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Session 1: Startup Agenda approved

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1 5th GEO Programme Board meeting: Outcomes – Action and Decisions 1-2 February 2017, Geneva

2 Session 1: Startup Agenda approved
PB co-chairs and PO observers election process approved. Lottery process for term lengths approved. Comments future composition process for PB: Acknowledged that electronic voting process was efficient & effective Try to give attention to geographic, gender & data provider/user balance

3 Key messages from GEO Co-chair to PB
Following points reinforced in discussion following presentation: Focus on implementation and delivery: Ensure GEO is responding to goals in strategic plan; Foster stronger GEO identity: ensure four existing flagships become strong and visible; Shape WP to bring focus on priorities, coherence across activities, foster collaboration and create synergies. Strengthen and highlight delivery in response to priorities identified by plenary and ExCOM: SDGs (Global goals outcomes) Climate change (Paris agreement), Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai framework). Reconcile aspirations with reality of GEO

4 Looking to 2017- ExCom Expectations of Programme Board (extract)
GEO ready to deliver: Strategic Plan, engagement priorities, selected GEO Flagships, multi-year Work Programme. The Programme Board expected to: Focus on IMPLEMENTATION and DELIVERY Ensure the GEO WP is responding to the goals of the Strategic Plan Ensure four existing Flagships become strong and visible Ensure increased COHERENCE across activities Important to foster cross-collaboration and linkages between activities, while respecting autonomy and voluntary nature of GEO

5 Looking to 2017- Expectations (extract)
The Programme Board expected to: Foster a stronger GEO IDENTITY Branding guidelines developed by the PB/GEO Sec to be used to bring GEO above the surface Contribute to EFFECTIVE Governance This is essential for the success of GEO. Need to work in synergy with the others to fulfil the GEO Vision Manage EXPECTATIONS Reconcile the voluntary nature of Programme Board and limited resources of GEO Secretariat with aspirations and responsibilities

6 Session 2: Lessons learned / 2017 PB plan of work
Work to focus on development SDGs, showing delivery through Flagships. PB to meet 2 or 3 times in 2017 and make use of sub-groups for much of intercessional work. Sub-groups to have ToR and presumption that those created now report at each PB meeting and last until plenary. PB plan of work to be updated and used to manage delivery of PB outputs and deadlines Subgroups established should reflect the priorities endorsed by ExCom and Plenary.

7 Session 3: Work Programme, SDGs and SP
Show that EO can make a major contribution to meeting SDGs; how, through what means, what tools, who is doing what, and show it. Make the case that we GEO is indispensable for achieving SDGs directly (the goals themselves). Activities can support SDG targets and/or indicators. High-level political fora should be leveraged. Need to cultivate relationships and strategic connections to promote uptake of EO in SDG monitoring; move from fostering to adopting users. Use targeted approach (to individual countries and and orgs) on items that can be scaled up (can’t work with all SDGs for all stakeholders), need to learn by doing and show benefits by example. Promotion GEO as provider of geospatial information.

8 Session 3: SDGs No need for huge document, analysis featuring examples where EO has made an impact (e.g. food security) and potential for upscaling; EO toolbox for national SDG reporting. Need to emphasize impacts and how to translate large amount of information to grass roots level. Need for definition with respect to EO4SDGs and Secretariat efforts. Action: Sub-group 1 established: Deliver SDG process outline. Lead: L. Spini (ICSU) Contributors: Canada, CEOS, China , COSPAR , EC, France, Ghana, GRSS, IEEE,IOC SEC: W. Sonntag 1st Deadline: 8 February 2017 – ToR, additional members, check dates / deliveries in PB plan of work

9 Session 3 – PB interactions with CAs
Part of the reasoning of different implementing mechanisms was to enable focus and attention to be on delivery through GI and FS. CAs are 1000 flowers – need space to grow, mature and expand, not interference. Requirements and Reporting is minimal and is to GEOsec. Communicate and cluster activities from various IM (including CAs) around priority topics identified by ExCom (SDGs, DRR, Climate) and bring into wider processes where relevant. Make use of GEOsec experts to address recommendations from PB (Ex.: The Water SBA consolidation) to strengthen WP. Make use of WPS as a forum for these broader communities to come together, exchange and cluster around priorities. Not to be revisited until mid-term evaluation!

