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Basware/Thinclient Guideline Electronic Expense Reports

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1 Basware/Thinclient Guideline Electronic Expense Reports
Presentation slide for courses, classes, lectures et al. Basware/Thinclient Guideline Electronic Expense Reports EF International Language Schools (US060)

2 Why a New Expense System?
Better cost control and overview of your own expenses Eliminates ing back and forth to Manager Faster processing times  Faster pay-outs Improves efficiency in approval of reports Eliminates risks of wrong macros and formatting that is always an issue with an Excel based format Reduces postage in sending physical receipts to Boston  scanned receipts are sufficient Requires outlook information to be updated which also helps Finance in other areas with cost allocations Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.

3 Useful Links (throughout this presentation)
Below is a list of links that are in this document. Due to the PowerPoint format, you can only “click” on them if you are in Presentation view. For easy access I have listed all the links below for you to copy and paste. Otherwise, right click and select “Open Hyperlink” on the slide itself. I suggest you save the Basware/Thinclient links on your web browser favorites. My Outlook Information: Send complete expense reports to: Basware/Thinclient (Coding and Review): Oanda (for currency exchange): Sample Expense Report: lectedView=AllImages

4 Direct Deposit (ACH) Payroll and Accounts Payable are two separate systems! What does this mean? This means that just because you are receiving direct deposit for your payroll checks, doesn’t mean you will be receiving direct deposit for your expense reimbursements. Why Direct Deposit? ACH is a much faster form of payment No more waiting 5-7 business days for your check to arrive (ACH takes only 1-2 business days to transfer) No checks getting lost in the mail room (which saves finance time searching for your payment information) How do I get my ACH information to Accounts Payable for direct deposit? Simply give Payroll permission to release your ACH information to Accounts Payable by ing Heather Lamb at and CC your finance contact. If you do not have direct deposit for your paycheck and would like to receive it, please Heather Lamb for a direct deposit form. You can then this form to Payroll and your finance contact.

5 Step 1: Updating your outlook Information
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6 Step 1: Updating your Outlook Information
These steps are extremely important as they can take up to 24 hours to refresh and are needed in order to give you a license to code and review your expense reports (before payment is issued)!! Go to My Outlook Information. Fill in anything under personal information that is missing (Account Type: Office/school staff). Finance Information should read: Legal Company: US060 Product (E3): LAW Market (E2): RPP Cost Center (E4): DXXGEA Coda Employee Code (E5): ask finance School/Destination (E6): DUSSFO* Contact the finance department via Zendesk and ask for your Coda Employee Code if you do not have it already. Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.

7 Step 2: Putting together your expense report
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8 Step 2: Putting together your expense report
Open expense report template (excel file) ONLY FILL IN THE BLUE CELLS. DO NOT TOUCH THE REMAINING CELLS!!! Fill in Employee Name, Manager Name, Employee Code. School Director should be the “Manager Name”. Save this as your own template so that you don’t lose your employee code and you don’t have to fill the above out again! Please note that this template must be opened and filled out “fresh” in Excel every time prior to the next steps in order for the template to pull the correct date, invoice numbers and amounts (ideally, do NOT keep printed out copies of this for your future expense reports as Excel will update the date to the day the file is opened). Not doing so will delay in reimbursement as you will be asked to do the next steps again.

9 Step 2: Putting together your expense report
Currency: use only one currency type per page. Exchange rate: leave as “1” Unless using different currency, then go to OANDA and PRINT OUT the currency converter for the day of the receipt. If more than one day of receipts in that currency, take the average under “historical exchange rates” and then the “table” tab. Insert this exchange rate in this field on the expense report. This will calculate the total receipts on that page in this currency. Be sure to include this printout as the last page of your expense report Insert the receipt amount for receipts 1-5 on “Cover Page 1”, receipts 6-10 on “AddPage 2”, etc.

10 Step 2: Putting together your expense report
PRINT OUT the pages (Excel tabs) that you have filled out. If you need to add more receipts after printing, please make sure you also re-print the cover page since the total reimbursement amount will change (this is a formula pulling the totals from each page together). TAPE receipts to corresponding pages and number in order corresponding to the “Receipt amount” section. This will allow for easy coding as each receipt will be its own coded line item. If your receipts don’t fit on the corresponding page, tape to blank paper and place right behind the corresponding page (this is ideal for full page receipts (ie. from online orders).

