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Prepared by: Ameer Sameer Hamood University of Babylon - Iraq

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Ameer Sameer Hamood University of Babylon - Iraq"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Survey on Simulator for Software Defined Networking (SDN) Cognitive Radio Network (CRN)
Prepared by: Ameer Sameer Hamood University of Babylon - Iraq Information Technology - Information Networks

2 ﴿ بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ ﴾
فَتَعَالَى اللَّهُ الْمَلِكُ الْحَقُّ وَلَا تَعْجَلْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يُقْضَى إِلَيْكَ وَحْيُهُ وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا ( In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful ) Highly exalted be Allah, the true King! Do not hasten with the Koran before its revelation has been completed to you, but say: 'Lord, increase me in knowledge.

3 Simulator for Software Defined Networking
1- MATLAB and Simulink 2- Pareto Optimal Controller Placement (POCO) Matlab-based tool 3- OpenDaylight SDN Controller with the Mininet Network Emulator 4- Mininet Network Emulator 5- NS-3 Network Simulator 6- Opensource Openflow network emulation (OFNet) 7- EstiNet 9.0 OpenFlow Network Simulator 8- etc..

4 MATLAB and Simulink Using a software-defined radio together with MATLAB and Simulink for wireless design, simulation, and analysis enables engineers and students to: 1- Set up SDR hardware with preconfigured radio functions 2- Transmit and receive standards-based and custom-generated signals 3- Test designs in the presence of interference and other real-world conditions 4- Perform real-time signal analysis and measurement 5- Deploy, prototype, and verify custom designs on SDR hardware using HDL and C code generation from algorithm models 6- Verify implementation with radio-in-the loop tests

5 MATLAB and Simulink MATLAB : Simulink :

6 Pareto Optimal Controller Placement (POCO) Matlab-based tool
Pareto-Optimal Resilient Controller Placement in SDN-based Core Networks by David Hock, Matthias Hartmann, Steffen Gebert, Michael Jarschel, Thomas Zinner, Phuoc Tran-Gia from the University of Wuerzburg, Germany A Matlab-based tool for calculating pareto-optimal placements of controllers in a network topology.

7 Pareto Optimal Controller Placement (POCO) Matlab-based tool

8 OpenDaylight SDN Controller with the Mininet Network Emulator
OpenDaylight (ODL) is a popular open-source SDN controller framework. To learn more about OpenDaylight, it is helpful to use it to manage an emulated network of virtual switches and virtual hosts. Most people use the Mininet network emulator to create a virtual SDN network for OpenDaylight to control.

9 OpenDaylight SDN Controller with the Mininet Network Emulator

10 Mininet Network Emulator
Mininet is a network emulator which creates a network of virtual hosts, switches, controllers, and links. Mininet hosts run standard Linux network software, and its switches support OpenFlow for highly flexible custom routing and Software-Defined Networking. Mininet supports research, development, learning, prototyping, testing, debugging, and any other tasks that could benefit from having a complete experimental network on a laptop or other PC.

11 Mininet Network Emulator

12 NS-3 Network Simulator NS-3 is a discrete-event open-source network simulator for Internet systems, used primarily for research and educational use. NS-3 is a complex tool that runs simulations described by code created by users, so you may need programming skills to use it.

13 NS-3 Network Simulator

14 OFNet OFNet is an easy to use toolset which provides an environment for an Openflow network emulation just like Mininet and comes with friendly Apache v2 license. It provides far more interesting features like visual debugging of control plane transactions, traffic generation on emulated network and helps in characterizing performance of an SDN controller.

15 OFNet

16 EstiNet 9.0 OpenFlow Network Simulator
EstiNet 9.0 OpenFlow network simulator and emulator is the best OpenFlow network simulator and emulator in the world for doing Software Defined Networks research. It can accurately simulate thousands of Ver and Ver OpenFlow switches. It supports both of the simulation mode and the emulation mode. In the simulation mode, a real-world open source OpenFlow controller such as NOX, POX, Floodlight, OpenDaylight and Ryu controllers can directly run up on a controller node in the simulated network to control these simulated OpenFlow switches without any modification.

17 EstiNet 9.0 OpenFlow Network Simulator

18 Simulator for Cognitive Radio
1- simulation framework based on NS2 (CogNS) for cognitive radio networks 2- NS-3 Simulator Extension for Cognitive Radio 3- MATLAB 4- Cognitive Radio Simulation based on OMNeT++/MiXiM etc..

19 Simulation framework based on NS2 (CogNS)
framework can be used to investigate and evaluate the impact of lower layers, i.e., MAC and physical layer, on the transport and network layers protocols. Due to the importance of packet drop probability, end-to-end delay and throughput as QoS requirements in real-time reliable applications, these metrics are evaluated over CRN through CogNS framework.

20 Simulation framework based on NS2 (CogNS)

21 NS-3 Simulator Extension for Cognitive Radio
This extension is written to add cognitive radio (CR) capabilities to the Network Simulator-3. It will cover the installation process, the documentation of such an extension and provide examples to get you started. We call this extension module CRE-NS3. provides the basic blocks that are necessary to provide such functionality in Network Simulator 3 (ns-3). CRE-NS3 adhers to the ns-3 standards when it comes to documentations by using Doxygen. The details for implementing the simulator, examples, information about source file downloads and documentation is available Ex:Simulating Dynamic Spectrum Access using ns-3for Wireless Networks in Smart Environments


23 OMNeT++ CR Simulation Framework
OMNeT++/MiXiM was chosen as the developing platform, mainly due to its open source nature, its well-organized modular architecture, the existing documentation, and the provided IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

24 OMNeT++ CR Simulation Framework


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