10 Session 3 PB interactions with Flagships and Initiatives
About support, & oversight for FS, not management. Need clear communication from PB on expectations and how to cooperate (WPS good opportunity to launch). Check to see whether respecting GEO principles such as openness, data in CGI, Provide platform to present themselves (Plenary, portal), explore synergies, mobilize them to work on priorities (SDGs), and branding. Desirable to invite FS (leads) to PB 2-way street: not just what Flagship/Initiative can do for GEO, but also what GEO can do for Flagship/Initiative. GIs with potential to deliver into priorities may need support to succeed. Role of PB to call out resource issues and make recommendations.

11 Session 4: Work Programme Symposium
Emphasis to be along 3 priority areas (SDGs, Climate, DRR), in an integrated way. Connect to 3 policy initiatives (texts) & implementation as basis for needs. On climate, greater impact of EO use for adaptation and mitigation measures than in GHG monitoring. Emphasis on AfriGEOSS (inspiration from AmeriGEOSS Community Platform). Promote interactions (‘clustering’) between WP activities so that they are seen as part of the whole. WPS as “mutual capacity building effort” on major policy initiatives (UN agencies, private sector, NGOs, government). Not a series of progress reports! Use visibility of flagships & key Gis to show transition to being demand driven and not just bottom up. WPS a milestone. Pre and post even processes important. Need communication to community on expectations (15th Feb) Sub-group to sketch WPS concept for longer term taking into account lessons learn from 2017 (as pilot year of WPS as meeting point for top down and bottom up)

12 Session 4 Action: Subgroup 2 established:
Shape 2017 WPS process (across 3 priority areas; AfriGEOSS) Longer-term concept for WPS. Modifications to WP 2017 – 2019 taking into account SP & priorities agreed in Nov 2016 (possibility to spin up additional sub-groups on climate and DRR later in 2017). Lead: T. Haigh (EEA)/I. DeLoatch (USA) Contributors: CEOS, ESIP, Ghana, Germany, POGO, Japan, Contact point climate: SEC: A. Obregón Contact point DRR: SEC: V. Aellen SEC: D. Cripe Next Deadline: 8 February 2017 – 2017 WPS concept, and cross check of delivery dates and items in plan of work

13 Session 5: PB plan of work and key milestones (Feb - Apr)
Timeline Action / Milestone Report to 8 Feb Deadline for ExCOM docs. Key Inputs from PB: Feedback on PB indicator discussion, 2017 WPS concept, plan of work for PB and for SDG analysis. March ExCOM 15 Feb Initial WPS draft agenda / concept including PB input. For release. Key speakers and connection to PB / GEO priorities identified. Outline of PB process & WP submissions timeline (3rd April // 9th June // 15th July) . PB co-chairs 3 Mar Development of PIs & M&E framework (WG set up, plan & progress, feedback on “expected results from KPIs”. PB Co-chairs 9-10 Mar PB report to 39th Executive committee 15 Mar WPS draft agenda v2 takes into account community inputs & connection GEO processes. PB 3 Apr PB Co-chair review of WPS agenda and develop PB meeting agenda. Deadline for GEO community to identify proposals for new GI or Flagships. ?10 Apr Deadline for PB documents (??Gap Analysis of SDGs, ??Design & Implementation of M&E & KPIs, WPS briefing & ID of key points) PB (later ExCom)

14 Session 5: PB plan of work and key milestones (May-Jun)
Timeline Action / Milestone Report to 12-13 May 2017 Work Programme Symposium (1st round of interactions on priorities for WP). PB / GEOsec 23-24 May 6th Programme Board Meeting. ExCOM 31 May Recommendations and call from PB to community (after 2nd PB meeting) 9 Jun Deadline for proposals from community to Work programme (based on interactions at WPS) 12 Jun Deadline for ExCOM docs: Key inputs: KPIs, Long term concept for WPS Jun - July Interactions with identified elements of WP to reflect priorities & recommendations

15 Session 5: PB plan of work and key milestones (July - Oct)
Timeline Action / Milestone Report to 10 Jul PB Co-chair review of WPS agenda and develop PB meeting agenda PB 11-12 Jul PB report to 40th Executive Committee 15 Jul Deadline for modifications from community 15 Aug PB review of draft WP 20 Aug 1st consolidated draft of WP Secretariat / (to PB / subgroup) 30-31 Aug? 3rd PB meeting. Draft WP and draft Progress Report, agreement on Flagship recommendations. 1 Sep Call for PB nominations (new/renewed) (until 22 September) Secretariat 6 Sep Final draft WP circulated GEO Principals 25-26 Oct GEO-XIV Plenary acceptance of WP

16 Session 6: Monitoring & Evaluation
Action: Subgroup 3 Established: Performance indicators and M&E and Report on Progress Lead: M. Craglia (EC)/K. Fontaine (ESIP) Contibutors: IEEE, Greece, OGC SEC: C. Larlee Deadlines: 8 February 2017 – Initial KPI feedback from PB (Sense check of expected results) 3 March 2017 – Consolidation of feedback from PB, ID of key indicators and action plan for development of PIs & M&E frameworks.