11 SAMPLE EXPENSE REPORT Sample Expense Report
The link below will direct you to a sample expense report in Basware ImageViewer used for this guideline. When you open the link, click “All Pages” option on the left side menu. Disclaimer: there was an error on this expense report. Some of the receipt totals on the right do not include the tip amounts for food receipts. Sample Expense Report

12 Step 3: Sending your expense report to basware
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13 Step 3: Sending your expense report to Basware
Scan your expense report as ONE PDF FILE and send via to Your expense report must be only one PDF file. Submitting your expense report as multiple PDF files will result in delay of reimbursement. The expense report will be validated by finance and then sent for your review and coding in Basware/Thinclient. Reminder s should be sent daily by default when an invoice is awaiting your review.

14 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/ Thinclient
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15 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
Log into Basware Thinclient (If you receive an error message while trying to log in, please check to see if your Outlook Information is updated via Step 1. If it is up to date and all filled in, then contact the finance department via Zendesk so that a license can be given to you.) The next slide shows an image of what Basware/Thinclient will look like when you have invoices awaiting review.

16 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient

17 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
Click on “Get Coding Template” Select “DUS(School)-General”, and then click “OK”. If you have more than one receipt, make sure to UNSELECT “Replace existing coding” for the remaining receipts

18 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
The below coding will appear. The next steps are the Account, Sum, and Line Description. Sum: Total of the FIRST receipt. Line Description: Enter the date of the FIRST receipt in YYMMDD format. Then enter what the expense was for. Note, only the first 36 characters will be accepted.

19 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
Account: Double click into the account cell. The image to the right will appear if you have added your Favorites. If you have not added your favorites accounts yet, go to “Adding Account Favorites” , then come back to this step. Select the account that the first receipt is for. In this sample, you would select “5313 Meals”.

20 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
Repeat #3 - #6 for all receipts in your expense report. The line items in the coding section should match the numbers you assigned to the receipt. To get to the next page in your report click on the right arrow just above the expense report image.

21 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
When complete, the coding should look like this: Please note that there is a “Difference”. This is because of the previously mentioned disclaimer that there is an error in the expense report file (meal tips were not included in the receipt amount section). In this case, finance will have to adjust the invoice total to the correct amount. Ideally, there should not be a difference. If you notice an error, please leave a comment in the box in the “review” stage.

22 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
Select the check box to save all of the line items, then click the “save” button to save the coding. When line items are saved, click the “review” button at the top of the page Note: Do not use any other buttons in the image below unless directed to do so by finance. If there are any errors/difficulty, please contact finance. Please also contact finance if you receive a document that is not yours to code/review.

23 Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware/Thinclient
After selecting the “review” button, you will be brought to a new page. Here you will see who the next recipient (approver) is. There is also a comment box if you need to leave a comment for the approver or for finance to see. Click on the “Confirm & Send” button at the top of the page. This will send your expense report along for approval, and then you will receive your payment in the next payment run.

24 Basware/ Thinclient Useful tools
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25 Basware/Thinclient Useful Tools - Coding
This button adds a new blank coding line: This button clears all of your coded lines: This button copies the current coding line: This button clears that single coded line:

26 Basware/Thinclient Useful Tools - Archive
On the right hand side of Basware/Thinclient there are some menu options. The first icon “Received Invoices” is the default view when you open the site. The second icon “Archive” will allow you to see anything that has previously been sent to you. Enter your search criteria and a list will appear. Here you can see some document details such as “payment date”. If you click on an invoice line item, an image of the invoice and the below information will appear.

27 Basware/Thinclient Useful Tools – User Settings
Under the third icon you can edit your “User Settings” Here you can edit your messages and setup your backup person when out of the office.

28 Adding Account Favorites
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29 Adding Account Favorites
Double click on the account cell so the below image appears.

30 Adding Account Favorites
Enter the account number from the Account list above, click “Find” and then click the icon for “Add to Favorites”.

31 Adding Account Favorites
Now when you click on Favorites, the list to the right will appear every time. Only these accounts should be used for your expense reports. Once you add these favorites, they will be saved for your use going forward. This will make coding your expense reports much faster and easier because you will not have to go through hundreds of accounts to find the one you need  Go back up to Step 4: Coding and reviewing your expense report in Basware Thinclient (6) if you were coding your expense report.

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