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Gabriel McManus-Hecht

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1 Gabriel McManus-Hecht
GSU Math Presentation Gabriel McManus-Hecht

2 Determine the math course you must start with as well as its prerequisites (if any).
I need to take math 1111, however the prerequisites is that I have a 29 ACT score or an SAT score of a 650, however I do not meet those standards so I will have to take Math 0999. 650 29

3 Is that starting math course a prerequisite for any of your freshman year courses? In other words, is completion of the first math course required before you can enroll in other required courses? (Science, engineering, health care, computer, and some business courses often have math prerequisites.) If so which classes is it a prerequisite for? No, I do not have to complete Math 0999 if I want to enroll in another class such as a science class or a health care class.

4 Determine if the school has a placement test for math
Determine if the school has a placement test for math. Note that most placement tests do not award credit, instead they simply determine at which level you start. Find when you must take that test. (It is typically in the summer after graduation or right before your high school graduation.) Determine if the school will allow you to place out provided you have a suitable score on some standard test such as the SAT or SAT-II. If so, state if you meet that requirement. A placement test can be taken or I can have a score of 650 on SAT or a 29 on ACT. This will exempt me from my math 0999 and promote me to a math 1111 class.

5 Determine the specific topics for the 1st college math course you are required to take. Does this course match any of the topics in this AMDM course: statistics, mathematical models, and finance? These topics may be found in a course with a title such as College Algebra – you must check content, not just a title. Math 0999 is Basic Algebra. AMDM helps with almost everything that I need for a business degree. I went over the link in the power point that you and Bagley did, and there is a lot of standards that I would find useful such as numbers and operations, algebra, data analysis. These standards literally go over every aspect that one would need for Math This course provides support for students enrolled in MATH 1111 College Algebra. The course covers Math1111 prerequisite material, including sets, real numbers and their properties, manipulation of fractions, polynomials, rules of exponents, polynomial addition and subtraction, factoring, rational expressions, rational exponents, and radical expressions. The content is sequenced so that it is covered as it is needed in MATH The number and operations in AMDM helps with the understanding of proportional reasoning, ratios, rates, and percents by applying them to various settings to include business and media. Algebra could help with analyzing mathematical models to make decisions related to earning, investing, spending, and borrowing money. It also helps with the use of exponential functions to model change in a variety of financial situations. The data analysis also helps with determining the probability and expected value to inform everyday decision making, determine conditional probabilities and probabilities of compound events to make decisions in problem situations.

6 What math classes do you plan on taking when you go to college
What math classes do you plan on taking when you go to college? Why will you be taking these classes? Why did you take AMDM this year? Math will be my first class. I will be taking this class because I need it to further my studies in business(and I need it to take a math 1111 class which is required for me to receive my degree) . I took AMDM to get more real life math situations also it was easier than math four(Which I had no clue what was going on).

7 Yes AMDM is accepted by the college.
Is AMDM accepted as a math class in order to gain entrance to the college of your choice? (You may need to call the college Admission office to get this answer….if you do, list that in your works cited as an interview). Yes AMDM is accepted by the college.

8 The cost for a three hour class is 855 dollars(285 per hour). YIKES!
a) Find the cost for a 3-hour course at the college of your choice: tuition and estimated fees. b) Find the cost of taking a College Algebra class (or some mathematical equivalent). c) Find the cost of a current College Algebra textbook: Include title, publisher, and edition. d) Determine at least one scholarships and/or grants opportunities that you qualify to pursue and briefly describe the requirements you need to meet in order to pursue these (academic standing, due date, financial, ethnicity, recommendations, etc.) The cost for a three hour class is 855 dollars(285 per hour). YIKES! Math 0999 costs 855 for a three hour course. 215 dollars for an algebra text book publisher Lial, ISBN edition N/A. I qualify for a GSU minority scholarship, which I have to be a minority with an average GPA of a 3.0

9 How will you benefit at college by learning the material in this course? Please be thorough and thoughtful with your answers. In conclusion, AMDM will help me not only for the business degree but through out the rest of my life. AMDM deals with real life math such as probabilities, taxes, statistical information and summaries, methods of designing and conducting statistical studies, analyze various voting processes, modeling of data, and basic financial decisions. Math 0999 is just a bigger and a more mature version of AMDM. So by taking AMDM I can have a strong foundation for Math Now, I'm not entirely sure if I want to go to Georgia State University, or if I want to go into the Airforce. In the Airforce I could still learn a thing or two from AMDM, because there is real life situations in the Airforce where I will have to make the statistical decision and based on my decision there will be an outcome. Based on how well I analyze the situation and how well I can understand the statistics I could save lives.

10 Include addresses for college web pages Math 1111 Math 0999

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