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Unit 5 Project Task: Analyze four political cartoons and create a caption or summary for each image. Then, select a topic from Unit 5 and create your own.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Project Task: Analyze four political cartoons and create a caption or summary for each image. Then, select a topic from Unit 5 and create your own."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Project Task: Analyze four political cartoons and create a caption or summary for each image. Then, select a topic from Unit 5 and create your own political cartoon. Directions: Your caption must be typed (Times New Roman size 12 font). Your caption must be 4-5 sentences. Title each caption with the cartoon #. Your cartoon must be colored. Include a title. Follow the and your rubric to ensure you earn a high grade.

2 Unit 5 Project Rubric

3 Sample: Cartoon #21 Caption: The cartoon shows President Theodore Roosevelt wearing his Rough Rider uniform and looking at the style of hats worn by past presidents U.S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington. The hat he likes best, atop a stand labeled "Imported Hat - All the Style in Europe", is a crown labeled "Imperialism". The hat says “all the style in Europe” because by the late 1800s, European powers like Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia were following the trend of imperialism by colonizing territories around the world. The overall message of the cartoon is to portray Theodore Roosevelt as an imperialist President who wants the United States to become an imperialist nation.

4 Sample: Cartoon #21 Identify the people in the cartoon
Caption: The cartoon shows President Theodore Roosevelt wearing his Rough Rider uniform and looking at the style of hats worn by past presidents U.S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington. The hat he likes best, atop a stand labeled "Imported Hat - All the Style in Europe", is a crown labeled "Imperialism". The hat says “all the style in Europe” because by the late 1800s, European powers like Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia were following the trend of imperialism by colonizing territories around the world. The overall message of the cartoon is to portray Theodore Roosevelt as an imperialist President who wants the United States to become an imperialist nation. Identify the people in the cartoon Briefly describe the situation portrayed in the cartoon Describe the historical circumstances of the cartoon Explain the message of the cartoon

5 The cartoons… Remember… you must select one cartoon from each section to analyze and write a caption. (one cartoon from section A, one from section B, one from section C, and one from section D= for a total of 4 captions)

6 A

7 Document #1

8 Document #2

9 Document #3

10 Document #4

11 Document #5

12 B

13 Document #6

14 Document #7

15 Document #8

16 Document #9

17 Document #10

18 C

19 Document #11

20 Document #12

21 Document #13

22 Document #14

23 Document #15

24 Document #16

25 D

26 Document #17

27 Document #18

28 Document #19

29 Document #20

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