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Trade Show Excellence Are Trade Shows For You?.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Show Excellence Are Trade Shows For You?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Show Excellence Are Trade Shows For You?

2 Are trade shows right for you!
Why trade shows Choosing the right sport show Picking the right booth (picture booth or custom booth) Dress to impress Creating the right image for your company Target the right customers Engage the client before, during & after the show Setting realistic expectations Keeping relationships going with repeat clientele

3 Why trade shows? Different Marketing Strategies

4 Promote to new customers and younger clientele
You know what to expect out of your clients if you meet them face to face Whether your upcoming season is booked full or not you can use the tradeshow to fill in the gaps Out of sight out of mind Make sure your repeat clientele does not reach the age of no return I have had many repeat clientele tell me that I was not at a certain show and they booked a different hunt somewhere else. Did I loose business by not being there.

5 Choosing the right sport show for you!


7 The difference between a tradeshow with a big expense or a big investment is huge!!!
Check the local economy ahead of time Call other exhibitors attending the show already and find out what to expect Geographical location. Do they hunt the same animals that you do? Is the show before your license deadlines?

8 Picture Booth VS A Custom Display

9 Photo Booth This is a sample image taken from the web of a more simpler photo booth.

10 Whatever time and effort you put into your booth will correlate to your potential customers the amount of time you put into your hunts! You have to decide for yourself if you have the time and ability to hall out a big display Can you market to your clients through a picture display? Corner displays will give you twice the coverage area and more traffic by your booth If you have a picture booth you need to have a good video!

11 Dress to Impress!! Your booth and your people! Show them you are serious about their hunt!



14 Customers should recognize you belong to your booth by your attire
Many of times customers remember will remember you by your clothing Your clothing makes a statement who you are

15 Target the right customers!!
Target the customers that are right for your area & outfitting business. Do NOT – set unrealistic expecationos your outfitting business cannot deliver. FUTURE CLIENTS CAN SPOT A CARSALESMAN A MILE AWAY!!!!!

16 You should always try and connect with customers that fit the physical abilities of your area
By attending a trade show you can meet and get to know the clientele you hope to target Weed out potential unwanted clients you would otherwise book over the phone

17 Engage With the Client!!! Engage the client before during and after the show!! Before show send harvest reports and incentives to come to your booth. Invite them to your booth. He is not going to book with you without friendly conversation.

18 Just because you have a booth does not mean you are going to be flooded with future potential clients Show them what you have to offer Many of clients will walk away if you do not engage them first How friendly are you going to be on the hunt if you are not friendly at the show?

19 Setting Realistic Expectations

20 Setting Realistic Expectations
Do not oversell your hunt Potential clients appreciate the honesty Show customers what you harvested last year before not 30 years ago Put references on your list that did not harvest an animal Use repeat customers at the booth to help you

21 Nobody wants an upset client in camp

22 Follow Up!! The most important thing you can do is follow up with your clients and potential clients!!!

23 Use a client list to get their contact information. After you are done talking to them you can write down key information so you remember who you were talking to. 80% of exhibitors do not follow up after the show. We book 75% of our hunt weeks and months after the show. They see so many exhibitors at the show a follow up ensures you a fresh look

24 Keeping relationships going with repeat clients
Haul their mounts to the show for them Meet them for dinner Keep the relationship going and increase the potential for future hunts

25 Bring your best qualities to the table and show what makes your outfit special

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