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City of Edinburgh German Early Level

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1 City of Edinburgh German Early Level

2 First Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Appreciate and understand the value of language learning Recognise familiar written words when listening Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help understanding. Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable conversations Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary Actively take part in daily routines Listen and join in with stories, song or poem Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others using resources to support learning Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple opinions and asking simple questions

3 Vocabulary Colours Aim to teach at least 5 of the colours at Early Level initially and build up as pupils progress towards First Level. Welche Farbe ist das? What colour is it? Das ist This is blau blue weiß white rot red grün green gelb yellow rosa pink schwarz black grau grey lila purple braun brown Magst du blau? Do you like blue? Ich liebe… I love Ich mag… I like Ich mag………..nicht. I don’t like Ich hasse… I hate Mag means like. Be mindful of the conjugation: Ich mag, Du magst, Er/Sie/Es mag. And for liebe (love): Ich liebe, Du liebst, Er/Sie/Es liebt

4 Introducing vocabulary
You can try this as an alternative to introducing vocabulary. Make colour cards for and give each group/pair a set. Ask them to listen to the colour and look at the word and then hold up the colour they think it is.

5 Aufgabe 1 Colour cards

6 Teacher notes Pupils work in pairs, groups or individually
They have a selection of coloured cards in front of them on the table (e.g. cut up coloured paper) They read and listen to the colour on each flashcard and hold up which colour they think it is. Teacher then reveals the colour picture on the slide

7 Hört gut zu und erkennt die Farben in Deutsch…

8 Wählt Choose the correct colour die richtige Farbe.

9 blau

10 orange

11 lila

12 weiß

13 rot

14 grün

15 rosa

16 grau

17 schwarz

18 braun

19 gelb

20 Aufgabe 2 Listening colours

21 Teacher notes Pupils hold up a colour card (or points to a colour on the following slide) and the others in the class have to say the colour word Can they check by clicking the audio recording on the slide Could play this in teams and win points for each colour said correctly!

22 This slide can be used to revise colours before moving on.

23 Aufgabe 3 Bringt mir…! Bringt mir means bring me!

24 Teacher notes Pupils work in groups Number each person in groups 1 – 4
Teacher chooses a number e.g. die Nummer eins Then ask them to bring an object to the front by using the phrase: Bringt mir ein blaues Objekt. (blue) Pupils then race to find something blue and bring it out to the teacher. Be mindful of the conjugation. Blau but blaues Objekt. In this Phrase you have to ad -es to the colour.

25 Bringt mir ein…………Objekt.
The teacher asks one colour of person in each group to bring here un object and then adds a colour. Each team gets a point for whatever the deliver of that object.

26 Aufagbe 4 Welche Farbe ist das?
Welche Farbe ist das means what colour is it?

27 Teacher notes This activity can be used to practice using Das ist (it is) with colours. Ask the question, Welche Farbe ist das? and then show the pupils the slides. They then have to say Das ist blau or whatever it might be. You can follow this up by asking pupils to then select objects around the room and then ask the class what colour it is.

28 Welche Farbe ist das? Look at the colours and ask the class, “Welche Farbe ist das” for each of them. The pupils should then respond with Das ist____ and the correct colour.

29 Aufgabe 5 Welche Farbe fehlt? Was fehlt means what’s missing?

30 Teacher notes Look at the colour slides, which one is missing? One colour will disappear and pupils should say which one is missing. You can add in Augen zu, Augen auf (close your eyes, open your eyes) For the 2nd part of the activity, pupils can then play the same game in groups by making their own colour cards, laying them out in the middle of the group and then taking it in turns to say Augen zu, removing a card, saying Augen auf and then asking the question, “Was fehlt?”

31 Schaut euch die Farben an.
Augen zu. Augen auf. Was fehlt means What is missing? Was fehlt?

32 Schaut euch die Farben an!

33 Augen zu! Close your eyes

34 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt?

