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Porting process: Germany

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1 Porting process: Germany

2 Required Information on Porting Form
Contract owner (at the old operator) Name of the losing Operator/EKP (e.g. DTAG, Vodafone, etc.) Phone number (single number or number including the number range) Sign date and place Signature and company stamp Porting form to be used: O:\de\Transfer\CBS\SD Central Service Delivery\SD Voice\Portierungen\Antragsformulare\Portierungsformblatt_COLT.xls O:\de\Transfer\CBS\SD Central Service Delivery\SD Voice\Portierungen\Antragsformulare\Portierungsformblatt_COLT.pdf Notes: For number with ranges we need one porting form for each number with range. For single numbers they can be up to 10 single numbers on the porting form, if they belong to the same service connection at the loosing provider.

3 Timelines Porting will be requested if all technically work is done on Customer site VL = Circuit is delivered and tested during installation VOIP= Customer have had VOIP Activation support or at least CPE is reachable NH: Reseller is responsible for customer readiness, before no porting should be requested IN GEO: Workflow/Notification has reached Porting Desk How to evaluate Porting Date ? Request will be today + 10 Working Days ( no weekend, no public Holidays) Response time is latest 5 days later from losing Operator. Postponement after confirmed porting date from Losing Operator must be latest reach Porting Desk, Today + 8 Working days ( no weekend, no public Holidays in between). Complete Cancelation of Porting with no new Date : Today +5 Working Days

4 Porting Windows 06:00-08:00 a.m. 08:00-12:00 a.m.
 Please be aware that in Germany the standard porting windows are: 06:00-08:00 and 08:00-12:00. Colt will always request the earlier time slot, unless customer requests otherwise. The porting date is set by the releasing contract holder depending on terms of the contract. Once a porting date has been agreed, the porting team will inform the legal customer contact and the AE (and any additional contacts who requested an update earlier to GERPortierungen).   Special Porting windows only with losing operator Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG) !!! TUE         21-22 o’clock FRI            o‘clock SAT           o’clock The porting should be requested to Deutsche Telekom at least 20 working days in advance. No extra charges. The customer must be aware that all porting issues will be solved only during the regular working hours (MO-FRI)  

5 Reasons for Refusal Incorrect number range
Number does not exist (incorrect carrier) Number already ported/cancelled Missing numbers (customer contract includes more then the given numbers) Incorrect contract owner / customer Missing customer signature Missing company stamp Request is un-readable

6 Port In Scenario 1 (Confirmation)
Order raised in Ordering System Order Status: portable Portform should be checked Request by WBCI/FAX to the losing Operator Awaiting response from losing operator Appointment confirmation will be sent to the customer / CPD to be set in Ordering System Confirmation from old Operator Port in takes place on confirmated date

7 Port In Scenario 2 (Rejection)
…. Same as in Scenario1 until request from the old carrier Rejection from previous operator Clarification of rejection e.g. contract owner is wrong, etc. New porting form required with corrected dates New request will be sent to previous operator Awaiting response from previous operator …. Same as in Scenario1 from confirmation onwards..

8 Technical View for Porting:
The technical work during the porting is not completed by the porting team, but by the Local Voice Team. The import will begin on Colt’s side at the start of the porting window. There is no contact between the technical team in Colt and the losing carrier/customer. The progress is tracked by the Local Voice Team and documented in the contract notes. Once the import has been completed by the losing carrier, a test call is carried out. If the releasing carrier does not finish the number routing within the agreed porting window, the Local Voice Team will open a trouble-ticket with the releasing carrier and document the status of the ticket in the contract notes. Results of the test call and completion of the import are documented in the Order Handling System.


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