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Día número 167—español 1 El 23 de MAYO Horario Regular

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1 Día número 167—español 1 El 23 de MAYO Horario Regular

2 Some of you did not turn in the GRADE SHEET with your project.
I also told a few of you to just copy the summary box if you didn’t have the grade sheet, but this isn’t going to work. I need to be able to check off the requirements. If you have your gradesheet, please turn it in now with your NAME & PER. If you don’t have it, turn it in by tomorrow. It is posted on the website under Helpful Handouts. If I have to print another copy for you, you will lose 5%.

3 ID Cards Required to pick up Yearbook
Yearbook Distribution Tuesday, May 23rd in Room E-5 ID Cards Required to pick up Yearbook Lunch and 5th – Seniors with no 5th and no 6th Period. Must be indicated on ID Card 6th Period: Students with no 6th Period Seniors first Juniors second Sophomores third Freshman fourth All others after school by grade level.

4 3. Question words: ¿ ____ es? Es una pluma. Es Ana. Es este sábado.
TOPICS to REVIEW for the FINAL EXAM—SEM 2 1. Conversation questions and answers: Greetings, Farewells, Age, Date, Tú vs Ud. 2. Numbers, Years 3. Question words: ¿ ____ es? Es una pluma. Es Ana. Es este sábado. 4. Finding the correct response to a question. Conjugation of regular and irregular –AR/-ER/-IR verbs; Stem-changing verbs; Go-go verbs; Reflexive verbs 6. Keeping the infinitive in double verb constructions and after a preposition 7. Choosing between SER and ESTAR. 8. Choosing between SABER and CONOCER. 9. Choosing the correct form of the ADJECTIVE. 10. Choosing the correct POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE: mi, tu, su, nuestro, etc.

5 11. Choosing the correct response with the DOP / IOP
TOPICS to REVIEW for the FINAL EXAM—SEM 2 11. Choosing the correct response with the DOP / IOP 12. Choosing the correct form of the IMPERFECT tense. 13. Choosing the correct form of the PRETERIT tense. ADD verbs like gustar to the list! Gustar Doler Molestar Disgustar Etc.

6 RIFA MAÑANA, May 24. Bring your Bolt Bucks
MAKE-UP WORK due by TOMORROW, May 24 ALSO Most of the people with D or F are missing lots of work. Remember if you get a D or F in this class you will be dropped to regular Spanish and if you have an F, you will have to take the class over again to get credit for it. HW passes for Extra Credit due by Friday

7 Find the DO by saying SUBJECT + VERB followed by “What?”
HOW DO YOU FIND THE DIRECT OBJECT? Find the DO by saying SUBJECT + VERB followed by “What?” EX: I wrote what? HOW DO YOU FIND THE INDIRECT OBJECT? Find the IO by saying to or for “Whom?” EX: I wrote to or for whom?

Circle the object pronoun. Write “DO” or “IO” first. Then write the Spanish pronoun that is needed. DOP LA 1. I wrote a letter (carta). I wrote it today. __________ 2. She wrote him a letter yesterday. 3. We bought gifts (regalos). We bought them for Christmas. 4. We bought her a sweater. 5. She returned it the next day. 6. She told me the truth. 7. He sold us his new videogame for $25. 8. We bought it right away because the price was right. 9. The girls told you a lie and they are sorry. 10. Did you forgive them? (see #9) 11. She showed us her new shoes. 12. I was glad to see my friends and I gave them a big hug. 13. She kissed me on the cheek when we met. 14. Did you receive the package I sent you? 15. I already showed you guys the pictures, didn’t I? 16. He told me you lost your dog. 17. *Did you look for him already? 18. *I waited for you guys after school. 19. *I listen to it (mi canción favorita) every day. 20. *She asked for them (papas fritas) extra crunchy. IOP LE DOP LOS IOP LE DOP LO IOP ME IOP NOS DOP LO IOP TE DOP LAS IOP NOS IOP LES DOP ME IOP TE IOP LES IOP ME DOP LO DOP LOS DOP LA DOP LAS

9 The following are some common verbs that use direct or indirect object prons. Memorize them.
Ofrecer= Dar= Mostrar (ue)= Comprar= Vender= Pagar (por)= Decir= Enseñar= Mandar= Regalar= Prestar= Escribir= Mentir (ie)= Ayudar= To offer Pedir (i)=* Buscar=* Escuchar=* Esperar=* To ask FOR To give To look FOR /search To show / demostrate To listen TO To buy To wait FOR To sell To pay To say To teach / show To send To give as a gift To lend To write To lie To help

10 Where does the pronoun go? All pronouns can be placed…
Before conjugated verbs I talk to him. = Yo le hablo. Attached to an infinitive. I want to talk to him. = Yo quiero hablarle. Attached to the participle. I am talking to him. = Estoy hablándole. Attached to an affirmative command. Talk to him! (polite) = Háblele. Talk to him! (informal) = Háblale.

11 me te las los los los lo lo me nos les le los
I. Complete the sentences with the correct direct or indirect object pronoun. Choose the correct position. (yo) 1. Teresa _____ ofrece_____ unas galletas. (tú) 2. Tú novio _____ regala _____ flores. (las flores) 3. Él _____ compró_____ en la florería. (regalos) 4. Ella siempre ______ quiere abrir_____ en el momento que _____ recibe_____. (mi carro) 5. Estoy _____ vendiendo_____. ¿Quieres ______ comprar_____? (yo) 6. Por favor, _____ muestre_____ su tarea. (nosotros) 7. Ella siempre _____ presta_____ papel. (ustedes) 8. Yo _____ pago_____ la comida hoy. (Sra. Yrene) 9. Ellos nunca _____ mienten_____. (mis libros) 10 ¿Puedes _____ ayudarme a _____ buscar_____? me te las los los los lo lo me nos les le los

12 a gift a gift me me DO the clothes the clothes him him IO the car
II. Complete the sentences. I see my friend. Who is being seen?  my friend  my friend is the DO I hit the ball. What is being hit?  the ball  The ball is the DO We buy a gift. What do we buy? _____________  ______________ is the DO They invite me. Who is being invited? _____________  ______________ is the DO I buy him the clothes.  What is being bought? ___________  ______________ is the _____ I am buying the clothes FOR WHOM?  ______________  ______________ is the _____ 6. I sold the car to him. What is being sold?  ____________  ______________ is the _____ I sold the car TO WHOM?  ______________  ______________ is the _____ 7. We gave the gift to her. What is given? ______________  ______________ is the _____ We gave the gift TO WHOM?  ______________  ______________ is the _____ 8. They sent me a Christmas card.  What is the DO?  ______________ is the DO What is the IO?  ______________ is the IO 9. You showed us your new car.  What is the DO? ______________ is the DO What is the IO? ______________ is the IO 10.Did he tell you the truth?  What is the DO?  ______________is the DO a gift a gift me me DO the clothes the clothes him him IO the car the car DO to him to him IO the gift the gift DO to her to her IO Christmas card me your new car us the truth you

13 III. Translate using a DOP or IOP as needed. FINISH FOR HW
She taught us well. ____________________________________________________________________ We never lie to her. ______________________________________________________________________ I bought a car. I bought it at Longo Toyota. ___________________________________________________ We waited for* her for 2 hours. ______________________________________________________________ We gave them a surprise party. _____________________________________________________________ Why didn’t you ask me for help? _____________________________________________________________ Why did you sell him your car?

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