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1 Today’s slide

2 Monday, 10/17/16 World History – Subject for today Project Asia
POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News (from Friday) Discuss project To LMC to get started Journal none Homework today: Start preparing your project

3 Project Asia Goal: you’ll be teaching a cultural or political aspect of Asia You’re expected to take about a half hour of our time; be prepared for me to interrupt Be so prepared that you won’t need notes, and you’ll be practiced enough to start at the start of class

4 Goal #1 Include “visuals,” multi-media
NOT just Power Point – use various forms of communication You-tube clips are fine, but be SURE they are “clean” and appropriate. Think of what Donald Trump would say, then don’t show that. Keep clips SHORT, about seconds at MOST

5 Goal #2 Include an article (or excerpt) on your topic
Could be an aspect relating to your topic Should be professional Could be primary or researched Should be cited Is due THE DAY BEFORE your presentation We’ll read it the night before you present, and you need to: Prepare insightful questions you’ve developed for us to answer from this article. Should be less than a page

6 Goal #3 Include conclusions on this topic.
Show you’re being contemplative Example: If you’re presenting sites in China, get into what you might like about climbing the Great Wall, reacting to what others have said about it.

7 Noteworthy items to think about:
Planning is a key! – practice, and have a half hour planned out, so I can interrupt Be SURE everything works on our CR systems Good idea to test it all the day before your due date Do NOT read from your slides. Include proof where needed by using numbers, or reference to someone official/expert Look professional. Dress the part. BE THERE. Don’t be sick. Don’t be sad. Don’t be unprepared. Treat this seriously.

8 Topics: Eastern Medicine, health and healing
Clothing and food of China and Japan Population, Poverty and people concerns in China Three Chinese Philosophies, and two Asian Religions Unique Chinese customs Sites to see in China and Japan Martial Arts, Yoga, Tai Chi The Samurai Culture, customs and eventual modernization of Japanese North Korea The Asian Tigers China as a Super-power

9 Tuesday, 10/18/16 World History – Subject for today
Lesson #1 – Intro and Geography of Asia POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Maps of Asia Journal None Homework today: Finish maps

10 Wednesday, 10/19/16 World History – Subject for today Back to LMC
POD – Topic and activity: Quick map check Your journal: you can fix this if you are missing entries, but needs to be turned in BY FRIDAY …then… off to the LMC Journal none Homework today:

11 Thursday, 10/20/16 World History – Subject for today
Lesson #2 – Early Chinese History and Beliefs Reminders: News entries go on the LEFT side, are labeled by date, and are meant to be done at the beginning of the period Journals go on the RIGHT side, are meant to be done at the end of the period, and are labeled with a NUMBER CNN Headline News Yesterday 2m-3:30 Today Journal #1 How was China structured during most of its history? What was the role of Emperors? How did their amazing culture come to a crashing end? Homework today: Read/Notes Lesson #3 – Modern China History ( ) Read/Notes Lesson #4 – Early Japanese History (for Monday)

12 Friday, 10/21/16 World History – Subject for today
Lesson #3 – Modern History of China POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Homework check Lesson 3 Journal #2 In what ways did China change after the Civil War? What role did Mao have? What was the goal and result of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution? Homework today: Read/Notes Lesson #4 – Early Japanese History (Monday) Read/Notes Lesson #5 – Modern Japanese History (for Tues.)


14 Monday, 10/24/16 World History – Subject for today
Lesson #4 – Early Japanese History POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Homework check Lesson 4 Journal #3 What was the role of the Emperor in the lives of Early Japanese? How did the Samurai influence Japanese culture? Homework today: Read/Notes Lesson #5 – Modern Japanese History

15 Tuesday, 10/25/16 World History – Subject for today
Lesson #5 – Modern Japanese History POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Homework check Lesson 5 Journal #4 Why was Japan able to modernize so quickly? Why would I include the Geisha as a part of “modern” Japan? Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #1

16 Wednesday, 10/26/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation on Eastern Medicine and Health POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Homework check Presentation #1 Journal #5 How is Japanese healing and health different than our “Western” style of healing and health? Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #2 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

17 Thursday, 10/27/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #2 on Clothing and Food of China and Japan POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Homework check Presentation #2 Journal #6 What food are you most interested in seeing at our Cultural Experience on Nov 22? What makes Asian clothing different from our own? Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #3 Make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

18 Friday, 10/28/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #3 on Population, Poverty and People POD – Topic and activity: CNN Headline News Homework check Presentation #3 Journal #7 Why did China start, and why did they end the “one child” rule? What is some extraordinary information about population in China? Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #4 for Monday Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.


