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The Victorian Planning Authority in Rural and Regional Victoria Unlocking the potential of our regional towns and cities Stuart Moseley CEO, Victorian.

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Presentation on theme: "The Victorian Planning Authority in Rural and Regional Victoria Unlocking the potential of our regional towns and cities Stuart Moseley CEO, Victorian."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Victorian Planning Authority in Rural and Regional Victoria Unlocking the potential of our regional towns and cities Stuart Moseley CEO, Victorian Planning Authority Friday, 30 June 2017

2 Overview The opportunities for our regional towns and cities
The VPA – Who we are and what we do Our current work program in Victoria’s regions Where to next – Towards a stronger regional role An open invitation

3 But first … to introduce myself …

4 The opportunities for our regional towns and cities A growing state population creates both an opportunity and an imperative to foster growing regions… Melbourne and Victoria’s population continues to grow strongly Fastest growth rate in Australia: 1.7 per cent There will need to be an additional 2.2 million dwellings to house the population Source: Victoria in Future

5 The opportunities for our regional towns and cities
Strong growth potential More than dormitory suburbs Strong local lifestyle, services & jobs Higher-order services e.g. Unis Vibrant communities Skilled workforces Transport links to local catchment, wider region and Melbourne What is the sustainable competitive advantage of your region?

6 The opportunities for our regional towns and cities
15,000 persons per annum for next 20 years to 2031 20,000 persons per annum for next 20 year thereafter to 2051 Unprecedented quantum – 700,000 persons in less than 40 years % of this growth will be accommodated in the top 10 “Regional Cities” Source: Victoria in Future

7 The opportunities for our regional towns and cities Challenges for Regional Victorian Growth
Regional Victoria is currently 24% of population, with only 10% - 12% of growth Regional Victoria is failing to attract its share of international migration 78% of Births are in metropolitan Melbourne and 22% in Regional Victoria However, of the State’s 38,000 Deaths in 2014/15, 33% are in Regional Victoria Source – ABS Regional Population Growth Aus 2015/16

8 The opportunities for our regional towns and cities
Regional Victoria’s share of economic growth is declining Economic growth drives population growth

9 The opportunities for our regional towns and cities - enabling policies
Victoria’s Regional Statement Regional Growth Plans Sector Strategies Connecting Regional Victoria Plan Melbourne

10 The Victorian Planning Authority: Who we are and what we do
Where we work Who we are Statutory authority with an independent board reporting to the Minister for Planning Strategic place based planner – planning for delivery, solving spatial problems We unlock land for housing supply and employment, and plan for the delivery of infrastructure and services to build communities and places across the state Minister designates areas for VPA to become: Facilitator / advisor / solutions broker OR Planning Authority Good planning enables growth – Bad planning stifles it! Greenfield Urban renewal sites and areas Regional towns and cities

11 Our current work program in the regions
Currently Active in: Bendigo Bacchus Marsh Torquay Wodonga Shepparton Latrobe Valley Wonthaggi Echuca Yarrawonga Macedon Ranges Horsham Traralgon

12 Our current work program in the regions
Example: Shepparton-Mooroopna Growth Framework VPA working with RDV and City of Greater Shepparton to develop growth framework to 2050: to build on Shepparton’s strategic advantages identify and address key challenges guide growth and renewal drive employment growth identify growth-enabling infrastructure

13 Our current work program in the regions
Example: Wonthaggi North East Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) VPA working with Bass Coast Shire Council to Plan for a significant growth area for Bass Coast Shire with 10,000 new residents Facilitate employment opportunities Create an attractive new community and reinforce the town as a strong rural service centre

14 Where to next: towards a stronger regional role
“Streamlining for Growth” announced by Minister for Planning in September 2016 $8.4 million to regions over the life of the program ($2.1 million per year) Build council capacity Ensure a land supply pipeline to facilitate regional growth Promote employment growth and implement Regional Growth Plans Undertake master planning for strategic sites 2016/17 Regional Package

15 Where to next: towards a stronger regional role
Core – Deliver on Plan Melbourne (initial 5 year program) Growth frameworks for 10 regional cities (lead) Town plans for peri-urban areas (lead) Working with Regional Partnerships established through Victoria’s Regional Statement, including implementing Regional Growth Plans (support) 10 Regional Partnership Areas

16 Where to next: towards a stronger regional role
What we will be working on internally: Explore and define a broader role for the VPA Role clarity and alignment across government Using the right tool for the job Stronger partnerships Closer engagement Leveraging our inputs for greatest benefit

17 An open invitation Partnering is key to success
We want to strengthen our engagement with Victoria’s regions Keep me informed – invite me to visit! Direct line

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