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2 The aim of this presentation is to:
Understand the composition of Governing Bodies Duties carried out by Governing Bodies Differences between School Management and School Governance Key roles of Governors Darparu dealltwriaeth o gyfansoddiad Cyrff Llywodraethu. Arddangos sut mae Cyrff Llywodraethu yn cyflawni eu dyletswyddau. Egluro’r gwahaniaeth rhwng rheoli ysgol a llywodraethu ysgol. Ymchwilio i rai o rolau allweddol Llywodraethwyr. Provide an understanding of the composition of Governing Bodies. Demonstrate how Governing Bodies carry out their duties. Explain the difference between school management and school governance. Explore some of the key roles of Governors.

3 Types of Governor: Core
Headteacher Parent Teacher Staff – non-teaching staff at the school Local Authority Partnership Community - all Governing Bodies except Voluntary Aided Schools

4 Types of Governor: Additional
Foundation – Foundation, Voluntary Aided and Voluntary Controlled schools Additional Community – primary schools situated within a Community Council area Associated Pupil – Years in secondary schools (No voting rights)

5 Strwythur Corff Llywodraethu Arferol Typical Governing Body Make-up
Primary Secondary Headteacher Parents 4/3 Teacher 2/1 Staff 1 Local Authority 4/3 Local Community 4/3 Foundation 4/3 Additional Community 1 Parent 6/5 Teacher 2 Local Authority 5/4 Local Community 5/4 Foundation 5/4 Associated Pupil 1/2

6 Core Responsibilities
Determining Aims, Policies, Priorities Standards and Targets Curriculum Finance Staffing Inspection – preparation and follow-up Complaints

7 Core Responsibilities (cont.)
Health and Safety Inform parents Wellbeing and safeguarding of learners Governors responsibilities in equality matters Disciplinary Evaluate performance of Governing Bodies

8 What to expect? Mentoring system to support new Governors
Meet Headteacher or Chair of Governor to discuss the role of Governors If you’ve had no contact, contact the Headteacher Mae gan rai Cyrff Llywodraethu system fentora i gefnogi Llywodraethwyr newydd. O bryd i’w gilydd, bydd y Pennaeth neu Gadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr yn cysylltu â chi i drefnu cwrdd â hwy a chael sgwrs am rôl y Llywodraethwyr. Os nad yw’r ysgol, y Pennaeth, na’r cadeirydd wedi cysylltu â chi, cysylltwch â’r Pennaeth. Some Governing Bodies have a system of mentoring to support new Governors. Sometimes the Headteacher or Chair of Governors will arrange for you to come along to the school to meet them and chat about the role of Governors. If you have had no contact from the school or headteacher or chair, contact the headteacher

9 Further Support ERW Challenge Advisors LA Governors Support Officers.
Governor Wales - website and helpline.

10 How do I prepare? Copies available from the clerk :-
School Governor’s Guide to the Law current School Development Plan Estyn Inspection Report and Action Plan Governing body Self Evaluation Document Latest Annual Report to Parents School Prospectus

11 How do I prepare? Copies available from the clerk :-
Minutes of recent governing body meetings Finance – schools budget, published by LA Governing body members Calendar of governing body meetings School staffing structure Plan of the School

12 The Annual Meeting Appoint the Chair Appoint the Vice Chair
Set up committees Review Instrument of Governors Declaration of Business Interest issued

13 Corporate Responsibility
School Governing Body is a separate legal entity from its members. Permission is needed from the full Governing Body to make decisions, speak and act on its behalf. Governors accept equal responsibility for the actions and decisions of the Governing Body. Mae Corff Llywodraethu yr Ysgol yn endid cyfreithiol ar wahân i'w aelodau. Nid oes gan unrhyw aelod unigol neu is-bwyllgor yr awdurdod i wneud penderfyniadau, siarad neu weithredu ar ei ran oni bai eu bod yn cael caniatâd y Corff Llywodraethu llawn. Mae’r holl lywodraethwyr yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb cydradd am weithredoedd a phenderfyniadau’r Corff Llywodraethu. The School Governing Body is a separate legal entity from its members. No individual member or sub-committee has the authority to make decisions, speak or act on it’s behalf unless they are given permission by the full Governing Body. All governors accept equal responsibility for the actions and decisions of the Governing Body.

