name). Reduces problems of… Peer selected groups with performance problems. Poor group performance due to low cohesion Social loafing due to large group size. AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

33 2. Create a group-based learning assignment
Strategies Assignment scope isn’t doable by 1-2 students. Cant be divided and patched together at end of quarter. Doesn’t have one clear “right” answer., requires diverse opinions and skills. Reduces problems of… Independent learning instead of group-based learning. Missed opportunity to learn from one another (e.g., other’s insights and comments). AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

34 3. Create individual and group accountability
Strategies Individual & group-graded evaluations (e.g., quizzes, project). Rotate spokespersons (e.g., oral updates at end of classes). Project proposal identifying individual assignments and deadlines. Jigsaw and have external group members assess information by speaker. Self and peer assessments. Reduces problems of… Social loafing or dominance. Positive interdependences: need one another to complete project and all pulling weight Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

35 4. Require regular meetings for collaboration
Strategies Set aside class time at end of many (most) periods. Have groups establish timeline of standing meetings. Have groups identify how they will communicate outside of class (e.g., Facebook, google docs, s, text). Require minutes, briefings, journals. Reduces problems of… Complaints about inability to find time to work as a group. Hastily pulling project together at last minute. Differing expectations creating problems throughout the quarter. AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

36 Games as experiential learning

37 1. Identify the learning outcomes
Strategies Select a game that matches intended learning outcome(s). Describe to students the goal (i.e., learning outcome) to be accomplished, not just how to “win”. Reduces problems of… Selecting a game that is not related to intended outcomes. Students losing track of why they’re playing the game. AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

38 2. Integrate aspects of reality into the game
Strategies Modify game to emphasize desired skills. Explain how skills for the game may be transferrable. Reduces problems of… Lack of transferability. Students not clear why they’re learning via the game. AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

39 3. Explain roles & rules Strategies
Specify role each student will assume during game. Explain how rules “simulate” aspects of reality. Identify how game has been modified. Reduces problems of… Confusion Time wasted by game not fulfilling learning outcomes AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

40 4. Embed reflection Strategies
Explain how you want students to keep track of their learning. Provide template for recording experiences. Reduces problems of… Game overshadowing learning Poor summary/wrap-up AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

41 5. Include a final summary/wrap-up discussion
Strategies Connect back to learning outcomes. Ask for specific experiential examples from students. Use a formative assessment (e.g., CAT). Reduces problems of… Missing connection between game and learning outcomes. Students missing chance to see transferability. AM Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb) Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand (Chinese proverb)

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