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It is LIVE It is LIVE It is LIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "It is LIVE It is LIVE It is LIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 It is LIVE It is LIVE It is LIVE

2 The 26th of October. Music in our life

3 “Life without music would be a mistake”
Friedrich Nietzsche

4 What are we doing today? Will we remember words about kind of music and emotions? Are we going to practice our listening? Are we going to read? Are we going to talk? Are we going to learn new words and rules?

5 What types of music do you know?

6 Let`s remember









15 What emotions can you feel when are you listening to different types of music?







22 Types of music Emotions
Pop Sad Rock Relaxing Classical Energetic Opera Fast Folk Loud Rap Cheerful Jazz Boring Country Calm Techno Fantastic

23 Now we are going to watch the video about:
How much do you know about the music are you listening to?

24 Do you like listen to music?
Yes, I like I listening to music everywhere … ( at home, at work, go fore walk, in the park… do sport, dance… What is your favorite singer? My favorite singer is… Have you the favorite song? What is it? Yes, I have. My favorite song is… What types of music do you prefer? I prefer… What emotions can you feel when do you listen to different types of music? When I listen to … music I feel …

25 The musical instruments and their names.

26 Guitar [gi`ta] гитара

27 Drums [dr^ms] барабаны

28 Piano [pɪˈænəʊ] фортепиано

29 Flute [flu:t] флейта

30 Keyboards [ki:bo:dz] клавишные

31 Bagpipes [bægpaɪps] волынка

32 Violin [vaɪəˈlɪn] скрипка

33 Saxophone [ˈsæksəfəʊn] саксофон

34 banjo [bænʤəʊ] банджо

35 Let`s play : "Guess the melodies". First listen to music and will guess: what the musical instrument is playing? Then attach the card by right picture and answer: What are they doing in the pictures?


37 Present Perfect Progressive

38 Форма образования: have/has been + Ving


40 1. She is playing a violin now. (for 3 years)
2. They are playing a guitar at this moment. (for 10 years) 3. She is playing a piano now. (for 2 hours) 4. He is playing a banjo at this lesson. (for 6 months)

41 Home work: SB p. 40, ex. 7 Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect continuous

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