14 Remember Governing body plays no part in putting plans into operation.
The responsibility of the day to day running of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established with the governing body is with the Headteacher. Guideline : Governors = Strategic / Headteacher = Managerial and Operational Nid yw’r Corff Llywodraethu yn cyfrannu mewn unrhyw ffordd at roi cynlluniau ar waith. Y Pennaeth sy’n gyfrifol am drefniadaeth a rheolaeth fewnol yr ysgol o ddydd i ddydd, ac am weithredu’r fframwaith strategol a sefydlwyd gyda’r Corff Llywodraethu. The governing body plays no part in putting plans into operation. The head teacher is responsible for the internal day to day organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established with the governing body.

15 Governors’ two key roles :
1) Strategic Planning 2) Governors’ Role in Monitoring and Evaluation

16 Strategic Planning Long term planning of broad issues (the big picture, to achieve goals) Documents required: Vision Statement or motto Self Evaluation Report School Development Plan

17 Producing and implementing a School Development Plan
Input required from SMT, staff, pupils, parents and governors for the School Development Plan (SDP) Reflect the School Self-evaluation Report Establishing the strategic framework with the governing body is essential. BUT – Responsibility of the day to day running of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework is with the headteacher. Bydd ysgolion yn mabwysiadu gwahanol ffyrdd o lunio Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol, ond dylent bob amser gynnwys mewnbwn gan yr Uwch-dîm Rheoli, staff, disgyblion, rhieni a llywodraethwyr. Rhaid i’r Cynllun adleisio Adroddiad Hunanwerthuso’r Ysgol. Mae’n hanfodol bod y fframwaith strategol yn cael ei sefydlu gyda’r Corff Llywodraethu. OND - Cyfrifoldeb y pennaeth yw trefnu a rheoli’r ysgol o ddydd i ddydd, ynghyd â gweithredu’r fframwaith strategol. Schools will adopt different styles of producing a School Development Plan but they should always include input from SMT, staff, pupils, parents and governors. It must reflect the School Self-evaluation Report It is essential the strategic framework is established with the governing body. BUT – The day to day organisation, management and control of the school along with the implementation of the strategic framework is the head teachers responsibility.

18 Questions to ask Does it help the pupils achieve their goals Cost?
Diverted funds – what’s the effect? Timescale? Responsibility for leading on this? Linking with another school with experience? Additional Questions : How does this help the pupils in our school achieve their goal?

19 Reviewing plans How are things progressing? Any adjustments needed?
Are we on time? Are we within budget? Any knock-on effects? Standard of the quality of work

20 Monitoring Checking that we are doing what we say we are doing.
2) Governors’ Role in Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring Checking that we are doing what we say we are doing. Evaluation Measuring the effect on pupils, staff and other stakeholders such as the Community

21 How can Governors monitor and evaluate?
Guided understand the following documents: School Development Plan Finance Reports Health and Safety Reports Other “obvious” areas, e.g. attendance, links with the local community DATA

22 Head’s termly report to governors Governing Body committee reports
How can Governors monitor and evaluate? Head’s termly report to governors Governing Body committee reports Data on examination results, attendance, etc Visits to school Information from the Local Authority

23 Support and Challenge Understand the complete picture
Consider the evidence Set in the context of the whole school Set in the context of the community Sympathetically and in a supportive manner

24 Points to remember Full governing body must meet three times a year – once a term. Receive agenda and papers before meeting. Familiarise what will be discussed.

25 Points to remember Minutes will be in the public domain. Any issues deemed confidential should not be discussed with members of the public.

26 Points to remember Permission by the whole governing body is needed before making a decision, speak or act on behalf of the Governing Body All governors accept equal responsibility for the actions and decisions of the governing body.

27 Points to remember Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school

28 Useful Links Governors Wales
Welsh Government My Local School ERW


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