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Presentation on theme: "ECONOMY DURING THE SECOND CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD"— Presentation transcript:


2 Main Goals of CUP’s Policy of National Economy
Creation of Muslim/Turkish bourgeoisie Developing the national industry Limiting the foreign intervention

3 Yusuf Akçura “If the Turks fail to produce among themselves a bourgeois class by profiting from European capitalism, the chances of a survival of a Turkish society composed only of peasants and officials will be very slim” Türk Yurdu 1917

4 National Economy Corporatist model
Ziya Gökalp Moiz Kohen (Munis Tekinalp) Corporatist model Division of labour and solidarity in the society based on occupational groups No class conflict Class conflict Economy should be based on big production units Industrialization under state supervision

5 Towards a National Economy
1908 Muslim Boycott of Austrian goods Muslim Boycott of 1913

6 Minister of Finance : Cavit Bey

7 State Support and New Legislations
1913 Law on the Encouragement of Industry 1913 Committee of National Defense –national mobilization Internal customs were removed Imports of machinery and equipment exempted from tax School for Railway Employees

8 State Support and New Legislations
Establishment of monopolies controlled by Turkish/Muslim entrepreneurs State sponsored economy journals 1916 Usage of Turkish language in all trade relations became obligatory

9 Inititatives and Organizations
Establishment of Joint Stock Companies and Banks The National Credit Bank, The National Bank of Economy, National Produce Company, National Cloth Company 1912 National Consumers’ Society 1915 Esnaf Cemiyeti (The Society of Tradesman) 1916 Establishment of Agricultural Bank German experts & 150 students sent to Germany

10 Economic Problems during the WWI
Labor Shortage Inflation Problems in Trade Allied occupation of trade routes Insufficient railway network

11 Economic Problems during WWI
Decline in Production Budget Deficit Higher Taxes Reducing the Salaries of State Employees Cash inadequacy Black market No European loans

12 Kara Kemal

13 Economic Problems during WWI
Decline in agricultural production and increase in demand Wartime Food Supply Policies 1916 Agricultural Obligations Law Confiscation of raw materials Consolidating the power of the landowners 1914 Capitulations were abolished unilaterally Wartime profiteering (332 tüccarları)

14 Family, Feminism and the State


16 Secularization in the sphere of family
Women and the public life The “new family” and the “new life” Top-down approach to female emancipation The role of women in the war economy

17 Focus on Family Women as “mothers of nation”
Upbringing the enlightened generations “National Family” Family as cell of society Moral degradation due to wars, migrations, poverty, losses prostitution

18 New Laws and Reforms for Women
1913 – Primary education became obligatory for girls 1914 – İnas Darülfünunu was opened 1917 – Family Law Right to take initiative for divorce Marriages before magistrate Brides to be aged over 16 Encouraging marriage through economic incentives 1918 – segregation between sexes at the university ended Manpower shortage: during various wars and especially World War I because of the scarcity of male labour, women entered into professions which were exclusive domain of men (Bedra Osman Hanım)

19 Women periodicals from the 2nd Constitutional Era
Demet Kadınlar Dünyası

20 Associations established by Women
2 types: philantrophic & feminist Philantrophic associations: The Women’s Section of the Red Crescent Society The Society for Aid to Needy Soldier Families Feminist associations: The Society for the Elevation of Women [Teali-i Nisvan Cemiyeti] The Society for the Defence of Women’s Rights [Müdafaa-i Hukuk-ı Nisvan Cemiyeti]


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