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The Classical and Medieval West

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1 The Classical and Medieval West

2 Greece Regarded humankind as the highest creation of nature; perfection in physical form Recognized the importance of the individual Led to perfection of naturalistic images of the human figure in art. Goal became to create the ideal individual

3 3 stages of Greek civilization
1)Archaic period Kouros – male youth rigid frontal position (Egypt) Individual, not a supernatural ruler Freestanding “red-figure” pottery Displays what is left of Greek painting

4 EgyptianMycerinus. Note the differences in this and the Greek Kouros
EgyptianMycerinus. Note the differences in this and the Greek Kouros. This is not freestanding and represents a king and queen

5 Kouros

6 Kouros

7 Red-Figure pottery

8 Red-figure pottery

9 2) Classical period Emphasized rational simplicity, order and restrained emotions Interest in anatomy and more relaxed poses More naturalistic (movement) Divine inspired ratios (ideal proportions)

10 Greek Classicism

11 Parthenon On the Acropolis (above the city of Athens)
Largest building on acropolis Built as a gift to Athena

12 PARTHENON. Ictinus and Callicrates. 448-432 B.C.E.

13 Rome 3) Hellenistic period Artists turned from idealized restraint
Captured the subjective and imperfect aspects of life Subjects: Everyday activities, myths, portraiture

14 Hellenistic. The laocoon group

15 Rome Roman art was practical and materialistic
Romans Admired Greed art Higher degree of individuality Greatest artistic achievements were in civil engineering, town planning and architecture.

16 Pantheon – dedicated to all the gods
Circular walls (stone and concrete) Dome ceiling Patterned with coffers – recessed squares Oculus – opening at the dome’s crown




20 Early Christian and Byzantine Art
Byzantine Empire – Christian continuation of the Roman empire Flourish of Christian art and architecture Churches built with an inward focus Mosaic technique

21 Moved away from naturalism (controversy)
Emperor Leo III ordered destruction of all images Empress Theodora overturned Leo’s decree




25 Gothic Replaces the Romanesque style in about 1145
Seen mostly in Architecture Pointed gothic arch Stained glass windows

26 NOTRE DAME DE CHARTRES. Chartres, France. 1145-1513.




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