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Zanzibar Mapping Initiative

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Presentation on theme: "Zanzibar Mapping Initiative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zanzibar Mapping Initiative
Z M I Project Overview My name is Mohammed ZAHRAN from the Commission for Lands Zanzibar, today I respresent The Zanzibar Mapping Initiative, along with my two colleagues, Khairaat KHAMIS our highly skilled drone operator from the State University of Zanzibar, and Yves Barthelemy our project coordinator Mohammed ZAHRAN - Commission for Lands Zanzibar 2. Khairaat KHAMIS – State University of Zanzibar 3. Yves BARTHÉLEMY - OBSCOM

Project objective : Updating aerial imagery of zanzibar using drones (mostly Ebee) Imagery will be made available to all actors under OpenData License and will serve as a basis for updating OpenStreetMap. Main outputs: 7 cm : over Rural Areas. 2.5 cm over some Urban Areas High Accuracy Land Use available in Open Data. The projects main objective is to use UAVs to capture high resolution aerial Imagery that will be used to produce an up to date digital map of Zanzibar Project objective : Updating aerial imagery of zanzibar using drones (mostly Ebee) Imagery will be made available to all actors under OpenData License and will serve as a basis for updating OpenStreetMap. Main outputs: 7 cm : over Rural Areas. 2.5 cm over some Urban Areas High Accuracy Land Use available in Open Data.

3 ZMI/ actors involved COLA: Commission for Lands Project Client Coordination with authorities, Providing surveyors for joining operational teams COSTECH ( Providing institutional support (authorization, link with Research Institutions…). Providing drones and expertise. SUZA, providing: Facilities : Drone-LAB Staff: ZANSEA Team / Drone Team Students: for digitizing imagery and helping in the field. SUZA TV SUZA Center for Digital Learning Project Coordination (YB) WORLD BANK, providing Technical support Financial support: funding DroneAdventure Funding student work Sensefly Providing drones/Training/Support Drone Adventures, providing Trainings/Operational support during the project. STATOIL/ZANSEA: providing support under ZANSEA project ( OBSCOM Coordinating operations in Zanzibar This project main partners are Commission for Lands Zanzibar (COLA) and Commission for Science and Technology Costech, WorldBank is funding SenSefly and Drone Adventures are Providing and supporting Drones operations and trainings SUZA /OBSCOM is providing logistic and fieldwork coordination STATOIL/ZANSEA is facilitating publishing in Geonode

4 Context Activities Overview
2 islands 2300 km²: UNGUJA (1200 km²) and PEMBA (1100 km²). Activities Overview Activity 0 : Training (GIS, Emotion, Pix4D, Drone operations) Activity 1: Image acquisition campaign “Zanzibar Mission” Activity 2: Image processing: Activity 3: Digitization Project scope is the two island of Unguja 1200 Square Kilometres and Pemba 1100 Square Kilometres There are Four Main Activities involved Activity 0 : Training (GIS, Emotion, Pix4D, Drone operations) Activity 1: Image acquisition campaign “Zanzibar Mission” covering Unguja and Pemba using several drones during an intensive drone campaign. Activity 2: Image processing: Creating ortho-imagery of the whole Unguja island Creating 3D models Activity 3: Using the information generated Based on the drone imagery produced, intensive digitization of features in OpenStreetMap. Based on imagery generated, improvement of environmental baseline information

5 Zoning system = 9 km² zones
239 zones in Unguja 182 zones in PEMBA The Island are Zoned with 3 by 3 Kilometre grids to produce 239 zones in Unguja 182 zones in PEMBA

Students Processing Center Drone Workshop Osm map parties COLA Authorizations Quality Control Surveyors Drone Teams (2 to 4) 1 car 3 drones 3 Members Flight Planner Logistician Data Management The Operations are coordinated through the State University, by providing the energetic workforce for workflow management and data processing, The Commission for Lands provides Technical Surveyors and facilitate authorizations

7 Interactive Map synchronized with Spreadsheet GIS Mapping
Operations GoogleSpreadsheet logsheet Interactive Map synchronized with Spreadsheet There is an interactive grid on the map that enable tracking the progress of the field operations GIS Mapping

8 Dissemination Data accessible on ZANSEA Geonode.
Data is made accessible through ZANSEA Geonode

9 Coastal mapping : sand, coral, …
Here is an example of coastal image showing sand and coral

10 Human-use : tourism activity along the coast
We can sense accurately the tourism hotels and get exact property or land coverage

11 Human activities along the coast
Some human activities like sports grounds

12 Socio-Economic Features
We can locate some local fisheries activites

13 Coastal environment: Mangroves
Some costal mangrove forest monitoring

14 Kibele Landfill site Monitor Landfill sites

15 Future use of Drone imagery in Zanzibar (1/2)
Application Institution interested GIS Expertise Open Street Map improvement WorldBank Digitization Land fill monitoring ZEMA, DOE, LAND HOUSE 3D extraction, Volume Calculation, Photo- Interpretation. Flood prone areas mapping 3D Extraction DEM – Hydrology applications Flood monitoring Flood Mapping. Coral reef health mapping SUZA/TROCEN, IMS, WCS, Object oriented-classification, Marine mammals surveys and monitoring WCS, SUZA/TROCEN Automatic detection, Spatial distribution, Fishing vessels counting Bathymetry Energy, SUZA/TROCEN Classification Interpolation These high resolution imagery could be put to many use cases in the future such as Open Street Map improvement Land fill monitoring Flood prone areas mapping Flood monitoring Coral reef health mapping Marine mammals surveys and monitoring Fishing vessels counting Bathymetry

16 Future use of Drone imagery in Zanzibar (2/2)
Application Institution interested GIS Expertise Coastal Erosion All Photo-Interpretation, Digitization Seaweed mapping WorldBank , IMS, DoURP, Fisheries EIA-inforcement ZEMA, DOE Photo-Interpretation, Classification, Mapping Land-use /Land-Cover changes Classification, Change detection mapping Terrestrial Protected areas monitoring DoFNR Change detection, Mapping Sea level rise TROCEN, IMS, DoURP, Fisheries 3D generation, DEM spatial analysis. Health: Malaria Ministry of Health Tourism promotion ZCT, Tourism actors in general Corridor mapping ZAWA, ZEMA, ZECO, Oil and Gas companies in general, E- Learning in GIS SUZA Computer science Capacity Building Coastal Erosion Seaweed mapping EIA-inforcement Land-use /Land-Cover changes Terrestrial Protected areas monitoring Sea level rise Health: Malaria /Cholera Tourism promotion Corridor mapping E- Learning in GIS Computer science Capacity Building

17 ZMI/Conclusion At the end of the project, COLA will have
UNGUJA and PEMBA covered with 7 and 2.5 cm High Resolution Imagery to create a Base Map and its Digital Cadastre SUZA will have: Highly skilled staff at SUZA in : GIS, Drone Mapping, Photogrammetry, 3D, Geospatial image servers, … Students enrolled in GIS activities. An up and running Drone Lab at SUZA within the GIS Centre. A success story for all partners involved.

18 SUZA/ ZANSEA team involved
To follow the project On ZANSEA Facebook: Our interactive map:





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