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Studying the Theorists

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1 Studying the Theorists
WHO???? Created by I Abdelnour They give us history. They help us understand the theory behind what we do.

2 PRESENTING… John Dewey Maria Montessori Erik Erickson Jean Piaget
Lev Vygotsky

3 JOHN DEWEY Born in Burlington, VT YAY! He asked:
How do we best introduce children to subject matter? Should we have multiage classrooms? How should thinking skills be taught? Most associated with progressive education movement in US Believed that children learn by doing and that education should involve real life materials and experiences & should encourage experimentation and independent thinking

4 What is progressive education?? Education should be child-centered.
Education must be both active and INTERACTIVE. Education must involve the social world of the child and the community.

5 Children’s interests form the basis for curriculum planning.
Children learn best when they interact with other people; both and alone with peers and adults. Children’s interests form the basis for curriculum planning. Teachers must be sensitive to the values and needs of families. Teachers must include information on how to live in society. Education adds to understanding the world. Education prepares children to live more fully.

6 John Dewey 1859 – 1952 “Education is a process of living, not a preparation for future living”

7 MARIA MONTESSORI She was born in Italy and was the first woman in Italy to graduate from medical school. Worked with children in insane asylums. She felt the problem was the adults, not the children She felt observation was necessary to understand a child’s needs.

8 She believed that children needed real tools and materials that are their own size.
She believed that environment must include space and people. Adults are responsible to provide wonderful sights, textures, sounds & smells. Keep materials accessible so that children can find them AND put them away. She thought that a room should include beauty and order. Step back and allow children time and space. Give responsibility for keeping community space clean and provide large blocks of time for free play and work.

9 MARIA MONTESSORI “The child, making use of all the he finds around him, shapes himself for the future.”

10 ERIK ERIKSON Born in Germany
“Eight ages of man” encompasses the whole life span Sensory-motor stage (Birth – 2 years) The world is limited to his or her sensory perceptions and motor activities Pre-operations stage (2 years – 6 years) The period between ages two and six during which a child learns to use language. During this stage, children do not yet understand concrete logic, cannot mentally manipulate information, and are unable to take the point of view of other people.

11 Concrete Operations Stage (7 yrs – 11 yrs)
During this time, children gain a better understanding of mental operations. Children begin thinking logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts. Formal Operations Stage (12 yrs – 16 yrs) The formal operational stage begins at approximately age twelve to and lasts into adulthood. During this time, people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts. Skills such as logical thought, deductive reasoning, and systematic planning also emerge during this stage. Adulthood Maturity

12 Erik Erikson 1902 – 1988 “The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play.” 

13 LEV VYGOTSKY Born in Russia Theories Objected to intelligence tests
His key contribution is importance of interaction between adults and peers. A child on the age of learning a new concept is helped by interaction with a teacher or peer. “Scaffolding” – giving and reaching a new concept by giving supporting information. Stretch the child by creating challenges. Language is the key to building cognitive development.

14 “ Language is the tool of the tools”
Lev Vygotsky 1902 – 1988 “ Language is the tool of the tools” 

15 JEAN PIAGET Born in Switzerland
He asked the question, “How do children arrive at what they know?” Stages of cognitive development: Sensori-motor- they rely on their senses; object impermanence; object permanence Preoperational Concrete operational Formal operational


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