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Z' search with a full reconstruction of the ttbar final state

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1 Z' search with a full reconstruction of the ttbar final state
S Calvet, R Febbraro, D Pallin LPC group meeting Nov 22, 2010

2 Strategy Strategy Selection
Full reconstruction of the (ttbar) final state to gain on Z’ mass resolution, to reduce tails at high masses from jets combination Background removed largely using b-tag Simple method for the choice of the best combination (as baseline) Mtop is known Loop over all combinations Best comb. according to lowest Combination quality factor (2) given by QF= [(Mjj -MW)/W] 2 + [(Mjjj -Mth)/th] 2 + [(Mjlv -Mtl)/tl] 2 Difference with ATL-PHYS-PUB Don’t perform separated recons scheme in function of highest evt jet mass don’t add an additional jet to account for Z’-> ttbar X-> (jjb) (lb) X Selection Standard Top X-sec selection with Topinputs ~50% of SM evts are reconstructible (all parton from ttbar are in acceptance) Among the reconstructible SM evts the right combination is found in ~65% 2

3 Tops reconstruction Selection efficiency 3

4 Signal Samples characteristics
Signal Z’-> (ttbar) X-> (jjb) (lb) X (ttbar) masses : of-peak tail due to missing X jet Additional X (jets) tends to be close to one of the produced tops Z’ ttbar Top had Top Lept 4

5 Z’ reconstruction (0.5 TeV)
Reconstructed Z’ mass Signal Z’-> (ttbar) X-> (jjb) (lb) X M= M(TT) signal+ comb bkg /Signal M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop signal+ comb bkg /Signal Signal +comb BKG Signal Mass resolution is better Signal +comb BKG Signal 5

6 Z’ reconstruction (0.7 TeV)
Reconstructed Z’ mass Signal Z’-> (ttbar) X-> (jjb) (lb) X M= M(TT) signal+ comb bkg /Signal M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop signal+ comb bkg /Signal Signal +comb BKG Signal Mass resolution is better Signal +comb BKG Signal 6

7 Z’ reconstruction (1 TeV)
Reconstructed Z’ mass Signal Z’-> (ttbar) X-> (jjb) (lb) X M= M(TT) signal+ comb bkg /Signal M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop signal+ comb bkg /Signal Signal +comb BKG Signal Signal +comb BKG Signal 7

8 Z’ reconstruction (0.5 ; 0.7 ; 1.0; 1.5 TeV)
Reconstructed Z’ mass (Good comb) M= M(TT) M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop Linearity Mass resolution Z’ true mass 8

9 DATA/MC comparison (electron stream)
C1: Exactly 1 lepton with pT>20 GeV C11: Last cut e-mu overlap removal 9

10 DATA/MC comparison (electron stream)
C1: Exactly 1 lepton with pT>20 GeV C11: Last cut e-mu overlap removal 10

11 Results Results equivalent as in PUB note Resolution
Linearity true%recons mass To be done To understand data/MC difference 263 data evts vs 236 for CEA MC in agreement except for QCD (15 evts vs 34 for CEA) Detail look at all variables with full 2010 dataset (ongoing) Use of a kinematic fit Mainly to improve resolution on Z’ mass Marginaly to improve the efficiency to choose the right combination Comb BKG removal Use QF and b-jet SV0 prob ? Use additionnal cuts on Pt (ttbar), Pt (light jets), Mjj before selction of best comb Systematics , Limit extraction 11

12 BACKUP 12

13 Ttbar reconstruction M= M(TT) M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop
Reconstructed TTbar mass (Good comb) M= M(TT) M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop 13

14 Ttbar reconstruction M= M(TT) M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop
TTbar mass resolution M= M(TT) M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop 14

15 Ttbar reconstruction Reconstructed TTbar mass (Good comb) M= M(TT) 15

16 Ttbar reconstruction M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop
Reconstructed TTbar mass (Good comb) M= M(TT)-MTh-MTL + 2*Mtop 16

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