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CRITERION 4 Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "CRITERION 4 Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 CRITERION 4 Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
Preparation for HLC Kickoff Meeting Thursday, September 15, 2016 205 Welch

2 4A: The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs
Program Review Process Quality Credits Transcript Quality of Credits Transfer Rigor and Quality of Courses/Credits Maintain professional accreditation Evaluate success of graduates

3 4A: Key Evidence College level program reviews
Documents that describe and demonstrate processes for quality of courses/programs Survey data of graduates and employers

4 4A: Gaps/Challenges Reporting on program reviews at a university level. Inconsistent procedures—operational interpretations of procedures. Inconsistent data from different sources

5 4B: The institution demonstrates a commitment to educational achievement and improvement through ongoing assessment of student learning. University Assessment Committee (UAC) All units have assessment committees that coordinate processes for planning, assessing, reporting, and reviewing UAC reviews all reports

6 4B: Key Evidence University mission on assessment Annual assessment reports from the 5 colleges, General Education Program, Student Affairs & Student Services, University Library, and Graduate School Example program: CHHS: “signature” assignments; assessments; analysis; “close the loop”; report; review

7 4B: Gaps/Challenges Providing typical (good) examples of “closing the loop” Demonstrating “closing the loop” within unit Demonstrating closing the loop across units

8 4C: The institution demonstrates commitment to improvement through attention to retention, persistence, and completion rates in its degree and certificate programs.

9 4C: Evidence Completion and retention plan
FTIAC graduation data & process of it BrotherHood Initiative, among other programs Data on retention/graduation rates disseminated by IRIM

10 4C: Gaps/Challenges University documentation showing goals & progress
Evidence of use of data to make improvements Small pockets of programs with data, but no data of university-wide efforts

11 Observations & Comments
Critical to demonstrate assessment of student learning links between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs & Student Services Student learning occurs across all units of the university.

12 Question How does assessment of student learning & development support and inform student retention and degree completion?

13 Team 4 Members Doug Baker, Faculty-CAS, Team Co-Leader
James Berry, Faculty, Educational Leadership Mary Brake, Associate Dean, COT Meng Chen, IRIM Diane Fox, Faculty-CHHS Ellen Gold, SASS, Team Co-Leader Beth Kubitskey, Associate Dean, COE Christine Lancaster, Director of Student Support, COE Steven Pernecky, Associate Dean, CAS Joe Scazzero, Faculty-COB

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