20 Monday, 10/31/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #4 on Chinese Philosophies and Religion POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Presentation #4 Journal #8 Describe one aspect of our society in which you’d find each of the three Philosophies. Where will you be when you reach Nirvana? Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #5 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

21 Tuesday, 11/1/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #5 on Unique Chinese Customs POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Presentation #5 ** note: tomorrow we’ll start the movie IMMEDIATELY at the bell, and will go to about the bell at the end. If you come late or leave early, I’ll explain what you missed. ** Journal #9 Name two customs the Chinese believe (or do) that would not work in our culture, and describe why. Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #6 (For Thursday)

22 Wednesday, 11/2/16 World History – Subject for today
Memoirs of a Geisha POD – Topic and activity: Start DVD at start of class Watch the DVD, and answer questions Journal None Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #6

23 Thursday, 11/3/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #6 on Sites in Japan and China POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Presentation #6 Journal #10 Name and describe at least two sites presented today. Also, describe how they are OH so very Asian, and not American. Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #7 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

24 Friday, 11/4/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #7 on Martial Arts POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Presentation #7 Journal #10 Why are martial arts considered “art”? Describe the main goal of this style of fighting, in comparison to what Americans consider “fighting.” Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #8 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.


26 Monday, 11/7/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation # 8 – The Samurai POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Prepare for our Veteran visitor on Friday Questions Proper behavior Prepare your thank you note Presentation #8 Journal #12 Describe the behavior of the Samurai, the impact of the Samurai, and how it helped form the Japanese culture. Homework today: Look for handout for Presentation #9 online on 11/11 (Fri) Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

27 Tuesday, 11/8/16 World History – Subject for today No School
POD – Topic and activity: Election day! Journal None

28 Wednesday & Thursday, 11/9-10/16
World History – Subject for today Iron and Silk POD – Topic and activity: Two days of this movie – Journal 2-13 What do you think would be the most difficult aspects of moving to China, like Mark did, at such a young age? Homework today: none

29 Friday, 11/11/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation by our veteran visitors POD – Topic and activity: Veteran visitors – Be ready with your questions Be ready to start writing your thank you notes (good idea is to take some notes on what you can refer to) Journal None, but be ready to write thank you notes to visitors, specifically referencing things they described about their experiences. Homework today: Read handout for presentation on North Korea, online, or in class.


31 Monday, 11/14/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #10 – North Korea POD – Topic and activity: Write a thank you note for our visitors; include some specifics about “their story” Homework check Presentation #10 Journal #14 Should we fear North Korea? Explain. Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #11 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

32 Tuesday, 11/15/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #11 – Asian Tigers POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Presentation #11 Journal #15 What makes the Asian Tigers exceptional? Should be be embarrassed by their strengths? Explain Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #6 (For Thursday) Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

33 Wednesday, 11/16/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #9 – Culture and Customs of Japan POD – Topic and activity: Homework check presentation Journal #16 How are the Japanese different than Americans? What aspects do you think would make it difficult for a Japanese person to assimilate here, or an American in Japan? Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #6 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

34 Thursday, 11/17/16 World History – Subject for today
Presentation #12 – China as a Super Power POD – Topic and activity: Homework check Presentation #12 Journal #17 Do you think we should fear the Chinese? Explain. Homework today: Read handout for Presentation #7 Instead of notes on the news, make your left side FIVE FACTS from the current presentation. Put the person’s name, like “Sam’s Presentation.” Then number them. Try to find facts that help you with the Journal.

35 Friday, 11/18/16 World History – Subject for today
Review and processing the unit POD – Topic and activity: Prepare for Cultural Experience Prepare for Bluebook (on Monday) Discuss Journal #18, and back to previous journals. Journal #18 Choose two aspects of China, and two of Japan. Describe how they Asians are different than Americans, referencing these four items. Homework today: Read over all notes, in preparation for bluebook (Monday) Get ready to make food for Tuesday (Cultural Experience)

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