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SQL Server on Linux CTP 1.1 Florian Mader @flomader.

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Server on Linux CTP 1.1 Florian Mader @flomader."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Server on Linux CTP 1.1 Florian Mader @flomader

2 Our Sponsors If you think, that a SQL Saturday is a nice possibility to learn from and network with fellow SQL Server enthusiasts FOR FREE, I just ask you one thing: Visit the sponsor booths and chat with the sponsors! They are covering the expenses for each and every of you, with is around EUR 60 …

3 Agenda Quickstart Supported Platforms & Features
Platform Abstraction Layer Performance SQL Server on Linux HA SQL Server on Linux & Docker

4 Quickstart Requirements How?
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=<YourStrong!Passw0rd>' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux Requirements Same high quality & security standards Same value in terms of functionality and scale Application compatibility between SQL Server on Windows and Linux Features and fixes need to appear immediately across platforms Lay a foundation for future SQL Server suite services (SSIS) How? Same high quality code across OSes Enabled through Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL)

5 Supported Platforms & Features
Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu LTS and earlier Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 Workstation, Server, and Desktop and earlier Docker Engine 1.8 and later Features Core Database Engine Including CLR, In-Memory OLTP, Columnstore Index, Query Store, DMV Tooling Administration: SSMS, mssql-conf, Powershell Development: SSMS, Visual Studio Code, SSDT, Connectivity libraries (C#, Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, C++)

6 Unsupported Features (CTP 1.1)
Database Engine High Availability Security Services Full-Text Search Always On Availability Groups Active Directory Authentication SQL Server Agent Replication Database Mirroring Windows Authentication SQL Server Browser Stretch DB Extensible Key Management SQL Server R Services Polybase Use of user-provided certificate for SSL or TLS StreamInsight Distributed Query Analysis Services CLR assemblies with the EXTERNAL_ACCESS or UNSAFE permission set Reporting Services Filetable Integration Services System extended stored procedures (XP_CMDSHELL, etc.) Data Quality Services Master Data Services

7 Platform Abstraction Layer
Goal Remove or abstract away SQL Server’s dependencies on Windows Dependencies “Win32” (ex. user32.dll) NT Kernel (ntdll.dll) Windows application libraries (such as MSXML, MS DTC, ) SQL Server Operating Systems (SOS) Resource management Improved performance Supportability Not a full abstraction layer Drawbridge Microsoft Research Project reducing the virtualization resource when hosting many VMs on the same hardware user mode Library OS (LibOS) 1500+ Windows ABIs in user mode SOSv2 SOS and LibOS merged 81 MB of uncompressed Windows libraries, SQL PAL itself ~8MB

8 Performance* Script Windows Linux Skype.sql
Columnstore Index, logical reads 00:00: :00: :00:10.139 00:00:06.614 00:00:07.050 00:00:06.491 28% ThankYou.sql LIKE ‘%x%’, physical reads 00:16: :14:02.776 00:17: :17:34.863 -14% Top500AnswerersOnTheSite.sql JOIN, Clustered Index (B-Tree) 00:11: :11:17.638 00:11: :09:49.230 7% UserRetention.sql PIVOT, tempdb 00:11: :11:13.968 00:12: :10:17.352 -1% SQLStress Rows/Insert=1 2793 Txn/Sec 2046 Txn/Sec 1609 Txn/Sec 1657 Txn/Sec -33% Rows/Insert=100 75 Txn/Sec 78 Txn/Sec 52 Txn/Sec 43 Txn/Sec -38% * my personal (not official Microsoft) query test results, selected queries against StackOverflow dataset; Azure VMs, Standard D3, Windows Server 2012 R2, Ubuntu 15.10; not supposed to be an extended benchmark, rather quick tests to grasp a first impression on performance

9 SQL Server on Linux HA Failover Cluster Instance on RHEL 7.3
based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) HA add-on Uses Corosync and Pacemaker Currently only high-level functional testing, not a production setup Linux Server 2 Linux Server 3 SQL Server 1 SQL Server 2 Pacemaker Corosync Linux Server 1 NFS

10 SQL Server on Linux & Docker
Requires 4GB RAM Runs on Docker for Windows & Docker for Mac Demo

11 Please give us feedback!
How did you like it? Please give us feedback! to the event: to me as a speaker:

12 Ressources

13 Thank You! If you think, that a SQL Saturday is a nice possibility to learn from and network with fellow SQL Server enthusiasts FOR FREE, I just ask you one thing: Visit the sponsor booths and chat with the sponsors! They are covering the expenses for each and every of you, with is around EUR 60 …

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