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Fowl cholera Presented:A.A.Abed.

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1 Fowl cholera Presented:A.A.Abed

2 Fowl cholera is a highly contagious disease of domestic and wild birds
Fowl cholera is a highly contagious disease of domestic and wild birds. Characterized by Sudden death.

3 Pasteurella multocida
Etiology Pasteurella multocida

4 Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, rod shaped bi polar Bacteria
Morphology Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, rod shaped bi polar Bacteria

5 Capsular antigens Somatic antigens Serotyping 5 serogroup A,B,D,,F
A,B,D,E,F 5 serogroup A,B,D,,F Capsular antigens 1−16 Somatic antigens 16 serogroup

6 Epidemiology Attack many kinds of birds as like as: Fowl,Turkey,Duck,Geese,wild bird,water fowl. Turkey are more sensitive than each others.Some domestic mammals are olso susceptible

7 Epidemiology cont Morbidity:10-80 Mortality:turkey →68 duck→50
poultry→15-50 Age: older than 16 w in layer 4-5 w in broiler Season:autumn and winter

8 Pathogenesis Enterance: 1-URT mucosal membrane 2-conjunctiva 3-cutaneous wounds Incubation period:4-9 days

9 Pathogenesis cont 1. start of acute septicemia with coagulopaties
2.production of endotoxin →oedema , haemorrhagia ,shock,sudden deaths 3.bacteraemia→spreading to lung 4.influencing factors →1- crowding, 2-clima,3-concurrent infection 4-nutrition,5- biosecurity, 6-injury and stress

10 Transmission 1.Direct contact or aerosol (excretes)
source → latently infected or chronic sick birds location of infection → URT and nasal cavity 2.Indirectly → personnel and equipment, vectors →pigs, cattle, cats, wild birds, rodents, insects Incubation period→4-9 days

11 Clinical signs high morbidity and mortality, depression, fever
Acute course – sudden death, mortality to 50 % →12-24h Sub acute course →24-48h high morbidity and mortality, depression, fever discharge from beak and nostrils anorexia, diarrhoea(yellow→Green),accelerated breathing dyspnea, cyanosis of comb and wattles in ducks-natatory movement


13 Clinical signs cont Chronic course
Failure of growth and developement of body Drop in egg production Swelling of wattles, sinuses Swelling of joints, foot pad, sternal bursa Torticolis Dermal necrosis in turkey Granulomatous dermatitis in pigeons and birds of prey

14 In the chronic form of fowl cholera, suppurative lesions may be found in
a variety of locations. In this broiler breeder, severe swelling of the infraorbital sinuses may found on external examination

15 Post mortem findings Acute form Sub acute form
Petechia to ecchymosis on serosis and mucous membrane exsudative pneumonia Sub acute form Petechia to ecchymosis in intestine, heart,lungs exsudate in pericard and body cavity swollen liver, coagulative necrosis(corn meal liver) in turkey → frequently exsudative pneumonia In turkey → flaccid, puckered a hyperemic follicle on ovary

16 Fowl cholera. Small areas of necrosis in the liver (corn meal liver)

17 hyperemic flaccid follicles

18 Hemorrhage in heart muscle
Haemorrhages in intestine (different extent)

19 Post mortem findings chronic form
Wattle form, artritis, osteomyelitis Exsudative serositis sinusitis

20 The foot has been incised to show a caseous exudate .

21 Diagnosis 1.history, sings and lesions 2.bacteriology
3.indentification by using biochemical test is available PCR test 5.bipolar microorganismus by bluedomethylene staining 6.Serology AGID or ELISA, better for evaluation of vaccine response

22 Bacteriology Bluedomethylene,lichman,gimsa staining→bipolar bacteria
Heart and livers blood Culture in : dextrose starch agar +5%serum Morphology on D.S.A: 1- Fluorescent→high virolent 2-sectored colony→mild 3-blue or slightly fluorescent→low 4-non fluorescent→non pathogene MUSSY ODOR

23 Diferential diagnosis
1.Infectious coryza 2.Fowl typhoid 3.Fowl plague(avian flu) 4.Duck plaque(duck herpes virus 1) 5.Otherpaseurellas(p.haemol itica,p.gallinarm)

24 1-Wild birds 2-Rodents,pigs,… 4-Vaccination
Prevention 1-Wild birds 2-Rodents,pigs,… 4-Vaccination

25 Vccination 1 -live attenuated
2-in activated : razi institute A: Best→(-):1,3,4 Age : 8-10 and w In poultry →IM In turkey →DW

26 2-Semisynthetic penicillins 3-Tertracyclines 4-Erythromycin
Teatment 1-Sulfa drugs 2-Semisynthetic penicillins 3-Tertracyclines 4-Erythromycin

27 Thanks

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