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Open and Distance Learning 10472v2

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Presentation on theme: "Open and Distance Learning 10472v2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
Open and distance learning is an approach to learning which emphasizes flexibility and accessibility.

2 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
ODL maximizes opportunities for learners in terms of choice Who can access learning What is learned How it is learned If, when, and how learning is assessed

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ODL is characterized by Diverse learning strategies Increasing emphasis on computer and telecommunications technologies as learning tools.

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“Traditional” learning model: “Bricks and Mortar” Place-specific Boundaried All instruction and services on-site Physical interaction between students and staff

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Characteristics of “Traditional” Learning: Teacher/Learner relationship: Direct—in “real time” contact Active Synchronous and asynchronous Interactive Interdependent

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Characteristics of “Traditional” Learning: Materials and Technology: Print media—texts, handouts, notes Lecture Laboratory Performance Discussion Q & A Assessment: written/oral testing, essays, etc.

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Characteristics of “Traditional” Learner: 18-25 yrs. old Scholastically “abled” Affluent enough to afford university More males than females Single, w/o children

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“Global”—not place bound Non-boundaried Instruction and services delivered indirectly No/little physical interaction between students and staff

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Characteristics of Early Open and Distance Learning: Materials and Technology: Print media—texts, handouts, notes, assignments Assessment: written testing, essays

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Correspondence Courses “Course in a Box” Asynchronous Indirect Passive Independent

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Creating a Virtual Classroom Synchronous--Real Time Direct—Teacher-to-Learner/Learner to Teacher Active—Engagement with learning Interactive—Working together Interdependent—Rely on others

12 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
Open and Distance Learning Technologies Print media: texts, notes, instructions, newsletters (passive, asynchronous) Computer: assignments, , chatrooms, bulletin boards (active, interactive, passive, synchronous, asynchronous) Telephone: inquiries, instructions, student services, feedback (synchronous, interactive) Audioconferencing: discussion groups (synchronous, interactive

13 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
Open and Distance Learning Technologies, cont. Videoconferencing: guest speakers, labs, performances, satellite hook-ups, seminars,demonstrations. (synchronous, interactive) Broadcast media: Television, radio: value-added programming, e.g. interviews, films, performances, demonstrations. (asynchronous, passive)

14 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
Open and Distance Learning Technologies, cont. Internet: worldwideweb, (passive, active, and interactive.) Multi-media: CD’s, DVD’s, websites (passive, active, interactive)

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Open and Distance Learning Materials: Printed text and graphics Audiotapes Videotapes Computer programs and files CD ROM Disks Multi-media websites Practical kits Posters Set Texts

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Open and Distance Learning Materials: Examples; (asynchronous, passive, independent) Printed text and graphics: worksheets, spreadsheets, explanatory information assignments, assessments, lectures Audiotapes: books-on-tape, music, lectures explanatory information, assignments, assessments, student support Videotapes: films, practical demonstrations

17 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
Open and Distance Learning Materials: Examples: (synchronous, asynchronous, independent, interdependent, active, passive, interactive) Computer programs and files: Blackboard ; files containing course-related information & materials (assignments, explanations, assessments) CD ROM Disks: Film clips, explanatory information, assignments, assessments (Bordwell and Thompson CD)

18 Open and Distance Learning 10472v2
Open and Distance Learning Materials: Multi-media website: synchronous, interactive, interdependent Anatomy and Physiology Website Practical kits: asynchronous, passive, independent All equipment needed for course Bedknobs and Broomsticks: poisoned dragon’s liver, Cosmic Creepers, and the broom

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Open and Distance Learning Materials: Posters: asynchronous, passive, independent Graphics, schedules, instructions Set Texts: asynchronous, passive, independent Required books, sets of readings, instructions, manuals, “spells!”

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Open and Distance Learning Technologies, cont. Videoconferencing: synchronous, interactive, interdependent guest speakers, labs, performance, satellite hook-ups, seminars, demonstrations.

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Open and Distance Learning Technologies, cont. Broadcast media: asynchronous, passive or active, independent Television, radio—value-added programming, e.g. interviews, films, performances, demonstrations—SIT2LRN programmes, KEA programmes

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Characteristics of Open and Distance Learning Communication Technologies and Materials Embedded content: Information is pre-selected by the course designer. Learner is given no alternatives. Embedded learning strategy and assistance: No assistance: “Week 1: Read Chap. 1”

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Characteristics of Open and Distance Learning Communication Technologies and Materials Interactivity: Student interacts with tutor and/or other learners; interacts with content (can select, omit, focus on information as desired)

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Characteristics of Open and Distance Learning Communication Technologies and Materials Learner choice: Learner can select assignment options, materials, etc. Learner engagement: Learner is an active participant

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Materials Development Process 1. Determine your learning outcomes 2. Determine how you will plan to achieve your learning outcomes 3. Implement your planning into: Design Development Production Quality Management

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Materials Development Process Design and Development: Doing the job in-house Purchasing a course Hiring a design/development expert

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Materials Development Process Design and Development: Production: Creating and launching websites, creating and printing hard-copy, creating DVD’s and CD’s, producing TV/radio support programmes Quality Management: User evaluations, benchmarking, research

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Open and Distance Learning: Learner Support Systems Enrolment Guidance Study Learning Environment Academic Matters Use of Technology Motivation Vocational Matters Learning Pathways Learner-to-Learner and Learner-to-Teacher realtionships Training in Study Skills Self-Management

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Open and Distance Learning: Learner Support Systems Match Requirements of Specific Learning Contexts Learner Demographics: Characterisitics as Part of a Larger, Definable Group Learner Needs: Demographic and Particular Needs Learner Profile: Learner as an Individual Creating learner data bases

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