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Fairtrade Sugar By Emily and Ella.

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Presentation on theme: "Fairtrade Sugar By Emily and Ella."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fairtrade Sugar By Emily and Ella

2 About Sugar Around 80% of the worlds sugar comes from sugar cane grown by millions of small farms and plantations in developing countrys. Sugar cane is a bamboo like grass that grows to a hight of 6 meters and is grown in tropical countries. The remaining 20% comes from sugar beat a root crop resembling a large parsnip.

3 New words Plantation: A plantation is a large piece of land or water that people grow crops on. Developing:Developing means makeing bigger or better.



6 Fairtrade sugar British customers and companies choosing Fairtrade sugar sent more than £5million back to fairtrade sugar cane smallholders last year. Fairtrade sugar is stocked by many big brands and supermarkets – and is used in some chocolate bars as well as by restaurants and ice cream makers. Next time you bake a cake or sprinkle sugar on your pancakes, make it Fairtrade and make life a little sweeter for the farmers who produced it as well.

7 New words Companies: A group of people that work together Brands: Something you buy in a supervalue by a companie.



10 Thank you for listening to are project on fairtrade sugar By Emily and Ella

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