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WELCOME to Dental Anatomy and Tooth Morphology RESD 701/701L

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to Dental Anatomy and Tooth Morphology RESD 701/701L"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to Dental Anatomy and Tooth Morphology RESD 701/701L

2 Goals and Objectives: My goals - Your goals - To make learning fun!
To be interactive! To keep you awake! Your goals - To learn and fun! To ask questions??? To stay awake!

3 Dental Anatomy and Morphology

4 Introduction and Nomenclature
Classifications Eruption patterns Numbering systems General anatomical terms

5 Human dental classification
Heterodont (different types of teeth) Diphyodont (two sets of teeth) Deciduous (primary) 20 teeth Permanent (adult/secondary) 32 teeth Mixed dentition: period including deciduous and permanent (6-12 yrs)

6 Introduction Arches: Quadrants (relative to the patient) Maxillary
Mandibular Quadrants (relative to the patient) Maxillary right Maxillary left Mandibular right Mandibular left


8 Tooth Types Anterior teeth Posterior teeth Incisors Canines (cuspids)
Premolars (bicuspids) Molars

9 Permanent Dentition (per quadrant)
Incisors: 2 (central and lateral) Canine: 1 Premolars: 2 (first and second) Molars: 3 (first, second, third) Human Dental Formula: I C P M 2 1 2 3

10 Primary Dentition (per quadrant)
Incisors: 2 (central and lateral) Canine: 1 Molars: 2 (first and second) Dental Formula: I C M Succedaneous teeth: permanent teeth that succeed/replace deciduous 2 1 2



13 Normal eruption sequence (Permanent Dentition)
First to erupt: 1st molars (6 yr molars) Mandibular tooth precedes maxillary counterpart Mandibular eruption sequence: follows anterior to posterior order Maxillary eruption: anterior to posterior order, max canines erupt after premolars Know the eruption ages and sequences

14 1. Mandibular 1st molar 2. Maxillary 1st molar 3. Mandibular central incisor 4. Mandibular lateral incisor 5. Maxillary central incisor 6. Maxillary lateral incisor 7. Mandibular canine 8. Mandibular 1st premolar 9. Maxillary 1st premolar 10. Mandibular 2nd premolar 11. Maxillary 2nd premolar 12. Maxillary canine 13. Mandibular 2nd molar 14. Maxillary 2nd molar 6 - 7 6 - 7 6 - 7 7 - 8 7 - 8 8 - 9

15 Numbering systems Universal (1-32 and A-T)
Federation Dentare Internationale (quadrant/tooth) Palmer notation (quadrant/tooth)

16 Universal Numbering System:
Maxillary Permanent: Primary: A - T Mandibular


18 Study Hints: Centrals: 8 • 9, 24 • 25 Canines: 6 • 11, 22 • 27
Premolars: 4 • 5, 12 • 13, • 21, 28 • 29 Molars: 1 • 2 • 3, • 15 • 16, • 18 • 19, 30 • 31 • 32 First molars: 3 • 14 • 19 • 30

19 Universal Numbering System Maxillary Mandibular

20 FDI system: Federation Dentare Internationale
1 2 Maxillary Quadrants: 1, 2, 3, 4 (pedo: 5, 6, 7, 8) Teeth: 1 - 8 (pedo 1 - 5) e.g. 11, 41, 22, 73 Mandibular 4 3

21 Palmer system: Quadrants: symbol (+) to denote quadrants Teeth: 1 - 8
Pedo: A - E 8- 1 1 - 8 8- 1 1 - 8

22 General Dental Terminology

23 Outer covering of crown Hardest substance in body Dentin
Enamel Outer covering of crown Hardest substance in body Dentin Main component of tooth Dentoenamel junction (DEJ) Cementum Outer covering of root Cementoenamel junction (CEJ) aka cervical line

24 Dental structures: Crown and root: Anatomical vs Clinical
Anatomical crown: enamel Anatomical root: cementum Clinical crown: visible Clinical root: not visible

25 Internal structures: Pulp cavity: Pulp Chamber Canal Horns
Blood vessels Nerves

26 Supporting structures:
Alveolar process: bone which supports teeth Alveolus: tooth socket Periodontal ligament (PDL): fibers supporting tooth in alveolus Gingiva: soft tissue covering alveolar process (“gums”)

27 Tooth surfaces: Facial (labial, buccal) - “outside” surface
Lingual (palatal) - “inside” surface Mesial - toward midline Distal - away from midline Incisal and occlusal - “top” chewing surface Gingival (cervical)


29 Nomenclature: Proximal: mesial or distal surfaces
Interproximal: between two adjacent teeth Line angle: junction of two surfaces e.g occluso-lingual Point angle: junction of three surfaces e.g. mesio-linguo-occlusal

30 Line angle: Point angle: junction of two surfaces e.g occluso-lingual
junction of three surfaces e.g. mesio-occluso-lingual

31 Thirds of Teeth: artificial divisions horizontally and vertically



34 For lab today…

35 LAB SEATING CHART 2015 2015

36 Control of the Dental Instrument: Hand Grasps

37 1. Pen Grasp

38 2. Modified Pen Grasp

39 3. Inverted Pen Grasp

40 4. Palm-Thumb Grasp

41 5. Finger Rests

42 6. Grasp stabilized with other hand

43 Lab Exercise: 1. Pen Grasp Materials:
Wax instrument #1, wax, bunsen burner Project: Fill in stars and circles designs with wax

44 2. Modified Pen Grasp Materials: High-speed handpiece, Columbia typodont, high-speed bur Project: Occlusal “prep” on #32 centered on grooves, 1mm deep

45 3. Inverted Pen Grasp Materials: Slow-speed HP with contrangle, Columbia typodont, #557 bur Project: Prepare 2mm hole, 1mm deep in cingulum of #24 or 25

46 4. Palm-Thumb Grasp Materials: Slow-speed HP, straight sleeve, straight mandrel with wheel, tooth stub Project: Cut a 0.5 x 0.5 mm notch root of tooth stub

47 For Lab Tomorrow… (1 p.m. Nobel Lab)
Video of waxing project

48 Any Questions???

49 OK… let’s go to lab

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