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Genetics Post Test Review

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1 Genetics Post Test Review

2 DNA 1 Cell Cycle 2 Meiosis 3 Transcription Translation 4 Punnett Squares 5 Mutations 6 100 200 20 300 400 500 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3   A chromosome consists of a single, long DNA helix that contains thousands of  (100)

4 A,T,G,C

5   Each strand of DNA is made up of a phosphate/sugar backbone and four different bases. Each base is usually represented by the first letter of its full molecular name. What are the four DNA bases?  (200)

6 genes

7 Animals have two copies of each chromosome in their cells
Animals have two copies of each chromosome in their cells. Where do these chromosomes come from?  300

8 One copy of comes from the animal’s biological mother
and one copy comes from the animal’s biological father.

9 Explain why the DNA molecule is so important (400)

10 It transfers hereditary information from generation to generation
It transfers hereditary information from generation to generation. It controls the production of proteins.

11 Francis Crick, James Watson received a Nobel prize for discovering that DNA was a (500)

12 Double Helix

13 What is the function of the cell cycle? (100)

14 Growth and Healing

15 What is the correct order of the stages of mitosis
What is the correct order of the stages of mitosis? 1-Metaphase 2-Telophase 3-Anaphase 4-Prophase (200)

16 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

17 Which part of the cell cycle is the longest? (300)

18 Interphase or the S phase

19 At what phase of the cell cycle does duplication of the DNA occur

20 S phase (interphase)

21 What is the scientific term for the cell splitting in half? (500)

22 Cytokinesis

23 ___________________ is the name of the process describing a cell division that results in two cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the original cell. Every type of cell in the body goes through this process except for cells that produce egg and sperm cells. 

24 Mitosis

25 ________is the process that produces an egg and a sperm with haploid number of chromosomes (200)

26 Meiosis

27 What happens in “crossing over” during meiosis? (300)

28 Homologous chromosomes line up and exchange pieces of their DNA

29 The muscle cells of humans contain 46 chromosomes
The muscle cells of humans contain 46 chromosomes.  How many chromosomes do unfertilized human egg cells contain? (400)

30 23

31 All offspring (except identical twins) from a single set of parents have differing characteristics. How can this be explained?  (500)

32 The genetic recombination that occurs during meiosis ensures egg or sperm cells have unique genetic information.

33 The sequence of the bases in a gene specifies the amino acids needed to make a ____________ (100)

34 Protien

35 Fill in the Blank: _______________ is a molecule that carries genetic information, transcribed from the DNA 200

36 Messenger RNA

37 True or False: During the process of translation, one parent cell divides into two daughter cells.   (300)

38 False

39 The following is a sequence of bases from a strand of DNA:  TGACATGGACTTAAG What is the correct complementary strand of mRNA? (400)


41 Transcription occurs in the ___(1)_______ and translation occurs in the ______(2)_______ of the cell.  (500)

42 1. Nucleus 2. Ribosomes

43 What is the purpose of a Punnett Square? (100)

44 To show the probability of an outcome of one or more traits for a cross between parents

45 A geneticist is working out the probability for parents that have brown hair and no freckles crossing with blond hair and freckles. What types of Punnett square with she use? 200

46 Dihybrid Punnett Square

47 Mendel was crossing a heterozygous yellow pea with a recessive green pea. What is the probability of a heterozygous pea and what color will it be? (300)

48 50% and yellow

49 What is the ratio of offspring when two heterozygous parents produce children? (400)

50 1 to 2 to 1

51 A mom carries the dominate gene for familia polydactyly (extra fingers and toes). Dad does not carry the gene. What is the probability of having a child with extra fingers and/or toes? (500)

52 50%

53 What is a gene mutation? (100)

54 A gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene

55 What effect to the organism do most mutations have? (200)

56 Nothing, they don’t effect the protein at all.

57 What happens during transcription when a mutation occurs (300)

58 After transcription, a different mRNA will be produced,
which may result in a different protein.

59 In terms of genetics what is the difference between inheriting sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease? (400)

60 With sickle cell trait you only inherit one gene and almost normal blood . If you inherit both genes you will have sickle cell disease you will have sickle shaped blood and more health issues

61 What type of genetic mutation causes the sickle cell mutation? (500)

62 A point mutation

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