35 Ja, das ist blau!

36 Schaut euch die Farben an!

37 Augen zu! Close your eyes

38 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt? Choississez means choose

39 Ja, das ist rosa! Choississez means choose

40 Schaut euch die Farben an!

41 Augen zu! Close your eyes

42 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt? Choississez means choose

43 Ja, das ist rot! Choississez means choose

44 Schaut euch die Farben an!

45 Augen zu! Close your eyes

46 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt? Choississez means choose

47 Das ist orange! Choississez means choose

48 Schaut euch die Farben an!

49 Augen zu! Close your eyes

50 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt? Choississez means choose

51 Das ist schwarz! Choississez means choose

52 Schaut euch die Farben an!

53 Augen zu! Close your eyes

54 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt?

55 Ja, das ist grün!

56 Schaut euch die Farben an!

57 Augen zu! Close your eyes

58 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt?

59 Ja, das ist weiß! Choississez means choose

60 Schaut euch die Farben an!

61 Augen zu! Close your eyes

62 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt?

63 Das ist lila! Choississez means choose

64 Schaut euch die Farben an!

65 Augen zu! Close your eyes

66 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt? Choississez means choose

67 Das ist braun!

68 Schaut euch die Farben an!

69 Augen zu! Close your eyes

70 Augen auf! Welche Farbe fehlt? Choississez means choose

71 Ja, das ist grau.

72 Aufgabe 6 Brain training!

73 Teacher notes The aim of this activity is that pupils say the colour that the word is written in and not the actual word itself. It’s quite tricky but fun to time classes with and see how quickly they can do it!

74 Brain Training – Farben

75 Brain Training! Challenge: say the colour that the word is written in, and not the word itself!

76 rot

77 schwarz

78 grün

79 rosa

80 grau

81 blau

82 gelb

83 braun

84 blau

85 orange

86 rot

87 weiß

88 grün

89 rot

90 gelb

91 schwarz blanc

92 rosa

93 braun

94 blau

95 grün

96 weiß

97 grau

98 rot

99 orange

100 rot

101 lila

102 blau

103 weiß

104 schwarz

105 grau

106 lila

107 rosa

108 violet

109 Aufgabe 7 Die Lieblingsfarbe! Favourite colours!

110 Teacher notes Practise the opinions and questions with your class and then use the opinion slides to find out what they think of each of the colours!

111 Welche Farbe magst du? Which colours do you like?

112 Magst du blau? Do you like blue? The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the question.

113 Ich liebe blau! The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich liebe grün.

114 Ich mag gelb. The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich mag rosa.

115 Ich mag rot nicht. The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich mag weiß nicht.

116 Ich hasse orange! The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich hasse lila.

117 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

118 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

119 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

120 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

121 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

122 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

123 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

124 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

125 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

126 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

127 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag….nicht. Ich hasse

128 Aufgabe 8 Colour BINGO

129 For this activity, use the provided Bingo-sheet (you can create some others with a different sequence) and let the pupils colour the fields as soon as the know the colour. Use a coloured dice, a colour chart or just point out different colours in the classroom.

130 Colour Bingo! Wait for the colours to be called.
Die FARBEN Colour Bingo! Wait for the colours to be called. If you can find the colour on your paper, colour in the square. Grün Rot Orange Blau Schwarz Rosa EXAMPLE! You can create your on versions and different sequences.

131 Embedding the language tip
Use German colours for cooperative groups – rot, blau etc. The German for rainbow is “Regenbogen” – see next slide! Ask pupils “Welche Farbe ist das?” when reading stories, creating art work etc.

132 Regenbogen Teacher gives a coloured card to all pupils with either one of yellow, blue, red or green. Pupils then have to organise themselves into groups by asking the question, “Welche Farbe ist das?” and saying their own colour (the question is optional depending on class!). There should be an equal (as much as is possible) number of each colour card in the class so that the pupils are in groups with one of each colour.

133 ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.

134 Grün, grün, grün sind alle meine Kleider
Grün, grün, grün is a traditional German children’s song. “Green green green are all my dresses, green green green is everything I have This is the reason I love everything that is green: because my beloved is a hunter.” red – horseman, blue – sailor, black – chimney sweep, white – miller (of flour), bunt (multi-coloured) - painter

135 Das Goethe Institut

136 Languages online On this site, click on Deutsch on the left hand side and you will see die Farben listed under Beginners.

137 Auf Wiedersehen!

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