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Study Skills Long Term Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills Long Term Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills Long Term Planning

2 Learning Objectives To learn strategies to plan ahead
To learn to think ahead

3 Think Ahead You may find it easier to work from day to day BUT all of a sudden a test is upon you or an end of year exam.

4 Weekly Planner Use a Weekly Planner
Keep it on the kitchen or bedroom wall. Write up: Homework due Clubs Activities Trips

5 Picture of Weekly Planner

6 Homework Diary This is the most important piece of
communication that you have between HOME and SCHOOL. Keep it handy at all times Write neatly AND IN DETAIL so you can read the information when you get home Write in the dates and subjects that you have for HOMEWORK

Homework Diary Remember to show your parents the DIARY REMEMBER to have your diary signed. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DIARY AT HOME

8 Picture of Planner

9 Think Ahead Think ahead about what you would like to be doing in five years time – it might give you the incentive to get on with your work. Think of study as a MEANS TO AN END

10 Long Term Planning Check your HOMEWORK DIARY NOW Does it have:
weekly dates HW subjects marked in for every day has it been signed every week


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