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Canine Multi-focal Retinopathy

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Presentation on theme: "Canine Multi-focal Retinopathy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canine Multi-focal Retinopathy
Andy Perrige Eileen Harris

2 Classification Homozygous Recessive M= No CMR m= CMR m mm

3 Background/History 1st found by Dr. Bruce Grahn in 1998.
1st breed Great Pyrenees. Found in puppies before 4 months.

4 Cause of CMR Bestrophin Gene Mutations Not a sex chromosome
both parents must pass on the gene

5 Animals Affected Dogs Mastiff, Coton, and Pyrenees

6 What breeds does this occur in most?
To right: Coton de tulear To the Left: Great Pyrenees Above: Mastiffs (English, Bull, French, or Dogue de Bordeaux)

7 Signs/Symptoms Most Symptoms are minor Worst cause Detached retinas
Retinal folding Fuzzy sight Night vision Worst cause Detached retinas

8 Prevention/Treatment
Test cost $95 Potential for treatment Best Muscular Dystrophy (BMD)

9 Questions?

10 What are the test to find it?
Genetic Testing All ages Results always same

11 What is the probability that dogs will obtain this disease?
Both parent must be a carrier, or afflicted m mm M m Mm mm Both Afflicted 100% Both Carriers 25% A. 75% C.

12 Work Cited

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