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How to play it safe and have fun at the same time

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Presentation on theme: "How to play it safe and have fun at the same time"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to play it safe and have fun at the same time
THE INTERNET How to play it safe and have fun at the same time

2 Do’s and Don’t’s of the Internet
What information can I put out on the internet? First name or nickname only You can put your age, but don’t lie to be older NEVER EVER put the name of your school, your address, or any information that makes you unique from any other person (be a mystery) Your interests and hobbies, but don’t say where you play sports or participate in your hobbies (remember that would ruin being a mystery if you gave away the answer)

3 What kind of pictures are safe?

4 More safe pictures… Awesome picture of your family!
Awesome picture of you with your friends!

5 Notes for safe pictures
Never post pictures that you aren’t fully clothed in (no bathing suits or anything else) you want to always look your best Never post anything that identifies where you live or go to school or play sports, etc. Don’t post pictures of your friends without permission (their parents may not want their pictures on the internet) Don’t ever post anything without parent permission first! MOST IMPORTANT REMEMBER YOU CAN NEVER EVER GET RID OF A PICTURE YOU POST…ONCE IT’S OUT THERE IT’S OUT THERE FOREVER!

6 Famous last words… IF YOU HAVE TO HIDE IT, IT’S WRONG
NEVER talk to strangers Remember what you put out on the internet is there forever so don’t post anything that might embarrass you when you’re older (what you like today you probably won’t like years from now) IF YOU HAVE TO HIDE IT, IT’S WRONG IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT IS HAPPENING TURN OFF YOUR DEVICE!

7 Who can help me? If you get into a situation and you are scared or don’t know what to do here’s where to go for help: Your parents Your teacher Your School Counselor A police officer Any adult that you AND your parents know and trust


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