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7Up3 Capacity Building on Competition Policy and Law

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1 7Up3 Capacity Building on Competition Policy and Law
Outcomes from 7Up3 Capacity Building – Uganda Experiences by Kimera Henry Richard, Chief Executive - CONSENT Theme Promoting a Healthy Competition Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa, 14-15 February 2008 Gaborone Sun, Botswana

2 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences content...
Introduction Genesis of Competition Policy and Law – 7Up1 Success and Challenges give birth to Competition Policy and Law – 7up3 Project Conclusion

3 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences introduction...
CONSENT – consumer and civil society organization founded and incorporated in February Strive and work for a socially informed, equitable and just society through consumer awareness, empowerment, advocacy and advisory services, promotion of ethical practices among businesses and engagement of policymakers to enact pro-people policies for present and future generations. CONSENT designs and implements programs on awareness, capacity enhancement, constructive stakeholder dialogues, policy research and advocacy and advisory services on socio-economic issues through partnerships for effective policies to enhance consumer safety, welfare, business practices, sustainable consumption and development.

4 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences introduction...
Uganda – socio-economic and political profile Market economy after reform in the 1990 to date The reforms gave birth to economic liberalization – privatization, deregulation, downsizing of government, private sector the engine of growth initiatives emerged. Split of public monopolies in service – utilities sectors with commendable success in the communication – the telecom sub-sector. The regulator is effective. Comprehensive National Trade Policy & National Trade Development Plan Competition Policy and Law & Consumer Protection Policy and Law major components in the Plan Marketing and Distribution Policy and Law Politics is competitive – multi-party democracy

5 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences Genesis of Competition Policy and Law work ...
Genesis of Competition Policy and Law – 7Up1 Project Marriage with CUTS – likeminded organizations since 1998: consumer agenda, south-south cooperation, global trade agenda. 2002 – CUTS ARC – Lusaka, Zambia informal discussion, innovations and work MoU for a study on Competition and Consumer Protection Scenario in Uganda.

6 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences Genesis of Competition Policy and Law work ...
Product has facilitated and input in national, regional and international status reports on Uganda’s competition and consumer protection. Limited or low levels of awareness and appreciation of competition and consumer welfare in the market economy. Misconception of liberalization – privatization, safety nets and regulation for an enabling business environment. Linkage of competition and consumer protection – welfare. Institutional capacity – referral point on competition issues.

7 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences Success & Challenges ...
Success gives birth to Competition Policy and Law – 7up3 Project Inception, conceptualization and launch of 7Up3 in 2005. Solid continuity given the status quo – 2002 competition status was still evident plus the challenges Prevalence of anti-competitive and restrictive trade practices Low awareness and politic will for the competition policy and law

8 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences Success & Challenges ...
 7Up3 Country Research on Competition Policy and Law built on the 2002 foundation. No policy and legal framework – draft competition bill 2004 Awareness and appreciation on importance and role of competition policy and law in economy was still limited and is still limited. Dialogues and training develop a gradual appreciation at both public and private sector policy level. A crop of competition champions exists – irrespective the absence of the policy and regulatory framework. Advocating for the framework institutionalization. 7Up3 Draft Tool Kit for Uganda Competition agenda as a Safety Net, Socio-economic & regulatory audit.

9 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences Success & Challenges ...
Institutions of Learning call for collaboration to promote competition policy and law as strategy for sustainable promotion of a healthy competition culture. Call for localizing competition to enhance awareness and its role in socio-economic agenda and welfare. Institutionalization and documentation of the process to enactment the competition policy and law plus consumer protection the National Trade Development Plan (NTDP) is a health development which can be propped and facilitated by the products of the 7Up project plus other best practices and experiences in the regional and the international arena.

10 7Up3 Outcomes – Uganda Experiences Conclusion ...
Delivered capacity on competition policy, law and practices to different stakeholders. Generated research, training and dialogue reports that can effectively promote, input and facilitate in driving the competition policy and law in the region for a healthy competition culture.  Enhanced awareness and appreciation of competition’s role in national development agenda.  Promoted networking and collaboration. It’s leaving a challenge on how effective to drive the results into reality in respective countries. 7Up3 participating individuals and institutions are a resource to respective countries. Thanks the CUTS Team, DFID and NORAD for the initiative.

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