17 Key subgroups / processes for 2017 setup
Subgroup 1 – SDGs (ToR) Lead: L. Spini (ICSU) Contributors: GRSS, Canada, IEEE, China, CEOS, COSPAR, France, Ghana, IOC SEC: W. Sonntag Subgroup 2 – Shape 2017 WPS process (across 3 priority areas; AfriGEOSS); Modifications to WP 2017 – 2019 taking into account SP & priorities agreed Nov 2016 (possibility to spin up additional sub-groups on climate and DRR) Lead: T. Haigh (EEA)/I. DeLoatch (USA) Contributors: POGO, Japan, Ghana, Germany, CEOS, ESIP Contact point climate: SEC: A. Obregón Contact point DRR: SEC: V. Aellen SEC: D. Cripe Subgroup 3 - Performance indicators and M&E and Report on Progress Lead: M. Craglia (EC)/K. Fontaine (ESIP) Contibutors: IEEE, Greece, OGC SEC: C. Larlee

18 Subgroup 1 - ToR Design a ‘Sprint to Work Programme Symposium’ to identify examples of delivery of SDG indicators or work towards targets with strong user engagement: Deliver description for process, advertised to the GEO community by 8 February 2017, help Secretariat select examples to be shown at the WPS, shape the discussions, and recommend how these examples should be featured in the GCI and GEO web site. Draw lessons learned from the Sprint to the WPS about the interactions between GEO Foundational Tasks, Initiatives, and Flagships, reporting back to the Programme Board in May, and use these lessons following ToR #3. Design a stepwise process led by the Programme Board to: extend the identification of demonstrations of delivery towards SDG targets or indicators with strong engagement with the decision-making users, encourage 'adoption' of users through examples and a distillation of best practices, including bridging the disconnect between EO and statistics communities within Member States, and raising of national funding, recommend enhancements of the GEO Work Programme to scale these examples to a broader set of users through data availability, standard methodologies, and training / capacity-development activities, root these in the work of the relevant Flagships, Initiatives, and Foundational Tasks.

19 Subgroup 1 - ToR Propose a process and identify the actors to do a light analysis of the SDG Targets, identifying where EO and geospatial data from GEO [organized around variables? products?] can and already do support the achievement of SDG targets, and then identify gaps (as difference between the reports on what can be done and is already done). The main audience of this simplified report, to be delivered to the Plenary, is for continued advocacy of the utility of EO in SDGs. In all of these steps above, consider the support that can be provided by the EO4SDG (GI-18) initiative and the GEO secretariat SDG lead. Regularly report back to the full Programme Board for guidance.

20 Key elements of report to March 2017 ExCom
Oral report (with PPTs) Highlights of PB meeting (including electronic/voting selection process) Outline of SDG analysis process Feedback on KPI paper WPS concept Anticipated inputs to July and October Excoms

21 PB feedback on indicators
PB recommends that indicator use for regular monitoring, much better than extensive progress reports. PB not sure if indicators should be KPIs, for which they will need a (target) performance metric as well. Probably too many in list, better to have fewer good and relevant ones, at least one per core function and extend if needed. Indicators need to reflect demonstrable impact of GEO, if possible, not just EO use. Need to sense check expected results – especially re are they realistic for monitoring by indicators (Action underway by PB). PB (subgroup) to work with GEOsec to propose alternative metric for some indicators. PB input and oversight of design and methodology est phase important. GEOsec provide support and later operational update of data in indicators. Not clear if oversight of operational phase needed by PB – report by GEOsec to ExCOM. Separate process needed for evaluation.

22 Preparations for 2018 Planning for 2018 & 2019 WPS – Concept note in Timeline needs to be connected to annual cycle & PB info / communcations needs (earlier in year), + possibly connected to regional fora. Mid-term response to 3 priority areas (DRR & CC in additon to SDGs), and against strategic goals. Preparation for mid-term evaluation in 2019

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