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Introducing SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services
Geoff Snowman Developer Community Champion Microsoft Corporation


3 Reporting Services Vision
Enable employees at all levels of an organization to realize the promise of BI to promote better decision making Delivered through Traditional and interactive reports Scalable, manageable and embeddable server infrastructure Integration with SharePoint, Office applications, browser and other familiar tools Single platform and tools for all types of structured data (relational, hierarchical, multidimensional) TechEd 2002

4 Licensing Model SQL Server

5 Reporting Lifecycle SQL Server Reporting Services supports the full reporting lifecycle, including Authoring, Management and Delivery Authoring Management Delivery TechEd 2002

6 demo Sample Reports TechEd 2002

7 demo Reporting Authoring TechEd 2002

8 Report Management Security Scalability History Data Connections
Caching Query Results History Data Connections

9 demo Report Management TechEd 2002

10 Report Delivery Pull Model Push Model Report Manager
URL Addressability – CF Integration! Web Service – CF Integration! Push Model File Share Custom

11 URL Addressability Any report can be displayed by typing a URL into a browser Example: CategoryID=1&EmployeeID=1 TechEd 2002

12 demo URL Addressability TechEd 2002

13 Web Service Interfaces
Namespace Management Item Properties Report Execution Report Parameters Report History Data Source Management Scheduling Subscriptions and Delivery Linked Reports Job Management Security Management TechEd 2002

14 demo Web Service WSDL TechEd 2002

15 demo Push Delivery TechEd 2002

16 Reporting Services Architecture
Browser Management Custom App Data Sources (SQL, OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, Custom) URL WMI Web Service Output Formats (HTML, Excel, PDF, Custom) Report Server Report Processing Data Retrieval Rendering Security Delivery SQL Server Catalog Security Services (NT, Passport, Custom) Delivery Targets ( , File share, Custom) TechEd 2002

17 Programmatic Interfaces
Customizable XML report definition Open Schema Viewing Interfaces URL Addressability Web Service / SOAP Management Interfaces WMI Interface Extension Interfaces Data, Delivery, Rendering and Security TechEd 2002

18 Key Differentiators Full Reporting Platform
All server components are extensible Completely embeddable Published, extensible report definition Scalability and Performance Designed from day one to be a .NET web service Web farm architecture Optimized processing and rendering Reports execute as CLR assemblies TechEd 2002

19 Next Steps Download the eval!

20 TechEd 2002 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. TechEd 2002

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