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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MEET THE TEACHERS NIGHT"— Presentation transcript:

Black Team Mrs. Zdanavage: Language Arts, Social Studies Mrs. Petrosky: Math, Science Red Team Mrs. Snyder: Language Arts, Social Studies Mr. Mellas: Math, Science

All school rules apply, including dress code. Students are expected to come to school on time. Students may not be dropped off in the morning until 8:40 am and, for an appointment, should be picked up before 3:00 pm. Students can check our teacher pages for homework. Assignments and homework for extended absences, will be made up when the student returns. Information about the school rules can be found in the student handbook.

3 Integrated Language Arts: Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Zdanavage
Comprehension is the main focus of this course. There is a text, consisting of condensed versions of books, novels, current events, using the newspapers/internet, and book reports. Students will be assigned a book report during the school term. Progress monitoring will be implemented three times throughout the year.

4 ELA Mrs. Zdanavage, Mrs. Snyder
Students will be responsible for current events, usually on Friday. Students will be taken to the computer lab for various exercises, including web quests and Compass Lab activities. The students’ grades will be based on a point system.

5 ELA: Mrs. Zdanavage, Mrs. Snyder
Writing assignments are graded according to a rubric which is explained before each assignment. Students are expected to keep a journal. They will make daily entries. Journals will be graded at regular intervals. Tests and writing assignments will be graded and incorporated into the reading grade as Language Arts.

6 SOCIAL STUDIES: Mrs. Zdanavage, Mrs. Snyder
Students will be responsible for information in text and notes. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Projects to be announced. Grading based on homework, tests, and projects.

7 SCIENCE: Mrs. Petrosky and Mr. Mellas
Students will utilize text, notes, computer lab, science kits, and classroom discussions. Assessments will be given at the end of each unit or activity. Rubrics will be utilized. Our point system will be based on experiments, group work, presentations, assessments, and projects.

8 MATHEMATICS: Mrs. Petrosky, Mr. Mellas
Students will be responsible for text, homework and class participation. Students will be responsible for keeping a notebook. Tests will follow each chapter or unit. Quizzes will be announced. We will be utilizing a point system based on tests, quizzes, and homework to assess student progress.

9 Extra PSSA/PA Core Practice
Students will meet weekly for Flex time. These classes will focus primarily on Math and Reading. These classes will not be included in the students’ grades. These classes are meant to prepare students for PSSA/PA Core assessments and provide remediation/enrichment.

10 6th grade Social Responsibilities
“Stop and Think” Promotes student organization and self-control. Our main focus for pro-social is respect and responsibility. On Track

11 Contact Us We can be contacted during the hours of 9:00-9:45 AM.
If you need to call at a different time, please leave a message with the office. However, contacting us through is preferred. If problems arise with your child, we will be contacting you for either a telephone conference or an in-person conference.

12 Contact Us Students are given a planner,
providing an organizational tool for students to utilize. All homework should be written in the planner daily. Homework may also be checked on our web pages. Students’ grades will be updated in a reasonable time frame. We can also be contacted by which can be found through the Crestwood website at Links are provided on our web pages for your convenience.

13 Thank you for coming! We are all looking forward to a great year.


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