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LSST External Communications Suzanne Jacoby, Andrew Gordon Communications Leads at LSST and SLAC August 17, 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "LSST External Communications Suzanne Jacoby, Andrew Gordon Communications Leads at LSST and SLAC August 17, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSST External Communications Suzanne Jacoby, Andrew Gordon Communications Leads at LSST and SLAC August 17, 2016 1

2 Breakout Agenda and Goals
Introductions Project Milestones Communications Opportunities Identifying Content – What are the stories we’re going to tell Packaging Content- How do we tell these stories? Disseminating Content – How do we share these stories? Owning Content Next Steps/Action Items 2

3 Camera Milestones (SLAC)
08/16 clean room activities begin, dewar/test bench ComCam, cryostat/grid arrive 02/17 test science raft, BOT/CCOB test stand, corner raft assembly, shutter verification unit 06/17 first production science raft delivered 07/17 camera integration stand ready, cryostat ready for test raft integration 10/17-07/18 things go into cryostat, refrigeration system moves into clean room 07/18 first corner raft (built at SLAC) goes into cryostat 01/19 ComCam (9 CCDs for telescope commissioning) ready to be shipped 02/19 shutter integrated 03/19 cryostat fully loaded with rafts, L3 lens delivered 05/19 filter exchange integrated 07/19 cryostat mated with camera, L1 and L2 delivered 08/19 final camera testing begins, camera control and data acquisition systems 02/20 camera ready for shipment (February 14, Valentines Day) 3

4 DM Database Milestones (SLAC)
Data management: Computing resources, high-performance data processing and analysis system, SLAC works on database 11/16 Prototype data access center tests with SDSS data (~30 servers instead of 1) Prototype data access center with SDSS/WISE data (join surveys, new science) Level 1/alert production database commissioning ready; Qserv testing 50% DR1 Level 2/Qserv database commissioning ready; ComCam data Qserv testing 100% DR1% Also: DESC Milestones ….

5 LSSTPO L1 Milestones Milestone Start Finish Base Facility Construction
1/12/2017 1/5/2018 Summit Network Complete 6/5/2017 Dome Arrival & Installation 9/8/2017 2/15/2018 Dome on Site M1M3 on Site 12/13/2017 Telescope Mount Assembly Installation 1/9/2018 8/24/2018 Telescope Mount on Site M2 on Site 3/12/2018 M1M3 & M2 Mirrors Integration 4/29/2019 Commissioning Camera (ComCam) Installation & Test 9/26/2019 Early System Integration & Testing 4/1/2020 Engineering First light with ComCam 11/21/2019 Full System Integration & Testing 3/24/2021 Camera Received at Summit 4/28/2020 System First Light 12/23/2020 Science Verification 8/23/2021 Science Verification Complete Science Operations Start 10/1/2022 5

6 Communication Opportunities What products (packages) do we already use?
LSST SLAC Biweekly Newsletter Social Media Website Tours Public Lectures Graphics/animations/video/photos Press Releases/Articles Media Outreach Weekly Digest Quarterly E-News Facebook Twitter Project Website blog Public Website News, Image Gallery Press Releases

7 Media Coverage (SLAC) Media Outlets – AAS Nova, Ars Technica, Astronomy, The Atlantic, BBC News, Business Insider, The Christian Science Monitor, Computer World, Discover, Engadget, Fast Company, Forbes, Gizmodo, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, IEEE Spectrum, IFLScience, io9, Motherboard, Nature, National Geographic, NBC News,New Scientist, New York Daily News, The New York Times, NPR, Physics, Popular Mechanics, Popular Photography, Popular Science, Scientific American, Sky & Telescope, Smithsonian Magazine,, Universe Today, Wired LSST Camera – 29 articles Science Topics – Asteroids (9), Exoplanets (7), Stars (5), Supernova (5), Dark Energy (3), Dark Matter (3), Dwarf Planets (3), Galaxies (2), Black Holes (2), Telescopes (2), Cryogenics (1), Data Management (1) 7

8 Identifying Content What are the stories we want to tell?
Project Milestones Evergreen Features (give examples) LSST-enabled Science (DESC, LSSTC) Profiles Construction Updates Webcams on Pachón and Base Facility Site Weekly images from Chile in Confluence Frequent images from other major vendors Webcams SLAC Clean Room, NCSA data center 8

9 For example .. Let’s pick one DOE funded and one NSF funded event in the next year and sort out: Who owns identifying content – joint, with S. Kahn / B. Willman approval Who owns creating content – funding agency determines Who owns disseminating content - shared Determine where content lives once it has been published – if camera, SLAC, otherwise LSSTPO. Maybe … Clean Room Activities Begin (DOE) Base Facility Construction Begins (NSF) 9

10 Details … Set up regular communications meetings; monthly Andrew / Suzanne Activity Owner Packaging Options Dissemination Outlets Owning / Archiving Clean Room Activities Begin DOE - SLAC Base Facility Construction Begins NSF - LSSTPO Web cam Website Weekly Digest Image Gallery Social Media 10


12 Packaging Content Press Release Public lecture Feature Website Video
Interactive/infographics/animation/vizualizat ion Photos Social media Public lecture Website Print (Symmetry) Weekly Digest, Quarterly E-News Talking points 12

13 Disseminating Content
Websites Listserv Media outreach Social media Media events Partnerships 13

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