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The Five Themes of Geography

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Themes of Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Themes of Geography
Intro To World Geography

2 Oceans and Continents What are the SEVEN CONTINENTS??
Asia Europe Africa Australia Antarctica North America South America What are the Five OCEANS?? Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean

3 The 5 Themes of Geography
Location Movement Region Place Human/ Environment Interaction

4 Theme # 1: Location Where is it??

5 Location Describes where places are at on earth. Types of Location:
ABSOLUTE: exact location on earth (fixed) Doesn’t change Latitude/Longitude Hemispheres Grid System Address RELATIVE: compared to other places (variable) Changes dependent upon where you’re comparing it to. Miles Distance Direction

6 Absolute Location Rome is located at 41 N, 12 E
Examples: Rome is located at 41 N, 12 E Argentina is located in the southern hemisphere Ecuador is located in Tropic of Cancer.

7 Relative Location Rome is located near the Mediterranean Sea.
Examples: Rome is located near the Mediterranean Sea. Argentina is near Brazil. Ecuador is south of Mexico. Lincoln is 50 miles from Omaha.

8 Absolute Location: Absolute Location is found by using… Two specific line types Latitude Longitude

9 Absolute Location: Latitude Lines AKA Parallels
Latitude lines are drawn from: East to West Latitude lines measure: North to South

10 Absolute Location: The Major Line of LATITUDE is the: Equator
It splits the Earth into: the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

11 Define Hemisphere: Half of a globe (in our case the Earth)

12 Absolute Location: Longitude Lines AKA Meridians
Longitude lines are drawn from: North to South Longitude lines measure: East to West

13 The Major Line of LONGITUDE is the:
Absolute Location: The Major Line of LONGITUDE is the: Prime Meridian It splits the Earth into: the Eastern and Western Hemispheres

14 Theme # 2: Movement How are people linked together?

15 How people in one area contact people in other areas
Movement: Movement describes how… How people in one area contact people in other areas



18 Movement: Through movement we connect all of our world together.
This is called globalization! When we are interdependent on each other for our economy, culture, politics, socialization, and technology.




22 Theme # 3: Region What does it have in common?

23 Region Climate Location Beliefs Languages Ethnicity/Race Types: Formal
The world is divided into different regions based upon similarities & differences. Climate Location Beliefs Languages Ethnicity/Race Types: Formal Functional Perceptual

24 Formal Region Most common/familiar.
Determined by the distribution of a uniform characteristic (physical or cultural) Location Climate Religion Examples Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama) Latin America (spanish-speaking nations) Tropics (countries located near equator)

25 Functional Region Serves a purpose that affects places around it.
Distributes goods/people Serves specific purpose Examples: Panama Canal Amazon River Basin Hollywood Havana, Cuba

26 Perceptual Region Groups of areas that provoke a certain stereotype or feeling. Examples: The Bronx The “ghetto” China town Missouri( N or S)

27 Theme # 4: Place What is it like?

Two types: Human Or Physical (something that makes it different than any other place in the world)

29 Physical Characteristics
Specific to THAT place, not generic. The way a place looks. Created by nature. Mountains Rivers, Lakes, Seas Climate Vegetation Examples: Andes Mountains are in South America. Amazon River flows through Brazil. Pampas are located in Argentina. The isthmus of Panama connects Central & South America.

30 Cultural Or Human Characteristics
Specific to THAT place, not generic. Peoples activities change the way a place looks or is represented. Man-made or invented. Language Unique buildings Religious Practices Celebrations/traditions/holidays Examples: Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. Many Mexicans are Catholic. Mayan ruins are located in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is a national holiday in Mexico.

31 What is the difference between Location & Place?
???????????????????????????????? What is the difference between Location & Place?

32 What is the difference between Location & Place?
Location: 5* S , 68 * W

33 What is the difference between Location & Place?
Place: Describe

34 Human/Environment Interaction:
How do we interact with our environment?

35 HEI: Human/Environment Interaction explains how people use and change their environment.

36 HEI The environment & people are interconnected.
Consequences to those actions depend upon how people choose to interact with the world and use their resources. Positive/Negative Intentional/Accidental Favorable/Destructive

37 HEI Current Environmental Issues: Climate Change (global warming)
Energy Resources Water Conservation Deforestation

38 Remembering the Five Themes
Use the term MR. HELP M = Movement R = Region HE = Human Environment (Interaction) L = Location P = Place

39 Five Themes of Geography
Can you place the geographic term with the correct theme of geography!?!? Location: Place: Can you place the geographic term with the correct geographic theme!?!? Location: A I Q Location: A I Q Location: A I Q Location: A I Q Location: A I Q Location: A I Q Place: E G O P Place: E G O P Place: E G O P Geographic Themes Geographic Themes Geographic Themes Geographic Themes Geographic Themes Geographic Themes Five Themes of Geography Region: Movement: Movement: D L M Region: C F K Region: C F K Region: C F K Region: C F K Region: C F K Human/Environment Interaction: Equator Building roads Southwest Asia Visiting another country On an island The Western US Planting crops Latitude/longitude coordinates Cutting down forests Your neighborhood Changing your address Handwritten letters to a friend Building new houses Areas with little rainfall Swiss chalets & high mountains = Switzerland Texas is south of Oklahoma Equator Building roads Southwest Asia Visiting another country On an island Western US A very hot climate Planting crops longitude Equator Building roads Southwest Asia Visiting another country On an island Western US A very hot climate Planting crops longitude Equator Building roads Southwest Asia Visiting another country On an island Western US A very hot climate Planting crops longitude Equator Building roads Southwest Asia Visiting another country On an island Western US A very hot climate Planting crops longitude Equator Building roads Southwest Asia Visiting another country On an island Western US A very hot climate Planting crops longitude Human/Environment Interaction: B H J N Human/Environment Interaction: B H J N Human/Environment Interaction: B H J N Human/Environment Interaction: B H J N Human/Environment Interaction: B H J N Cutting down forests Your neighborhood Changing your address Written letters Building new houses Areas with little rainfall Swiss chalets & high mts = Switzerland Texas is south of Oklahoma Cutting down forests Your neighborhood Changing your address Written letters Building new houses Areas with little rainfall Swiss chalets & high mts = Switzerland Texas is south of Oklahoma Cutting down forests Your neighborhood Changing your address Written letters Building new houses Areas with little rainfall Swiss chalets & high mts = Switzerland Texas is south of Oklahoma Cutting down forests Your neighborhood Changing your address Written letters Building new houses Areas with little rainfall Swiss chalets & high mts = Switzerland Texas is south of Oklahoma Cutting down forests Your neighborhood Changing your address Written letters Building new houses Areas with little rainfall Swiss chalets & high mts = Switzerland Texas is south of Oklahoma

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