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Internet Safety Guidelines October 3, 2016

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1 Internet Safety Guidelines October 3, 2016
BSA Cyber Chip Internet Safety Guidelines October 3, 2016

2 What is the BSA Cyber Chip Program?
Important new safety program for protecting scouts and to help keep scouts safe online. Each scout that completes the program will receive a Cyber Chip Pocket Card. The training will need to be repeated every year and have the Cyber Chip Card “recharged”

3 What is the Cyber Chip Requirement?
Review and discuss with your troop Internet Safety guidelines. With your parents or guardian review and sign a personalized contract that that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use. Bring a copy of your signed contract to the next scout meeting and READ, COMMIT AND SIGN the Internet Safety Pledge on your Level II cyber Chip card.

4 Internet Safety Tips: Never Post personal information online
Never meet in person with someone you only know online they may not be who they say they are Check with parents before posting pictures of yourself online Do not post inappropriate pictures of anyone –the internet is forever. Never respond to mean or rude texts, messages, and s. NEVER share your password with anyone except your parents or guardians If you wouldn’t say something to another person’s face, don’t text it or post it online Do not download or install software or anything on your computer or cell phone before checking with your parents or guardian If anything makes you feel uncomfortable online, while gaming or when using your cell phone, talk with your parents or guardian right away. (source:



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