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and the Victorian Curriculum 2017

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Presentation on theme: "and the Victorian Curriculum 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 and the Victorian Curriculum 2017
CIVIC PARTICIPATION and the Victorian Curriculum 2017 Share your thoughts in the chat box! Exploring the notion of civic participation: What does it currently look like in our schools and What could it look like under the Victorian Curriculum? 1 – WELCOME (FROM GERRY) ……………………………… Purpose of Today (LOU) The following webinar is one where YOUR input is not only welcome but invited. THIS PPT will be sent out to you after today’s session so please add your thoughts, opinions, queries, experiences, etc where asked. Many schools assume they already cover civic participation in their curriculum via initiatives such as kitchen garden projects, SRC, guest speakers, and, in a secondary set up, shopping trips with the elderly citizens or local council visits. However, Civic participation in our curriculum is much more than merely being involved. It is actively understanding what is needed to make a difference to local or global communities and addressing issues and taking action accordingly. Civic participation activities often address other curriculum areas such as English -Speaking and Listening and Literacy - Interacting with Others, and especially the new capabilities: Ethical, Critical and Creative Thinking, Cultural and even Personal and Social. So what I’d like to encourage you to do during this presentation, is to reflect on how your school currently implements civic participation and consider alternative ways to do this whilst also addressing the civics and citizenship curriculum.

2 What does this tell us about Civic Participation
What does this tell us about Civic Participation? Has this changed today? Ancient Greeks (C5th BC) – An idiot in Ancient Greek democracy was someone who was characterized by self-centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private—as opposed to public—affairs. Idiocy was the natural state of ignorance into which all persons were born and its opposite, citizenship, was effected through formalized education. Image link: John Dewey (1916) – “Education is not preparation for life. It should be life itself.”

3 Learning in Civics and Citizenship
Through Civics and Citizenship, students explore and develop their understanding and viewpoints about: their sense of school, community and civic engagement and participation.

4 Victorian Curriculum Laws and Citizens Citizenship, Diversity and Identity Government and Democracy Civic Participation falls under Humanities; Civics and Citizenship. Elements common to all strands: Contemporary events and issues Democratic principles and values Inquiry skills How citizens participate

5 Why important for young people?
A meta-analysis (Celio et al., 2011)of 62 studies involving 11,837 students on community engagement in education showed significant, positive gains in: attitudes toward self attitudes toward school and learning interest in civic involvement social skills (compassion, empathy, teamwork) academic performance POLL TIME!

6 Why important for educators?
Community Engagement/Civic Participation: enables students to develop a sense of belonging and connectedness to their community which in turn addresses their wellbeing enables students to develop their own sense of identity as a citizen and an awareness of what it means to be an active citizen enables students to understand the ways that decisions are made in communities empowers students to be able to participate in their community and society

7 What is civic participation?
Civic participation involves the active engagement of students with communities. It allows students to: practise citizenship build skills and capabilities including planning, collaboration, communication and problem solving connect to their communities engage with real world issues Image link:

8 What does this look like at my school?
OVER TO YOU… What does this look like at my school? What opportunities does your school provide for civic participation? . Which students/ year levels are involved? . Which activities are: *classroom based *whole school based? Share your thoughts to the chat box!

9 What could active civic participation look like?
OVER TO YOU… What could active civic participation look like? What other possibilities do you see for YOUR school at these levels? School Community National Global

10 So what do we need to do? teach the language of democracy
provide opportunities for students to make decisions enable students to negotiate . create opportunities for responsibility provide learning contexts which emphasise collaboration provide links to the student’s world and the world outside of school encourage students to develop informed points of view provide students with opportunities to explore perspectives

11 What might this look like as curriculum?
Image link:

12 What might this look like as curriculum?




16 What might this look like as curriculum?





21 Hart’s Ladder of Participation
Rung 8: Students initiate and share decision making Rung 7: Students initiate and direct Rung 6: Teacher initiated, decision-making shared Rung 5: Consulted and informed Rung 4: Assigned but informed Rung 3: Tokenism Rung 2: Decoration Rung 1: Manipulation POLL TIME! Image link:

22 Student Voice Taking Action is a Passport to Democracy video clip that depicts students’ views on community participation activities.

23 REFLECTING Image link:

24 RESOURCES Civics and Citizenship Education Parliamentary Education Office Active citizenship stories active-citizen-stories.html

25 RESOURCES Passport to democracy: Dept of Immigration and Border Protection: Australian Electoral Commission

26 Questions? Ask away! Contacts Gerry Martin Curriculum Manager (History and Civics) Telephone: Image link:

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