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Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining

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Presentation on theme: "Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining
The stable connective tissue staining for the differential analysis of nuclei, muscle and elastic fibres

2 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining
An overview staing using 3 different dyes Resorcin-Fuchsin: - elastic fibers Weigert‘s iron hematoxylin: - permanent nuclei stain Van-Gieson‘s picro-fuchsin: - connection tissue

3 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining
Fixaction recomandation: formalin or alcohol infiltration, embedding, cutting, uptake, drying Solvent Time [min] Process xylol, ethanol series, det. water deparaffinize, water resorcin-fuchsin 15:00 elastic stain tap water 01:00 rinse Weigerst‘s iron hematoxylin 05:00 nuclear stain 10:00 wash out hydrochloric acid alcohol 1 % 00:10 differentiate dest. water 00:05 van-Gieson‘s picro-fuchsin solution 02:00 dye (1-5 min) ethanol 96 %, isopropanol, xylol water xylol containing agent cover

4 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining
Dyeing results on standard tissues: nuclei: brown-black connection tissue: red elastic fibres: black musculature: yellow cytoplasma: yellow neuroglia: yellow-orange mucus, amyloid, colloid, hyalin: yellow to red Dyeing results on sponge tissues: nuclei: purple-black background tissue: pink elastic fibres (spongin): purple the stain reacts different on sponge tissue

5 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining
spongin nucleus cyanobacteria spicules

6 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining

7 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining

8 Elastica van Gieson-picro-fuchsin staining

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