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Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science & Maths Award St. Aidan’s N.S. Kiltimagh Award Number: MO026.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science & Maths Award St. Aidan’s N.S. Kiltimagh Award Number: MO026."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science & Maths Award St. Aidan’s N.S. Kiltimagh
Award Number: MO026

2 Step One: Science Investigations Junior Infants – Forces
We explored the forces of floating and sinking.

3 Step One: Science Investigations Junior/Senior Infants – Living Things
We did an experiment to prove that plants need oxygen, light and temperature to grow fully. We planted broad-beans and left out one element for each plant.

4 Step One: Science Investigations 1st Class - Heat
We tested ice, rice, warm water and cotton wool to see if they are colder or hotter than our body temperature. . We discovered that they were all colder than our body temperature .

5 Step One: Science Investigations 2nd Class – Forces
. . We investigated floating and sinking. .

6 Step One: Science Investigations 2nd Class – Energy: Light
. . . We investigated how light travels.

7 3rd class made bird feeders.
Step One: Science Investigations 3rd Class – Environmental Awareness & Care 3rd class made bird feeders.

8 Step One: Science Investigations 3rd Class – Environmental Awareness & Care
. . . Last October we planted bulbs – daffodils, crocuses, snow-drops, tulips and muscari.

9 Step One: Science Investigations 3rd Class – Environmental Awareness & Care
. . We now have a variety of beautiful spring flowers in our school garden. .

10 Step One: Science Investigations 3rd Class – Environmental Awareness & Care
. . We explored Solar Energy. We identified some ways in which science and technology contributes positively to society. .

11 Step One: Science Investigations 3rd Class – Environmental Awareness & Care
. . By completing this experiment we learned lots of interesting facts about Solar Energy and the Greenhouse Effect. We also became aware of the importance of the Earth's renewable and non-renewable resources. .

12 We explored how static electricity is created.
Step One: Science Investigations 4th Class – Energy & Forces : Electricity . . We explored how static electricity is created. .

13 Step One: Science Investigations 4th Class – Energy & Forces : Electricity
. . We also investigated which materials are likely to hold a static charge. .

14 Step One: Science Investigations 5th Class – Materials & Change
We investigated the absorbency of cloth, paper, toilet roll, tinfoil, newspaper & cling-film. We used heat to change sugar from a solid to a liquid.

15 Step One: Science Investigations 5th Class – Materials & Change
We investigated making water filters using sand, pebbles and filter paper. We looked at the density of oil & water. .

16 Step One: Science Investigations 5th Class – Materials & Change
. . We made our own lava lamps too. It was a lot of fun! .

17 Step One: Science Investigations 6th Class - Fungi & Moulds
We observed mould growing on bread and pasta and conditions in which they grow best.

18 Step One: Science Investigations 6th Class - Testing Materials
We investigated whether candle wax , vaseline or cooking oil would make a cloth water-proof. We tested breaking point of sewing thread  and string.

19 Step One: Science Investigations 6th Class – The Human Body
We investigated how our heart rate and pulse increase following intense physical activity. We constructed a model ear drum using a biscuit tin, cling film and salt and observed how the eardrum reacts to sounds.

20 Step One: Science Investigations 6th Class – Starch
We investigated whether a variety of materials contained starch. We tested bread, flour, sugar, cheese, apple, paper, biscuit, plastic, paper towel to see if they contained starch. We did this by adding a drop of iodine tincture.

21 Step One: Science Speaker Science Ireland
Declan Holmes from Science Ireland, visited our school on Tuesday 10th November. All children in our school participated in hands-on science shows.

22 Step One: Science Speaker Science Ireland
Flight, rockets, pressure, waves, sound and light were among the topics covered in this interactive learning experience.

23 Step One: Science Speaker Kiltimagh Pet farm
On Thursday 12th November, Kiltimagh Pet Farm brought some animals to our school.

24 Step Two: Technology (ICT)
1st Class use computers as part of their maths station activities every Friday.

25 Step Two: Technology (ICT)
Children from 3rd class conducted surveys and used computer software to make graphs to show our results.

26 Step Two: Technology (ICT)
Children from 3rd class really enjoyed using Scratch.

27 Step Two: Technology (ICT)
Children from 3rd class carried out an experiment to investigate how exercise can affect our heart rate. We discovered that our heart rate increases with exercise. We created a graph to show our results.

28 Step Two: Technology (ICT)
We used a presentation as part of our Science display. Children and parents had to sort materials into the correct group - glass, metal, wood, plastic.

29 Step Two: Technology (ICT)
We love doing activities on our interactive whiteboard.

30 Step Three: Engineering Thomas Campbell - Engineer
During Engineers’ Week we looked at some resources to discuss the work of different types of engineers.  On Wednesday, Thomas Campbell, a civil engineer who works in the area of water treatment plants came to visit the school.

31 Step Three: Engineering Thomas Campbell - Engineer
Thomas gave a talk to the senior classes about ‘a day in the life of an engineer’ and showed us lots of interesting slideshows about engineering in the world around us.

32 Step Three: Engineering Design & Make
3rd Class made weather instruments - Anemometers & Rain Gauges

33 Step Three: Engineering Design & Make
5th & 6th Class made rockets.

34 Step Four: Maths Maths Week - Shape Hunt
Senior infants & 1st class went around our school on a shape hunt.

35 Step Four: Maths Have You Got Maths Eyes?
As part of Maths Week we ran a “Have You Got Maths Eyes?” competition for pupils from 3rd to 6th Classes. The challenge was using your ‘Maths Eyes’ to find something interesting in your environment, take a  photograph and write a tagline highlighting the maths in the picture. 

36 Step Four: Maths Maths Trails
6th class explored tessellating shapes.

37 Step Four: Maths Maths Week Activities
We took part in Maths Week Ireland from October 12-16th 2015.

38 Step Four: Maths 1st Class Maths Stations
Every Friday 1st class do different maths stations.

39 Step Five: Stem Showcase 3rd Class Science Display
On Friday 15th of November, third class hosted a science demonstration in the school hall for the junior classes. All pupils were given a chance to work on experiments.

40 Step Five: Stem Showcase 3rd Class Science Display

41 Step Five: Stem Showcase 3rd Class Science Display
We also asked parents to try our experiments too.

42 Step Five : Stem Showcase Science Fair - The Marshmallow Challenge
Children from 3rd – 6th class participated in The Marshmallow Design Challenge.

43 Step Five : Stem Showcase Science Fair - The Marshmallow Challenge
The challenge was to build the tallest freestanding structure capable of supporting a marshmallow out of 20 sticks of spaghetti and one meter of masking tape.

44 Step Five : Stem Showcase Science Fair - The Marshmallow Challenge
Two teams represented our school in the Mayo Science & Technology Festival 2015.

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