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VPN Tips: Safety Travel

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1 VPN Tips: Safety Travel
Tips for You This 2017

2 If you’re a traveler and you have the passion for seeing new places, 2017 is finally here waiting for you to take your next adventures. Safety is one of the top most important things that you should think about whenever you’re traveling. In our previous posts, we have already mentioned how you can get the best deals using a VPN but today this post will be all about some tips on how you can stay safe and secured in different categories as you start you first ever travel this 2017.

3 Finances When you need to use your ATM card to get your money, make sure that you choose an ATM machine with locked doors behind you whenever you’re doing an ATM transaction. If you can’t choose this kind of machine and the only available is located in an open street, ask your companion to stay behind you. Input your PIN while covering it with your other hand so that no one can see it. If you can, prepare enough cash with you before you leave your house so you won’t have to use your ATM. Transportation Whenever you’re traveling, always use the licensed taxis at the airport. Make sure to check it first before you take a ride. Always watch out for suspicious behavior of the people around you. You can also opt to choose Uber and Lyft if you want the right fare in the right distance. These transportation companies have apps that you can use so it will be easier for you to book your ride going to your hotel.

4 Internet and Social Media
Let’s admit it, posting about your travels and everything you see when traveling is a great feeling of accomplishment but you have to be careful with whatever you post online. Make sure that you never post too much information about it and you must turn off your location feature. Delete all the data which are not needed for your travels. Internet security and online privacy should start with how you handle your internet use and social media posts. Use a VPN to have a stronger internet security and online privacy when using the internet. Hotels Stay in a hotel to make you feel safe and secured. Always check if it is accessible and nearby shops and restaurants. If they have a WIFI available, avoid connecting to it. Better use the data to your phone because it might lead into something and causes more troubles. Hackers often take a look into WIFI hotspots and do their evil plans using it. Do not leave your things while you have your doors unlocked. Plan your adventures while staying safe and secure! Always keep an eye on people around you. Protect your personal data and use a reliable VPN service. Check out FrootVPN and subscribe to a package that will fit your internet security needs!

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